@Whirls: Ooh, bummer about the PC. I didn't read that it was out of commission before. :-( Also--message on your voicemail! :)

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 13 April 2009 - 12:30 PM
Hmmm, i'm having a chems marathon. My boyfriend who's not so formiliar with the chems just said " i have a lot of respect for them ", i'm showing him all the amazing tunes!
Just watched the test video again after a while. It will always be my favourite song ever!
I just smoked a joint and listening to slow remix - very good como (I'm on a comedown as wel, first party time in a long time...best night ever, big rave up w/ adam beyer, very very very good!)
Posted 13 April 2009 - 5:59 PM
Glad you're raging it up, Jeans! :)
I hurt my back this weekend, somehow... Not sure. I had a half of a bottle of champagne in me on Saturday night and at some point my back started to hurt. I was playing with my girlfriend's puppy for a bit, but nothing too crazy. When I woke up on Sunday I had trouble moving without being in a good amount of pain.
Fortunately, the rest of the weekend was great and the pain is subsiding.
Posted 16 April 2009 - 11:41 PM
Is sneezing contagious over broadband. If it is, Well I think the terrorists may have a new secret weapon. Stay away you allergy prone masses!
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 21 April 2009 - 10:30 AM
Back to reality. I can't sleep and have a lot on my mind. Trying to be in too many places.
And a tragic note, actually--my friend got in an accident on the way home from Coachella. The group he was going with had a designated driver, but somehow the driver got in an accident. My friend hit his head on the back seat; he was asleep at the time. Apparently the driver tried to get him out of the car, but wasn't able to before a third car came speeding from behind them and slammed into them at 50 mph or so.
He broke three ribs, lacerated his skull and eye socket, had to get over twenty stitches and might lose his sight in one or both eyes.
Posted 21 April 2009 - 5:34 PM
I'm not sure of any other details--I'd imagine, though, he was probably on the 10.
I'm really glad he survived. If he didn't, I'd be in a horrific state this week. :-( Something makes me think that greater forces are trying to shape his life in a certain way, pushing it in a certain direction. And that despite all this initial turmoil, he is going to be just fine.
Thanks for the sympathy. :)