vegetible vision
Posted 24 June 2003 - 1:31 PM
anType EscribiοΏ½:
But it's not the chemical brothers - it's only related to them, but it's not by them
what the fuck are you on about??? i cant believe you said that!!! thats like saying dont but any cover art on the packaging cos its not by the chemical brothers.
i can tell you've never seen them live. the vegetable vision visuals is part of what make the brothers what they are as a live experience
the sneaker is very anoyed with some of the crap people write on this forum
I'm a fuckin doughnut
Posted 25 June 2003 - 3:47 AM
he's calmed down now and changed his underpants!! sorry for the outburst but thats the product of wakeing up and logging on first thing when your still a bit groggy. kids don't do shift work it screws you up!!
the point i should have made was...
Vegetable vision are part of what makes the chemical brothers live experience the complete audio/visual package. so many of there visuals stick out in my mind, the victorian copper in music:responce. the maths formulas in hey boy. the robots in under the influcence. and the private psychedelic reel with the playing card kings, stained glass windows and the scarry eyes. if i went to see the play live and they didn't have the visuals i'd feel pretty cheated.
we dont really know what is gonna be put on this dvd. apart from the promo videos. but it would be great to see the stunning visuals or have an option to change the view like you can on underworld's everything everything dvd.
to say 'it's only related to them, but it's not by them' is true but it is undoubtedly what make them who they are, it gives them part of their identity. like the kate gibb's artwork they have used since hey boy, which imho is fantastic.
i get the feeling, with being 2 months off seeing the final product that whatever will be included on the bonus disc and the dvd will be finalised round about now. and we will hopefully we'll be seeing some concret details of what will be included on this release.
It has been nice for the band to ask the their fans what they want included. rather than let the record company deal with it as a money making exercise. i only put my point over passionately cos i know what i want to have from the compaltion.
the point i should have made was...
Vegetable vision are part of what makes the chemical brothers live experience the complete audio/visual package. so many of there visuals stick out in my mind, the victorian copper in music:responce. the maths formulas in hey boy. the robots in under the influcence. and the private psychedelic reel with the playing card kings, stained glass windows and the scarry eyes. if i went to see the play live and they didn't have the visuals i'd feel pretty cheated.
we dont really know what is gonna be put on this dvd. apart from the promo videos. but it would be great to see the stunning visuals or have an option to change the view like you can on underworld's everything everything dvd.
to say 'it's only related to them, but it's not by them' is true but it is undoubtedly what make them who they are, it gives them part of their identity. like the kate gibb's artwork they have used since hey boy, which imho is fantastic.
i get the feeling, with being 2 months off seeing the final product that whatever will be included on the bonus disc and the dvd will be finalised round about now. and we will hopefully we'll be seeing some concret details of what will be included on this release.
It has been nice for the band to ask the their fans what they want included. rather than let the record company deal with it as a money making exercise. i only put my point over passionately cos i know what i want to have from the compaltion.
I'm a fuckin doughnut