Posted 22 May 2006 - 1:45 AM
Good night out last night. Went for drinks with friends at my favourite pub and then headed out clubbing for my buddy's birthday. Got into the beer and tequila a bit and though I'd turned down the opportunity to get pilled, I changed my mind after a while. Good times ensued.
Post-partied a little at another friend's and got home around 8 AM, just in time to catch a nap before starting work at 10 AM. :D Was a little crispy at work today, to say the least.
Just got home from work a few minutes ago. Now it's time to grab a quick bite to eat and then off to play soccer. 8)
Post-partied a little at another friend's and got home around 8 AM, just in time to catch a nap before starting work at 10 AM. :D Was a little crispy at work today, to say the least.
Just got home from work a few minutes ago. Now it's time to grab a quick bite to eat and then off to play soccer. 8)
Posted 26 May 2006 - 9:44 PM
chemicalfan Escribi�:
mippio Escribi�:
metro area are playing in brighton tonight - i intend to go out and get fucking wankered. ha. i may even take some drugs, if there are any :P
Hehe, you are so Anakin Skywalker
Anakin skywalker is soooooo hot in Star Wars 3 before he becomes Darth Vader !!
Anyway yeah.
Mips dont take drugs !! U didn't do it for so long ! Wait till summercase so you can get wasted with MEEEE !!! X-D ( Yes Mips doesn't know it yet but he WILL be comming to Summercase )
Posted 27 May 2006 - 4:19 AM
I'll miss having you on this continent with only a 3 hour time difference...
Ah well though, you gotta go where the love is. We can resume our Sunday chats like we used to!
This weekend we're going out to Joshua Tree tomorrow. There's supposed to be stargazing parties going on so we might check them out. Then tomorrow night we'll be crashing at a crap motel just outside the park which is always an adventure, plus stopping at a few truck stop diners along the way hopefully, aaah, Americana at its finest. On Sunday we're going to Palm Springs and on the arial tramway up San Jacinto mountain - then Monday we're doing absolutely fucking nothing for the Memorial Day holiday - should be a good weekend!
Ah well though, you gotta go where the love is. We can resume our Sunday chats like we used to!
This weekend we're going out to Joshua Tree tomorrow. There's supposed to be stargazing parties going on so we might check them out. Then tomorrow night we'll be crashing at a crap motel just outside the park which is always an adventure, plus stopping at a few truck stop diners along the way hopefully, aaah, Americana at its finest. On Sunday we're going to Palm Springs and on the arial tramway up San Jacinto mountain - then Monday we're doing absolutely fucking nothing for the Memorial Day holiday - should be a good weekend!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle