General Bullshit Chat
Posted 19 June 2010 - 2:30 AM
Posted 20 June 2010 - 1:09 AM
we may have left Amoeba emptyhanded but it was totally worth the trip, way cool, unexpected and random to bump into inchem! :D
Posted 20 June 2010 - 5:55 AM
whirlygirl, on 19 June 2010 - 06:09 PM, said:
we may have left Amoeba emptyhanded but it was totally worth the trip, way cool, unexpected and random to bump into inchem!

That really made my day to meet you guys!
Here I am driving out the parking lot and I'm about to make my right turn at the corner, and I see all 3 of you (and the infamous 'Hamburger' shirt) crossing the street . I could of hollered out the car window, but that would've been silly on my part. It was funny at first because when I approached all of you, Jim had this look like 'who the fuck are you' but it took a couple of seconds to get reacquainted, but you knew who I was almost immediately. Once again a pleasure to meet you Whirls and your family! More to chat at the 'Bowl' show!
...Now what was I doing before that..oh yeah....record hunting.
So I'm looking in the used electronica shelves, and I realized that some poor soul had sold all of his EBW's from 1-10, and there they were, just standing in numbered order, (priced @ $3.99

Then it hit me! I remembered the Discogs info on EBW 5!
So I'm going next week to the store to get my money back and tell them they should finally consider having listening stations.

Posted 22 June 2010 - 1:17 AM
@Whirls/inchemwetrust: Awwww--chemfans running into each other in the real world. Wish I could have been there to hang out with you guys.
I'm actually in Southern California the moment after visiting with my son for Father's Day weekend. Had a great time when I was able to, but unfortunately from Saturday afternoon until just this morning I was absolutely useless, and in a great deal of pain. I contracted either a flu virus or some sort of food-borne pathogen that caused me a great deal of nausea, fever, headaches and chills for about 36 hours. It was terrible.
I finally ate my first full meal today at In-n-Out since the day before yesterday and it was great, although I'm still feeling a little dizzy and there still seems to be something lagging in my system, not willing to let go. It's like I swallowed a cactus and it's now going through my lower intestines.

@JacksRevenge: Further visuals ftw. I haven't seen them yet, but I can't wait to have my own copy of the album in hand.

@inchemwetrust: Bummer about the vinyl. I ran into that "version" of It Began in Afrika when the Chems released the single back in 2001. I downloaded it off the internetz and I thought to myself, "Wow, THIS is the direction the Chems have gone?" Then I heard the actual version when I bought the album in early 2002. I went from ::shakes head:: to YESSSSSSSS!!!!
On the drama front, looks like a year will pass until the (ex) girlfriend and I are active again. Annoying and painful, but what else do you do when you know you've found the person you're supposed to be with for the rest of your life?
Best to everyone out there. Adventures to come...
Posted 25 June 2010 - 2:29 AM
Being the 12 year old that he is, he loves Weird Al. So grandma got the 3 of us tickets to see Weird Al at the Orange County Fair on August 14th - therefore, it will be Connor's first concert experience. I'm sure I'll be the only female in attendance.

Actually looking forward to it in a weird way. Weird Al is totally geeky but he's immensely talented. Plus it's been almost 20 years since I've been to the fair. I hope I don't throw up on the zipper!
Posted 25 June 2010 - 9:03 AM
Ah, Weird Al. Yes--it fits his age group much better, stereotypically, than the Chems. Alas.
But hey--at least he's going to be able to experience the Bros! My son likely will never be old enough to go to a Chems show before they stop touring for good.

Posted 25 June 2010 - 2:04 PM
Anyway, seeing the Chems as a first show might set his lifelong bar way too high.
@'pooter - Don't count anything out for a future we can't predict. Case in point: If whirly's son is going to a Weird Al show in 2010, who's to say that your child may not get to experience the Chems in 2023 for a 30th Anniversary tour?
For me, life has been pretty good. The new job is going well. Every day I think about the possiblity of having taken the summer off, but I think I'm better off where I am. For those that don't know, I provide IT support for high profile law firms in Philadelphia. It's not exactly a fun job, but it pays the bills. This particular gig seems to have a good user base and a nice support team, and I can't ask for more.
I do need to bitch about something (and I'll do it in this thread, thank you very much). I've mentioned before that The Chemical Brothers are not a draw in my neck of the woods. I've "had" Further for weeks now and love it so much, but have refrained from reviewing it until I've bought the physical copy. Well, let me tell you, it's a bitch to get in my area. I work in goddamn center city Philadelphia. You'd think I could buy the DVD release within walking distance of my job, but not so. The Borders and Barnes and Noble in the business district don't carry CDs! Okay, so I take a ride to two local Best Buys in the suburbs this week and neither of them have it; they weren't sold out...they never got it!!! Targets and Walmarts don't have it either. I hate supporting big business retail as it is, but I just wanted to conveniently pick up this anticipated release in my travels. Don't get me wrong, there is the South Street side of the city where I can probably pick it up, but I will have to wait until the weekend to get down there. It just seems funny that this release is so hard for me to pick up locally, and yet there is so much crap music in my face at all times.
Lesson learned, I will pre-order it online next time. Had my job situation been secured earlier and money not been an issue form the switchover, I probably would have done that. But I didn't.
Oh, and in case your wondering, I am still a virgin when it comes to the videos for Further. Am I the last one here who hasn't seen them? My fiance and I are going to watch them tomorrow night after the kids are in bed. She'll have a couple beers and I will likely get in touch with nature...
Posted 25 June 2010 - 3:01 PM

As for purchasing Further - stash had to go to 2 Best Buys in time for it to be waiting for me when I got home from work. The closest record shop (and it's tiny) is a good 25 minutes away. Without CA traffic. It's times like this I miss Tower Records - even in all it's corporate glory - because I know they'd have a full rack of Chems back catalog on display to help promote Further, plus the store was literally up the road. The times they have a'changed, for sure.
Posted 25 June 2010 - 3:26 PM
You struck a note about the MTV generation. There is about a 10 year span where our generation got something that no generations before us or after us will ever experience. I think it is the reason people our age are so open to so many types of music as compared to the narrow mindedness that seems to have come before us.
You also made an interesting comment about music preferences defining the youth. It sounds like he will find his own path (as compared to being led), which is a good thing. It sounds like you two are doing a great job in "helping" shape his musical landscape.

As far as TMBG, I was able to turn my 8 year old on to them when he was younger with the educational CDs "Here Come The ABC's and ...123's". He was blown away as he got a little older and listened to Apollo 18 with me. "Seriously?!? They make real songs too? Cool."
Posted 26 June 2010 - 7:01 AM
satur8, on 25 June 2010 - 07:04 AM, said:
Anyway, seeing the Chems as a first show might set his lifelong bar way too high.
@'pooter - Don't count anything out for a future we can't predict. Case in point: If whirly's son is going to a Weird Al show in 2010, who's to say that your child may not get to experience the Chems in 2023 for a 30th Anniversary tour?
For me, life has been pretty good. The new job is going well. Every day I think about the possiblity of having taken the summer off, but I think I'm better off where I am. For those that don't know, I provide IT support for high profile law firms in Philadelphia. It's not exactly a fun job, but it pays the bills. This particular gig seems to have a good user base and a nice support team, and I can't ask for more.
I do need to bitch about something (and I'll do it in this thread, thank you very much). I've mentioned before that The Chemical Brothers are not a draw in my neck of the woods. I've "had" Further for weeks now and love it so much, but have refrained from reviewing it until I've bought the physical copy. Well, let me tell you, it's a bitch to get in my area. I work in goddamn center city Philadelphia. You'd think I could buy the DVD release within walking distance of my job, but not so. The Borders and Barnes and Noble in the business district don't carry CDs! Okay, so I take a ride to two local Best Buys in the suburbs this week and neither of them have it; they weren't sold out...they never got it!!! Targets and Walmarts don't have it either. I hate supporting big business retail as it is, but I just wanted to conveniently pick up this anticipated release in my travels. Don't get me wrong, there is the South Street side of the city where I can probably pick it up, but I will have to wait until the weekend to get down there. It just seems funny that this release is so hard for me to pick up locally, and yet there is so much crap music in my face at all times.
Lesson learned, I will pre-order it online next time. Had my job situation been secured earlier and money not been an issue form the switchover, I probably would have done that. But I didn't.
Oh, and in case your wondering, I am still a virgin when it comes to the videos for Further. Am I the last one here who hasn't seen them? My fiance and I are going to watch them tomorrow night after the kids are in bed. She'll have a couple beers and I will likely get in touch with nature...
Glad your job is holding well. Mine is....well....crazy as usual. I landed an interview for monday so I'm looking forward to quitting my recent job.
So, this is your first time with the videos huh! Sounds romantic...take the DVD out of the album..slowwwwwwwwwly, then place it in the DVD tray of your player and Raaaaaaaaam that tray in. Next, press the play button very, very, Haaaaaaaaard.

Anyway Satur8, you won't be disappointed with the vids. I know for certain your not the last to see them.
whirlygirl, on 25 June 2010 - 08:01 AM, said:

As for purchasing Further - stash had to go to 2 Best Buys in time for it to be waiting for me when I got home from work. The closest record shop (and it's tiny) is a good 25 minutes away. Without CA traffic. It's times like this I miss Tower Records - even in all it's corporate glory - because I know they'd have a full rack of Chems back catalog on display to help promote Further, plus the store was literally up the road. The times they have a'changed, for sure.
I like your son's taste in music culture and all things that interest him. Its cool to see kids that are reflecting off their parents influences and putting their little spin on it while they're growing up. I'd be pretty psyched to have a kid like that!
We need more parodies these days. There's too many serious issues and problems going on around us. Whether it's music , movies, or even world issues, we really need to take a step back and reapproach it with some good humor to diffuse the stress of it.
My review of 'The Fur' hopefully on Monday! Until then, have a great weekend!

Posted 27 June 2010 - 12:22 AM
So the lab is run by Dr. Cecil. My friend who is working there showed me this:
The Dr. Cecil Saga
I now have some reservations about this job, but I'm sure this is the best job I could get right now in this economy—It is either this or Best Buy, but I really don't want to deal with customers in this part of the globe since my employment at McDonald's made me generally bitter towards the consumer demographic of Oklahoma. I have been assured by my friend that Dr. Cecil has changed his attitude since the above blog post from 2004.
Anyways, other than paying off my tuition, I am excited to get the new iPod Touch that will, as I hope, be released in September. I'm going to use it as a wifi-phone by using google voice and a skype landline number that costs $60 a year. Oh the savings I shall receive! My current phone's plan is about $70 a month, and it is a 4 years old sony ericson.
Ben_j, on 26 June 2010 - 02:05 PM, said:

Let me know how you like it! I've been following the recent news about this thing, and I'm greatly excited!
Posted 27 June 2010 - 5:40 PM
I'm working very long hours during the week (last whole week was traveling) - but the last 4 weekends I've not heard any other music at all. I got the vinyl 2 weekends back - I got my vinyl player fixed, set it up with my sony hi fi in my room where I work, n I haven't been able to play any cd or mp3 since - I keep playing the same vinyls again n again. It's a huge pain switching the vinyls after every 2 songs, but I'm addicted. This music is from another world - everything else sounds juiceless. Can we clone Ed n Tom so they put out a new album every 6 or 8 months? Should I be seeing a chemical shrink?
Posted 27 June 2010 - 5:43 PM
Probass, on 27 June 2010 - 02:22 AM, said:
From what I've seen on my few friends' iPhone 4, the screen is amazing. There's this strange problem with the antenna though. They say it will be sorted with an update in a few days, but I wonder how they can fix an hardware problem with a software update.
Posted 28 June 2010 - 4:43 AM