I flew up from Hong Kong to Beijing last night on Dragonair, and the inflight entertainment had a "dancescape" channel - and this month's big push was the Chems, with very glowing blurb in the mag on the featured tracks, Burst Generator and AMMC. That's it - just found it interesting!

General Bullshit Chat
#5821 graysquire1969
Posted 07 October 2007 - 2:40 AM
Posted 07 October 2007 - 3:12 AM
MattHeaven: In Australia at the Canberra Institute of Technology.
The course is 2 years and is called "Technical Production - Music".
Covers all the tech elements like live sound, studio technique, MIDI & composition, plus there's business elements like project management stuff, music industry, copyright & legal. Then there's critical listening/music appreciation. I finish up first year in about 8/9 weeks.
I dislike working on the foldback mix. :lol: FOH and recording is where I like to work. :mrgreen:
#5824 makeskidskill
Posted 07 October 2007 - 3:45 AM
you know, I forgot one of the coolest moments from last saturday... the head of Astralwerks Records telling me, and this is a direct quote, 'Thanks for all your work on the website'... fortunately, probably because he was such a distinguished lookin older british gentlemen, I refrained from giggling and going, 'Man, have you ever actually SEEN what I do on your website?'
I took it as tacit approval to continue flaming n00bs and calling daft punk gay.
Posted 07 October 2007 - 9:02 PM
haha, if I ever get in line with interfering with your duties again, just remind me that the head of Astralwerks told ya.
And just because I feel like saying it right now
Posted 07 October 2007 - 9:07 PM
bahhh, I cant open the 2nd page of how to post images. Can someone send me the secrets of getting 1337 skillz
#5828 whirly
Posted 08 October 2007 - 3:07 AM
So I just got back from Disneyland. There's nothing quite like a 9 year old running into your room at 6 in the morning all excited because he gets to go to the happiest place on earth. We arrived at Disneyland then made a bee line to the new Finding Nemo ride and proceeded to wait and hour and a half (no fast passes for that ride yet). I have to say it was well worth the wait and I would have ridden again but by the time we got off the ride it was over a 2 hour wait. The whole ride was like being in a Dom and Nic video - I'm not exaggerating - hahaha. Sort of a cross between Salmon Dance and The Test (there's even a part where you get swallowed by a whale). Brilliant!
My feet hurt.
#5829 TJtheDJ007
Posted 08 October 2007 - 3:19 AM
hey, did you all know that johnny cash owns tom and ed........
maybe some of you will get my reasoning
EDIT: actually ill just tell you why.
Joaquin Phoenix who played Johnny Cash in the movie 'Walk The Line" is in the movie 'We Own The Night'. so if Tom and Ed are the night, then that means Johnny Cash owns The Chemical Brothers
Posted 08 October 2007 - 7:08 AM
I loved those fast passes last time I was there with my friends back in 03 for our High School band trip. We wanted to go on Splash Mountain but some people didn't want to wait in line so we got fast passes. A few of them went to eat while the rest of us decided to stand in line anyway and see if we could get on before the fast passes expired. Halfway we met up with our other friends (including one girl who I had the hugest crush on back then) going the other way in the line (they were ahead of us). We were yelling back and forth at each other and doing a mock up of a bad shakespear scene with the other people in line looking at us weird. when we got through the line and the ride we got out went right through the fast pass line with our friends who had finished eating, less then 5 minutes later....pointless story but whirly brought back a warm fuzzy memory for me.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#5833 whirly
Posted 09 October 2007 - 4:27 AM
Awww, Rynostar that is such a cute story. I love going to Disneyland and seeing the blossoming young love! <3 I like how Disneyland turns everyone into silly acting little happy kids. Except at the end of the day when the actual little kids are screaming and tired, having melt downs in Toon Town, hahaha.
MattHeaven wrote:
Anyone ever hear of ravers day at disney land? LOL... we know what this is about
Yeah!! Of course - my husband and I went one night and it happened to be on raver day (we didn't plan that, it just happened). Talk about conspicuous! Kids in their big big pants buying up all the glowing, blinking things and tripping out on the twinkling lights and making way too big a deal over the simplest kiddie rides - legends in their own minds. It was a good time to spot the undercover security. They *know* when you're tripping. They do.
There's also other "days" at Disneyland - there's Bat's Day for the goths, and there's also Gay Day which happened to be this past Sunday. Lots of people wearing red t-shirts huddled together in their same sex cliques. It's funny because we always end up hitting Disneyland unintentionally when it happens to be Gay Day, and one of us always unintentionally wears red. Yesterday, my husband was wearing his red Primal Scream t-shirt... good thing he wasn't wearing the same shirt he wore to Nocturnal, the red one with the hamburger on it that says "I want to be inside you" now that would have been too fucking funny! :lol: One of the greatest moments yesterday was going on the river raft ride over at Disney's California Adventure. It was blazing hot and it's such a great fun way to cool off, and on those days I don't mind getting soaked. These rafts seat 8 people, and we got in with 5 gay guys and the witty commentary from all of them as we got soaked and splashed didn't stop until we disembarked and made our way off the platform. It was good fun, and good laughs.
Posted 09 October 2007 - 11:28 AM
Ah yeh disneyland :lol: I still wanna do disneyland on E once. That must be so awesome hahahaha. That sounds so cool about Gay Day :lol:
Mips and i are both extreme rollercoaster geeks. We went to Six Flas new Jersey to go on kingda Ka , the fastest and highest coaster in the world, AND IT WAS CLOSED :-( We did all the other amazing rides, but we could see Kingda Ka towering over all the other rides all the time and we couldnt get on it. We were so bummed!
And we went on this one ride that was SO fast that i got a black out :lol: It was pretty funny, i felt it coming and i'm used to it so no biggie, it went like " i'm blacking out! " hahahahaha :lol: after i had to eat fries to get a salt boost.
I travelled to England once to go on a new rollercoaster that broke european records. Now thats geeky.
#5837 Jennyk
Posted 10 October 2007 - 3:52 AM
I went to wonderland on e once. Not to ride the rides but for fear fest. Its like when they make the whole place into a haunted house for halloween and fake zombies chase you and shit. It was halirous. A bit sketchy at first but once i calmed myself down with a fat two pape i was pretty chill. Its fun. But couldn't you like have a heart attack from going on a roller coaster on extacy. Like your hearts already beating so FAST. adding a 100 foot drop and some loops couldn't be helping you.
#5839 Jennyk
Posted 10 October 2007 - 9:02 AM
hahahahaha true. I'm not one for rollercosters just because I hate the feeling of having no control. But I guess it would be fun buzzed.I like the kiddy rides.
I love my sig.Its amazing. Yours is pretty sweet also. I don't have that album yet. I need money!
#5840 whirly
Posted 10 October 2007 - 2:05 PM
I looooooooove rollercoasters. I've been teaching my husband the joys of rollercoasters but it's been a long process. He just never rode them all that much since they... scared him. Nowadays I don't think it's so much the fear but all the knocking around it does to the head and shoulders. Some rollercoasters freakin' hurt. My son is flat out scared and won't go on them, and I don't like riding alone. So unfortunately, no collosal rollercoasters for me. So sad.
The last big rollercoaster I went on was at Knott's Berry Farm (Jeanie called me right when I was leaving). That was fun. There is another one there, this utterly terrifying rollercoaster - called the Accellerator I think - I wouldn't have minded going on, but only on an empty stomach. Any kind of foreign liquid or food in the ol' tummy - nuh uh.
I can handle drops, loops, turns but I think the rides I like least are the spinny ones. I used to love them but can't handle them anymore. I really don't even like carousels - it's like being drunk and the room is spinning. No thanks. I believe my aversion to spinning rides began at Disneyland. I rounded up a bunch of friends and we went for my birthday. One of my friends at the time was this big guy Rob who was very muscular, physically fit and he used to work out and run - a real health nut. We climbed into the teacup and Rob takes the disc in the middle and starts to madly spin the crap out of it. Halfway into the ride I was literally crying and begging for mercy trying so very hard not to vomit, and Rob was so cruel. He didn't stop and we were all begging him "please please please!!! Make it stop" When the ride stopped we heard onlookers clapping and cheering, and the person who operated the ride came over and said "don't you think you went a little overboard there? Please don't come back to ride this again, OK?" I nearly fell down getting out of that fucking tea cup. We must have looked green because as we were exiting, people moved out of our way like Moses parting the Red Sea.