Posted 07 July 2011 - 2:06 PM
Wow that was a terrific show guys… unfortunately it’s always too short (more or less 1h20) but it's worth every minute. There was a very special atmosphere in this amphitheater that makes it really unique. And the good thing was that the audience was clearly there for the bros only, despite the numerous artists performing before… And seeing the people standing and dancing everywhere even on the sitting areas must have been very stimulating for Tom and Ed. I’ve seen them live quite a few times before but this will definitely be a great memory, although it was a festival set. Perfect weather, perfect venue, perfect audience and perfect music… Regarding the setlist, quite classic, no big change compared to the other shows of the tour, the intro with another world is really good and all the visuals are amazing I really liked the ending with the vocals of galvanize (I'll post the whole setlist if I find it). No encore but this was no surprise. Damn I wish I could turn back time…
You're all my children now