General Bullshit Chat
Posted 11 November 2006 - 10:19 AM
That was a great read Bosco!
I love the weather - i'm a weather fanatic ! And i especially love storms.
I know the feeling you can have in a big ass storm.
When i was in Japan we had the biggest typhoon in 10 years.
I was in Japan for modelling , and that day i was in the car with one of my agents and a view other models when we heard the news " Were expecting a VERY large typhoon in Tokyo tonite " Offcourse i was very excited. Towards the end of the day it started raining. But not just rain , it's like bosco discribed , it was like there was a huge bucket tokyo size that they just emptied over us. It was awesome. At this time we are heading back to Shibuya were we all lived and SHibuya is one of the lower parts of Tokyo. All the streets are from up to down. The water was just racing like a waterfall and made it almost impossible to drive !!
So we get home , safe , and as we were making our dinner it starts raining so hard the electricity cables outside our house didn't look like they were gonna hold on much longer ( But in Japan everything is build to move along with Mother Nature )
And than the thunder started. That was so awesome , it was so fucking loud en so much thunder and SO MUCH RAIN !!! The streets were totally empty. We lived on the 3rd floor and the rain water was starting to come up in our sink and in our bath !! This continued for hours - we tried to sleep but the noise was just too much !! Around 2 pm i fall asleep and wake up from the phone ringing. I get out of bed to answer and turns out its my dad who was totally worried cause "on the news here in Holland we see shots of buses flying trough the air !! "
Turns out in the north of Tokyo was a tornado - but Tokyo is HUGE and i lived in the south so i never saw that tornado.
All in all it was wicked. I love the japan weather - not to mention all the earthquakes i felt there. That's not so cool for the people who live there but i thought it was a wicked experience!
I love the weather - i'm a weather fanatic ! And i especially love storms.
I know the feeling you can have in a big ass storm.
When i was in Japan we had the biggest typhoon in 10 years.
I was in Japan for modelling , and that day i was in the car with one of my agents and a view other models when we heard the news " Were expecting a VERY large typhoon in Tokyo tonite " Offcourse i was very excited. Towards the end of the day it started raining. But not just rain , it's like bosco discribed , it was like there was a huge bucket tokyo size that they just emptied over us. It was awesome. At this time we are heading back to Shibuya were we all lived and SHibuya is one of the lower parts of Tokyo. All the streets are from up to down. The water was just racing like a waterfall and made it almost impossible to drive !!
So we get home , safe , and as we were making our dinner it starts raining so hard the electricity cables outside our house didn't look like they were gonna hold on much longer ( But in Japan everything is build to move along with Mother Nature )
And than the thunder started. That was so awesome , it was so fucking loud en so much thunder and SO MUCH RAIN !!! The streets were totally empty. We lived on the 3rd floor and the rain water was starting to come up in our sink and in our bath !! This continued for hours - we tried to sleep but the noise was just too much !! Around 2 pm i fall asleep and wake up from the phone ringing. I get out of bed to answer and turns out its my dad who was totally worried cause "on the news here in Holland we see shots of buses flying trough the air !! "
Turns out in the north of Tokyo was a tornado - but Tokyo is HUGE and i lived in the south so i never saw that tornado.
All in all it was wicked. I love the japan weather - not to mention all the earthquakes i felt there. That's not so cool for the people who live there but i thought it was a wicked experience!
Posted 11 November 2006 - 5:36 PM
I knew you'd get a kick out of Bosco's story, Jeanie being the weather fanatic that you are! X-D
Weather stories!
Here in Southern California we have 2 seasons basically - fire and mudslide (and earthquake, but we haven't had one in a long time so we're due for a big one).
A number of years ago the weather conditions turned everything here into a tinderbox. Most of Laguna Beach was evacuated and the only way out was coast highway southbound. Lot of people lost their homes... Miraculously the fires were contained thanks to Firemen brought in from all over - a few other states dispatched fire crews and within 2 days and the town was opened up. Everything was covered with ash and there were exhausted firemen sleeping on the sides of the roads.
Fast forward a while later in 1995 and stash and I are living in downtown Laguna Beach. We were expecting a lot of rain but didn't expect much. The rain ended up getting so bad it was coming through a vent in the loft where I was working. I get a phone call from my dad which is highly unusual because he never, ever calls me - and he tells me I need to let my boss know that downtown Laguna was under a couple feet of water and that I should go home. That was around 2 in the afternoon. At the base of the city all cars were being stopped and drivers were asked to show proof of residency. After an hour I was let into town and was advised to drive no more than 20 mph because some parts of the street were under 3 feet of water. Great. The water was coming in sheets. My home street was blocked off entirely and I'm told to park a few blocks away on higher ground.
The weird thing is, we lived in this old single wall constructed excuse for living quarters that more resembled a shack (although quaint) than an actual livable piece of architecture. Not one drop of rain leaked into our house. Behind our place was the run off ditch, about 10 feet deep and 7 or 8 feet wide. Normally this carries all the canyon run off straight into the ocean. Well - because of the fires, the canyon brush that normally acted as a sponge during storms wasn't there to prevent all this water which had nowhere to go except straight to the ocean. That day the ditch was flowing hard and was filled nearly to the top, waves splashing over the top. We saw everything from trash cans to lawn furniture to auto parts flowing past our living room window. I even saw a piano bench drift by. The whole thing was simply bizarre.
All of downtown was flooded and covered with mud. stash and I grabbed the video camera and took a walk. I stepped into like 2 feet of silt on coast highway and our beloved board walk was washed away. All the crap that we saw floating past our house eventually piled up on the street near the ocean. It turns out that downtown Laguna Beach is actually slightly below sea level - so that part of town acts as a sort of basin for when the rain comes through the canyon (which is really a dried river bed) the water just collects there.
There is a great picture of the movie theater in downtown Laguna Beach and I wish I could find it - stash was working there at the time. His boss, this little Indian dude named Patel, was working the night it went down. On the news and plastered on the front page of the papers the following day was a picture of Patel's car (which was parked in front of the theater) being carried away by the water. The movie theater marquee above read "Dumb and Dumber". X-D
Come on Darkstar, I'm sure you have a few blizzard stories up your sleeve!
Weather stories!
Here in Southern California we have 2 seasons basically - fire and mudslide (and earthquake, but we haven't had one in a long time so we're due for a big one).
A number of years ago the weather conditions turned everything here into a tinderbox. Most of Laguna Beach was evacuated and the only way out was coast highway southbound. Lot of people lost their homes... Miraculously the fires were contained thanks to Firemen brought in from all over - a few other states dispatched fire crews and within 2 days and the town was opened up. Everything was covered with ash and there were exhausted firemen sleeping on the sides of the roads.
Fast forward a while later in 1995 and stash and I are living in downtown Laguna Beach. We were expecting a lot of rain but didn't expect much. The rain ended up getting so bad it was coming through a vent in the loft where I was working. I get a phone call from my dad which is highly unusual because he never, ever calls me - and he tells me I need to let my boss know that downtown Laguna was under a couple feet of water and that I should go home. That was around 2 in the afternoon. At the base of the city all cars were being stopped and drivers were asked to show proof of residency. After an hour I was let into town and was advised to drive no more than 20 mph because some parts of the street were under 3 feet of water. Great. The water was coming in sheets. My home street was blocked off entirely and I'm told to park a few blocks away on higher ground.
The weird thing is, we lived in this old single wall constructed excuse for living quarters that more resembled a shack (although quaint) than an actual livable piece of architecture. Not one drop of rain leaked into our house. Behind our place was the run off ditch, about 10 feet deep and 7 or 8 feet wide. Normally this carries all the canyon run off straight into the ocean. Well - because of the fires, the canyon brush that normally acted as a sponge during storms wasn't there to prevent all this water which had nowhere to go except straight to the ocean. That day the ditch was flowing hard and was filled nearly to the top, waves splashing over the top. We saw everything from trash cans to lawn furniture to auto parts flowing past our living room window. I even saw a piano bench drift by. The whole thing was simply bizarre.
All of downtown was flooded and covered with mud. stash and I grabbed the video camera and took a walk. I stepped into like 2 feet of silt on coast highway and our beloved board walk was washed away. All the crap that we saw floating past our house eventually piled up on the street near the ocean. It turns out that downtown Laguna Beach is actually slightly below sea level - so that part of town acts as a sort of basin for when the rain comes through the canyon (which is really a dried river bed) the water just collects there.
There is a great picture of the movie theater in downtown Laguna Beach and I wish I could find it - stash was working there at the time. His boss, this little Indian dude named Patel, was working the night it went down. On the news and plastered on the front page of the papers the following day was a picture of Patel's car (which was parked in front of the theater) being carried away by the water. The movie theater marquee above read "Dumb and Dumber". X-D
Come on Darkstar, I'm sure you have a few blizzard stories up your sleeve!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 12 November 2006 - 2:01 AM
:o 8O ha, both whirly's and jeanie's stories/experiences smash mine.
