General Bullshit Chat
Posted 25 May 2010 - 5:01 PM
@Vman: Thanks for the well wishes. The universe tells me the breakup is temporary, although it's much longer and more intense than I'd like.
@Whirls: I wish my car didn't suck. It would have been great to visit.
@Ben_J: glad you had a good time in London, man.

Posted 26 May 2010 - 5:28 PM
I'm at a major crossroad for my life. I have some important decisions to make this week. I left one IT support job I was moderately happy with and am moving to about the same thing, with slightly higher pay. However, there is a gap in between employment. My fiance is strongly pushing me to go back to school (like she is) and explore my artistic side in one means or another.
I can work towards a life I like better. I'm enjoying my freedom of schedule right now and life will be similar if I start classes. I'm not good with stupid people but am stuck in the service industry. I can do my job well enough, but somehow I chose the wrong path and find myself stuck on it. It is what my heart is telling me to do.
I have a family and am the sole bread winner; I feel irresponsible using savings, UC comp and other means to scrounge by for a few years. I took a reset once before and to be prefectly honest, failed at it. I KNOW I have learned from my mistake and also have the added responsibility of my family now and would make this count, but it plays on my mind none the less. I've already committed to this new job. Future employment in IT might be difficult if school doesn't work out; employers don't like gaps, and I don't want to fuck around in this tight job market. My head is telling me to take the sure thing.
It is tough. I'm not lazy and am more productive when following a regimented schedule. On the other hand, I like spending time with my family and like being at home to pursue my interests...A LOT. This week off was supposed to be relaxing but in some ways it is stressful.
I will likely take the job as planned. If so, I may still pursue this "reset" once wifey is done school and has a good job. I'm lucky to have a partner that supports both causes. This would be much harder if we didn't see eye to eye.
Opinions or similar accounts are welcomed. Thanks.
Posted 26 May 2010 - 7:12 PM
Quick update!
Watched some youtube vids of the gigs. Absolutely blown away. That screen is ridiculous. From what i could hear, wonders of the deep is my favourite till now. I am not going to watch anymore vids, i just want the album to blow me away!
I'm doing well; loving Amsterdam, got a good job, working with great people, kind off starting to build up a proper life for the future.
Hope all is well, love to you all!
Posted 26 May 2010 - 10:54 PM

satur8, on 26 May 2010 - 10:28 AM, said:
I'm at a major crossroad for my life. I have some important decisions to make this week. I left one IT support job I was moderately happy with and am moving to about the same thing, with slightly higher pay. However, there is a gap in between employment. My fiance is strongly pushing me to go back to school (like she is) and explore my artistic side in one means or another.
I can work towards a life I like better. I'm enjoying my freedom of schedule right now and life will be similar if I start classes. I'm not good with stupid people but am stuck in the service industry. I can do my job well enough, but somehow I chose the wrong path and find myself stuck on it. It is what my heart is telling me to do.
I have a family and am the sole bread winner; I feel irresponsible using savings, UC comp and other means to scrounge by for a few years. I took a reset once before and to be prefectly honest, failed at it. I KNOW I have learned from my mistake and also have the added responsibility of my family now and would make this count, but it plays on my mind none the less. I've already committed to this new job. Future employment in IT might be difficult if school doesn't work out; employers don't like gaps, and I don't want to fuck around in this tight job market. My head is telling me to take the sure thing.
It is tough. I'm not lazy and am more productive when following a regimented schedule. On the other hand, I like spending time with my family and like being at home to pursue my interests...A LOT. This week off was supposed to be relaxing but in some ways it is stressful.
I will likely take the job as planned. If so, I may still pursue this "reset" once wifey is done school and has a good job. I'm lucky to have a partner that supports both causes. This would be much harder if we didn't see eye to eye.
Opinions or similar accounts are welcomed. Thanks.
You are at a crossroads, indeed.
It seems unfair the head has communication problems with the heart when it comes to life decisions.
I also don't think you are alone. Just in my circle of friends and acquaintances there are a lot of people stuck at a crossroads especially in this economy, as a lot of people feel 'stuck' in their current jobs because there's not really a whole lot of options out there. (I myself have been at a crossroads but my heart has been sending me mixed messages on what I would be happy pursuing education-wise) But you're so lucky your wife is so supportive, and from what you wrote I think you are leaning toward the more logical decision for the good of your family. The job might not be the best but it doesn't have to be forever (at least that's what I tell myself, haha). No seriously - I think if you keep the 'reset' plan alive in your heart, everything else will fall into place when the time is perfect.
Posted 27 May 2010 - 1:18 AM
I agree with Whirly. From where I see it, and I don't have any dependants, I would keep the dream alive until the time was right.
When you feel things are secure enough to take that step and boldly go, it sounds like you'll have all the support you need.
Also, though it seems employers don't like gaps, if you tell them your reasons behind this gap, they'll see that you're not just a one-trick pony, that you have other talents.
Then they'll put you out to stud.

On another note, I'm changing my screen name back. Next time I'm drunk online someone send me a virus or something...
Posted 30 May 2010 - 7:21 AM
As long as your heart and mind are in agreement, your decisions will always be correct!
Sounds like life is going great for you. It will be even better if you met me!

I agree. Alot friends I know are stuck with jobs with no room for advancement and no other options ( and some of these are graduates students with double majors) . Jobs are still scarce and going back to school is a good idea, but tuition has gone up and paying school loans at a time like this is tough.
I don't have a 'reset' button, but I've been 'powered' on since day one.
Are you drunk again? Where's your car keys!

Epic night for me....
It's Lakers and Celtics again! and this time it's personal!

Posted 31 May 2010 - 6:08 PM
Posted 31 May 2010 - 7:23 PM
Bosco, on 31 May 2010 - 11:08 AM, said:

(possibly Bosh too!)
Confident I see! But I think Mikhail Prokhorov has it locked already!
But if you guys get him, then I want a rematch of 90-91!
Enjoy you Memorial Day while paying our respects to our fallen and those who are missing in action.

Posted 31 May 2010 - 7:51 PM
currently im bored, i had a 6 hour round trip on saturday night to go work a show, my ankle hurts now from driving. cant wait to get my new car.
watched the wrestler last night, good film, depressing as hell though!
tonight, possibly some mw2 while the girlfriend knits and scowls at me!

Defined a little more formally, "escape velocity" is the initial speed required to go from an initial point in a gravitational potential field to infinity with a residual velocity of zero, with all speeds and velocities measured with respect to the field
Posted 31 May 2010 - 8:32 PM
I don't eat pizza (I'm boring, I know) but there's a place by us that's calked porkies and Stash and Connor love it.
I have the day off since it's Memorial Day. Narrowly escaped getting full blown effects of Norwalk Virus (look it up) thanks to the homeopathic remedy elderberry extract, stash had it something awful yesterday, it was just terrible. He caught it from his sister's kids who likely picked it up from their play groups. It's a foodbourne virus that you hear about when news reports talk about outbreaks on cruise ships, and how quickly it spreads is like something out of a science fiction novel. Anyway the worst I got was yesterday with aches, a low grade fever and crippling fatigue. Thankfully I didn't have it bad at all so I'm praying to the gods and goddesses that this elderberry extract has done the trick and the worst has come to pass.
Other than that it is stunningly gorgeous outside so a stroll later on is in order.
Hope everyone is having a good day!
Posted 31 May 2010 - 8:48 PM
send my regards to connor and stash hope they get better soon.
ugh....what to do this evening....

Defined a little more formally, "escape velocity" is the initial speed required to go from an initial point in a gravitational potential field to infinity with a residual velocity of zero, with all speeds and velocities measured with respect to the field
Posted 31 May 2010 - 9:18 PM
What you put into this world will come back to you. Any delusion that you have about that not being true might be lifted if you simply keep track of the ways in which you treat others.
This is a hard time for me. I'm just sitting here waiting for law school and gaining strength in solitude. I pushed the hell out of my body biking yesterday, though... I biked up Divisadero St. from the Marina here in SF, and it was an act of pure will to keep going. I got to the top of the hill and I was like THAT'S RIGHT BITCH! MAKE ME A FUCKIN' SANDWICH!
People stared at me yelling at nothing as they drove by, shaking their heads. I imagine their thoughts went something like, "Hmm... that's strange. We usually don't get the homeless crazies this far up the hill. Maybe he needed to get out of the Haight for a little while..."
There's purpose in this time, but I'll be damned if it has been revealed just yet. I've run into parallels with other people, though. There are a few of my friends who are going through the exact same thing as me right now, others who have recently gone through the exact same thing as me, and others still who are likely going to go through the exact same thing as me. Comfort from the pain in numbers.
But even through it all, I still feel the hand of fate/God/the universe at work in my life, and I take comfort in it. Bruce Lee suggested being like water; water cannot be destroyed. If you freeze it, it turns to ice, but it will eventually melt. If you put fire to it, it becomes water vapor, but eventually it will condense. And as a force, when it flows like a river, you can redirect it, but it will still get to where it's going.
So for all of you out there who are experiencing some sadness, whether it's intense or trivial, don't give up. Let yourself flow. Love is, indeed, all.
Posted 31 May 2010 - 9:56 PM

(picture related)

Posted 01 June 2010 - 8:40 AM
Right as we come down from my sisters apartment I'm at it starts to piss down rain. Headed back up and grabbed a rain coat. Got out walked through the rain for 3 blocks and it clears up. First time I saw the sun in the last week (at home or here). Takes 30 minutes to walk from GM place to Stanley park. Set didn't start till 7 so we had an expensive half pint in the bar just outside the Holy Ghost! played before them. some good parts in their set. One song had a killer bass line. One had the 16 bit synths going down. 3 of the songs Nancy from LCD sang on. Done after about 7 songs. One point I felt was disapointing was that every song just ended after the last lyric.......no fade out, no killer ending. Disapointing. As for LCD,
Us v Them->Drunk Girls->Get Innocuous->Pow Pow->Yr Cities A Sucker->Daft Punk Is Playing at My House->All I Want->All My Friends->Movement->I Can Change->Yeah (Crass Version)
Someone Great (Full into...)->Losing My Edge->New York I Love (With a small bit of New York State Of Mind thrown in)
Us V Them really kicked the crowd into a hipster dance mood. I was dancing like said hipsters
Drunk Girls, alright, still feels like the pop fodder of this album
Get Innocuous: Good, tilll the middle where they let go of the bassline and it gets killer!
Pow Pow: Fun track of the new album
Yr City: all right, stil not one of my favorites
Daft Punk: I don't like it live, feels to rocky. I guess it is because I love the Soulwax version
All I want:....don't remember much.....I'll have to come back to that if I do.
All My Friends: liked it alot, though the Franz Ferdinand version was in my head at the same time
Movement: rockier but got the crowd moving
I Can Change: My fav track from the new album, not a crowd mover but got me signing
Yeah: KILLER, lost my marbles here. loved it live. Haven't lost it like that since Underworld at Fuji rock in 08.
Someone Great: good to start encore kept crowd going
Losing My Edge: High energy to finish of the night
New York: really slow to end of the night.
all in all....I needed a good night like that. Yeah was the highlight. about 4000 or so people in the park. When the chems play here....I'll need earplugs. Got pretty loud in the enclosed space. Never rained after the first bit when leaving.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel