New Tour Speculations
Posted 03 April 2010 - 4:19 AM
As a geek, I'm curious about the gear they will have on stage. Sure the usual old friends will be here (MPC3000, Juno, Jupiter6...) but I have the feeling that Tom and Ed have been using a lot of modular stuff on Further. Given that Tom did his "top 10 modules", that this album is said to be psychedelic, experimental, and that they posted pics of an EMU Modular and a Moog Modular (you know, with Gumby and John Lennon), I think that they had a shitload of modules with patch cables everywhere in the studio when they recorded the album. The only bad thing about that is that it will be harder to bring on tour, meaning that most sounds will be pre-recorded, meaning less live action. Maybe they will have a small modular, a Doepfer A-100 like SMD ? We'll see.
Posted 04 April 2010 - 11:20 AM
brother_ging, on 04 April 2010 - 01:11 PM, said:
I want to see that Saturate visuals again!! Hope they won't discard all their previous visuals. I want to see that krump/clown during get yourself high.. And the acid children clown. Oh and the blue/red dancing guy on 'do it again' again

And my favourite live song - out of control. Damn that was cool... and the robots! the "under the influence' toy robots.
Shiiit those 07/08 tour visuals were amazing.... Off to see that glastonbury 07 video.... and back to 'Escape Velocity'

Posted 04 April 2010 - 12:33 PM
On the other hand, it would make a perfect addition to the mothership - sort of a new warp drive in the back

I hope some of you will write some decent review when you're back from Roundhouse! Can't wait for the hype taking physical shape and then transmitted back in bold emotional letters!!!
Posted 04 April 2010 - 12:50 PM
Posted 04 April 2010 - 4:41 PM
Csar, on 04 April 2010 - 01:33 PM, said:
On the other hand, it would make a perfect addition to the mothership - sort of a new warp drive in the back

I hope some of you will write some decent review when you're back from Roundhouse! Can't wait for the hype taking physical shape and then transmitted back in bold emotional letters!!!
Recent modulars are solid and they could bring a small one.
Posted 07 April 2010 - 2:35 AM

Posted 07 April 2010 - 11:50 PM
1. they throw out everything. then only we can hear, see, feel an about 1h30min liveset with it's 8 movies/visuals in a row.
2. they throw out their WATN "hits" DIA and saturate, HBHG (hopefully) and maybe galvanize. in this scenario we won't hear all 8 further tracks live and extended.
i prefer option 1 which goes along with their ideas of something new (straight concept album). and so will be their 2010 tour. if so, sure i will be sorry for livetracks like out of control (which i adore) or surface to air.
when they drop chem8 they come back from "further" and will bring us a back our well known tour & and album n stuff...
BTW: how awesome will it be drinking some beers with the dudes while watching to the further dvd before going out!!!!!!!
Posted 08 April 2010 - 1:06 AM
But man, the live show suspense is killing me!
Posted 09 April 2010 - 2:46 AM
Probass, on 07 April 2010 - 03:35 AM, said:

We need to look at tempos. They usually start around 110 to 120 bpm tracks (music response, brb, song to the siren, burst generator, galvanize, hey boy hey girl, the big jump) then go to 120 - 130 (out of control, star guitar, under the influence, it doesn't matter) then do a pause, then 130 to 140 bpm (sunshine underground, hoops, the golden path, acid children, we are the night) that's where EV should be.
I think they will keep the obvious classics (hey boy hey girl, galvanize, out of control ...) and some more psychedelic tracks like burst generator, tppr (it would be a crime not to include it) I think EBW6 would fit well with Escape Velocity, and I really hope they re-instate it, it's a mad live track.
Given that the previous show were already almost 2 hours, and that the new album will be full of long tracks like EV, I think the show will this time be more than 2 hours. I know I will be disapointed that this or that track won't be in the show (they couldn't fit every track I want, they would have to play for at least 3 hours) but I also know that every second of it will be awesome.
EDIT : oh and I hope to have some nice surprises ! like when they used Morning Lemon, or Nude Night. I wish they bring an old track back like Three little birdies down beats or Dig your Own hole. Or Piku ! Piku would be awesome !
Posted 09 April 2010 - 9:33 AM
Posted 09 April 2010 - 7:59 PM
3. Flashback
4. Modern Midnight Conversation (Was only played half or less of the time last tour, yes?)
5. The Test (Maybe just the vocal or instrumental?)
EDIT: Oh! Creepy, this is my 666th post!