Although I must add, it was very weird for a landlock area were i live to have such a powerful rainfall like we had yesterday. Supposedly, there is no major damage other then some flooding, so thats good. And the other really weird thing about it was there was no wind what-so-ever during the storming yesterday. It was like "the mighty one" was taking a long, mean-ass, piss on my town. X-D
Although I must add, it was very weird for a landlock area were i live to have such a powerful rainfall like we had yesterday. Supposedly, there is no major damage other then some flooding, so thats good. And the other really weird thing about it was there was no wind what-so-ever during the storming yesterday. It was like "the mighty one" was taking a long, mean-ass, piss on my town. X-D
Posted 12 November 2006 - 4:05 AM
Wierd all your exsperiances about weather is uncanny with the weather im having right now, I live in victoria B.C. which is considered the milidest part of canada, and latley we have been having crazy weather.
last thursday the wind was so strong that it stopped me full in my tracks and i couldent move at all. It also ripped off meal roof lining at my work and blew down a few trees, this has never happned to me and iv been living here 17 years. its also been raing like crazy after a VERY dry summer, my basment startflooding the other day but luckly has dried out.
i think this is global warming in action.
last thursday the wind was so strong that it stopped me full in my tracks and i couldent move at all. It also ripped off meal roof lining at my work and blew down a few trees, this has never happned to me and iv been living here 17 years. its also been raing like crazy after a VERY dry summer, my basment startflooding the other day but luckly has dried out.
i think this is global warming in action.
Posted 12 November 2006 - 10:26 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
Come on Darkstar, I'm sure you have a few blizzard stories up your sleeve!
There's lot of stuff that happens here, but honestly, most of it just seems so normal it's hard to write about.
In 1997 we had the so-called "Flood of the Century" where spaces larger than the state of New Jersey got completely and overwhelmingly flooded in Southern Manitoba. With my parents, we delivered sandwiches to volunteers packing sandbags to halt the approaching flood. The city of Grand Forks, ND, south of us on the Red River was almost completely destroyed by the flood waters and was declared a USA national emergency area. We had the military come in to help bail us out, although my house emerged unscathed.
We get serious floods every year, but the city of Winnipeg is largely protected by a large floodway that diverts the waters around the metropolitan area (and thereby flooding all the rural and farming areas south of the city). Farmers and agrarians are fucked, though.
Winter-wise, it's an absolute gong show almost every year. Two winters ago we suffered almost an entire month of -40 C (factoring in windchill) and it was absolutely horrible. Every year that passes I become more amenable to the idea of moving somewhere nicer. Last year was very mild (mostly -15 C ish, which was a nice surprise) but was the exception rather than the norm.
We get tornadoes in the southwest of Manitoba, but they haven't caused problems in Winnipeg in decades, if ever. Our main natural disaster in the city is mosquitos (incl. those carrying the West Nile Disease), but this year was relatively good. Very relatively good, in fact.
My favourite personal blizzard story is about two years ago on NYE. I was scheduled to work 9 AM - 5:30 PM. We were in the midst of a ridiculous blizzard and when I got out to my car in the morning, it was buried literally up to the windows. I wasn't willing to shovel my way out as that would've taken a long time. So, my car being all-wheel drive, I got in, fired her up, stuck her in reverse, revved her to 5K and clutch dropped her hard. Blitzed out of my driveway in reverse despite 4 1/2 feet of snow. Unbelievable. My parents later drove me to my NYE party in my car because it was one of the few vehicles in the city that could make it on the roads, despite being a tiny little sportscar.
Doesn't matter how cold or how horrible it is, school and work goes on. Winnipeg shuts down for no blizzard.

Oh, and Winnie the Pooh is named after Winnipeg. Go Jets go!
Posted 15 November 2006 - 3:41 PM
Yeah , whenever you start to talk about the weather Jeanie gets excited ;)
I dunno why , but i have this fascination about the weather. Especially Tornado's. I must've seen every episode of storm stories and mega distasters on Nat Geo and Discovery. If u wanna know the weather ask me! I'm such a geek. i LOVE talking about the weather !!
I dunno why , but i have this fascination about the weather. Especially Tornado's. I must've seen every episode of storm stories and mega distasters on Nat Geo and Discovery. If u wanna know the weather ask me! I'm such a geek. i LOVE talking about the weather !!
#4458 toomuchstash
Posted 15 November 2006 - 10:26 PM
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
Jeanie Escribi�:
Hahahahaha X-D
I dont wank while watching those programs tho. My penis is a bit too small for that X-D
It's not about size, it's all about how you use it. ;-) Or so I've been told. 8)
that's what kind women tell us, but it's not true.
Posted 15 November 2006 - 10:33 PM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
that's what kind women tell us, but it's not true.
if thats the case, whirlygirl must be the kindest women out there :P