hooo yea and sorry for take so long to do the question my father die and well you now the rest jeje aa i feel bad jeje mmm but i think everyting will be fine jejje

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 21 December 2009 - 10:44 PM
@inchemwetrust--bummer things didn't work out to hang out again. :-( I managed to visit with Biff, Stash & Whirls this time, so hopefully you'll be on the list o' Chems peeps I get to hang out with next road trip. :D
Happy Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah/Other Celebration!
Looking forward to 2010. TWO THOUSAND TEN!
Settlers of Catan ftw, btw. ;-)
Posted 22 December 2009 - 1:26 AM
@pooter, WTH is Settlers of Cattan and why do I keep seeing it everywhere this holidays?
By the looks of it I am reminded of this mormon card game that my friends were addicted to. It kinda scares me off cause it looks like it could be quasi-religous and, athough not scary, not something I might fully understand (I'll keep with my chems spirituallity thank you very much).
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#7268 inchemwetrust
Posted 22 December 2009 - 1:53 AM
I feel bad too Poot! It sucks that things didn't work out for the meetup, mostly on my part because I suck, but I think that's cool of you that you made time for all the Chemmies on your road trip. My work schedule is taking too much time away from me and where I want to be at..home! Even crappier, I found out that I have to work on Christmas eve and Christmas day! Fail!
On a positive note, I'm looking forward to the 26th to enjoy the rest of my 'holiday' till Jan 4th.
Looks like pizza for tonight. Handmade baby!
Posted 22 December 2009 - 2:44 AM
Aw, no worries man. Work comes first--life goes on and at least we'll have the next Chems gig to look forward to. ;-)
@Rynostar: Settlers of Catan is not religious. It combines elements of Risk in that there are spaces to expand to and inhabit, though you aren't "occupying" them in a military sense. There is no fighting, actually--it's all about getting enough resources to expand and the resources you get are based on the roll of the dice in relationship to where you have your settlements placed on the board.
It's probably the best designed board game I've seen.
#7270 Jittem
Posted 24 December 2009 - 11:51 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS to the brothers and sisters.
hope all have an enjoyable time (whether it be eating turkey or pizza :P)
@Pooter - hahaha settlers of catan. i used to have to play that with my dad and his friends on a friday night... I've got the longest road! extra pointz plz ><
#7276 whirly
Posted 25 December 2009 - 5:24 PM
hahaha, build a snowman, right on!
I have my cup of coffee and my laptop - so I'm just relaxing a bit and enjoying the Christimas quiet while waiting for the household to wake up. Then my house will magically transform into the house of pancakes.
Merry Christmas, everyone. I love you all!
Posted 25 December 2009 - 8:43 PM
I got a nice Chemical surprise this christmas morning. My Mom and my Sister took my old huge subway poster for Elektrobank and got it put on large foamcore. Now it looks professionally awesome. It reminded me of the Star guitar 'mural' that Whirly made.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#7280 morning-lemon
Posted 27 December 2009 - 11:27 PM
Whato my peeps, ye allready may have heard this but think its some new material from the forthcomming album, Starts off with some tasty beats from Tiga and then from round 3.10 onwards its all chemical. By the sounds of the stuff ive heard sofar im thinking the new album will be a beast! Lazer shows a trip n all. http://www.youtube.c...feature=related