Posted 09 April 2010 - 11:07 PM
whirlygirl, on 09 April 2010 - 09:45 AM, said:
Wow that would be so bitchin' I don't even know where to start... It could definitely fit in with a lot of their WATN material (and, from the sounds of EV, their Further material). It'd be a great breakdown track mixed with It Doesn't Matter; they'd also probably have to throw Under the Influence in there with a segue to Saturate...? lol now I'm rambling!
#20 Champiness
Posted 10 April 2010 - 6:05 PM
First off, they're obviously leaning towards a more "emotional/psychedelic" theme for the Further tour. So I think they'll be cutting out a lot of the "crunk" songs from the setlist (except, of course, for Block Rockin' Beats. That song will follow them until the day they stop being the Chemical Brothers, perhaps beyond...). This means no Leave Home, Galvanize, or Do It Again. Concurrently, it means a greater emphasis on their "trippier" and more melodic songs. As a result I think songs like Star Guitar and Surface to Air are pretty secure in their positions. The average setlist in 2007 was 22 songs. With this in mind let's do a quick run-through of their discography up to this point.
Exit Planet Dust: This album is probably the most "hip-hop"-ish of their career and it was pretty heavily downplayed on the We Are The Night tour, so it's unlikely to have a sudden renaissance on the Further tour. If anything they'll play Chemical Beats, maybe one other song (judging by the speculation above perhaps Three Little Birdies Down Beats?).
Dig Your Own Hole: It still goes against the Further theme pretty heavily, but quite a few of their hits were on here so I think it'll still get some airtime. As I said before expect Block Rockin' Beats. The interesting thing, though, is the possibility of a Setting Sun comeback; it’s not the most likely thing considering how intense of a track it is, but then again the “Crazy Cowbell Track” was pretty intense so it might fit. Plus, it was a hit for them, and I think that’s something that will otherwise be in pretty short supply on this tour, so having a successful song that meets with Further’s standards of psychedelia may be attractive for them. Also, if they really have the bravery to do it, Where Do I Begin seems to fit pretty fell. And, should Sunshine fall through as a set-closer with no Further track to replace it, The Private Psychedelic Reel is their likely fallback to finish the night. Though by no means would I call it a last resort! Can you imagine how well the Reel would send off the show?
Surrender: This album seems closest theme-wise to what Further seems to be like. As such I think it’ll be accentuated. Of course Out of Control is a shoo-in, but so many other songs seem to fit, some of which haven’t been played in years: Under the Influence, Got Glint, and of course... The Sunshine Underground. As I said before this is their likeliest set-closer if they don’t use some snappy new track from Further. It just works so well!
Come With Us: As always, Star Guitar is pretty much certain to be there. Hoops may also make a comeback considering its appearance later on in the 2008 setlist. The only song that’s really up in the air is The Test... I want it so much! It fits the bill for Further to a “T”, but then again - they haven’t played it since 2002, so it’s pretty much a relic of the Come With Us era. There is hope, however - it made some brief cameos on All Rights Reversed in 2008 (why are there no 2008 bootlegs? A tragedy, for sure).
Singles 93-03: Of the two originals on this compilation, I’d say the Golden Path’s chances of making at least a brief appearance are pretty good. Get Yourself High? Less so. It barely showed up at all in ‘07/’08, and it doesn’t really fit with Further.
Push The Button: Considering this album is split pretty much between “crunk” and psychedelic it’s kind of hard to determine how much material will appear on the tour. What I can say, however, is what I feel confident will: Believe and Surface to Air. The former was a hit from the album and fits Further pretty well, and the latter is so close to what we’ve heard of Further that I’d be amazed if it didn’t turn up.
We Are The Night: Again, this is a mixed bag material-wise, but overall it’s closer to Further than Push The Button. The title track was played consistently in ‘07/’08 and doesn’t seem to conflict with Further, which boosts its odds. The same goes for Saturate and Burst Generator. The only song that’s uncertain here is Das Spiegel - they stopped playing in in 2008 but it was pretty consistent in 2007 and would work well as a pre-encore regardless of the closing track. So unless they find a good replacement this seems like a strong candidate.
Further: Yes, I went there. I think we can all count in Escape Velocity, and as for the rest? Only time will tell, but I'm betting most of the album.
Yay! Overspeculation!