Good times.
Are you actually going to make it to the Chicago show?!

#82 errol
Posted 15 August 2007 - 8:45 PM
looks like ill be at every date - so everyone get your inscruitable criticisms sharpened and your ethical debates lively upped in person!
: )
seriously, i do hope i get to meet as many of you as possible in person. i'm easy to spot - furry headed, wild eyed, and the shortest of this particular gang of mercinaries.
Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:15 PM
w00t!!!!! the man, the legend, the Chemicalreaction is back, bitches!!!
And what did I tell you guys about a wednesday announcement and saturday ticket sales ;) :P
Hey, and you guys forgot to mention Ladytron is opening! Not bad! Not bad at all!
Errol, I owe you a drink or 5. Glad to hear you will be there!
the boys are up on the Riviera website!
And I'm heading down to the main box office on Saturday so I can bypass tickmaster charges. Face value bitches!!!! If anyone else wants some, let me know...
#87 whirly
Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:23 PM
Errol - I am envious of your job (minus the hassle of keeping the frothing, frustrated and impatient fans at bay, haha) That's so great you're going to be at all the US shows. Of course me and the husband would love to meet you in Los Angeles!
Looks like you're going to be drinking a lot in the month of September!
Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:56 PM
I think i hit something even higher than the ceiling.I have been waiting for the live show ever since i first saw their live show on the interweb.
Now its about that personal experience...being there with fellow fans, tom and ed, the visuals, the pills. You know you can read all the reviews all you want, watch youtube videos but being there in person, alive and kicking is what's its all about. woohoo bring on september, it's like a a nice brithday gift i'm giving myself.
#90 whirly
Posted 15 August 2007 - 10:58 PM
I am really excited you get to go, chemicalreaction. I know after all these years you've been on this board how badly you wanted to experience this for yourself, and now you finally have your chance.
You will be handsomely rewarded. Seeing your favorite band live will change you forever.
Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:12 PM
""...Change me forever" ... sounds like fun!
Bosco this is our time to get back at all the European royalties who had the priviledge of watching chems countless brain expanding live shows and then bragging about it... Now its our time to grab them titties!"
Posted 15 August 2007 - 11:15 PM
"OK, talked to my family about it and I think i'm gonna miss the show. I am deeply depressed about it. If I didn't see the new artwork today, this day would be absolutly terrible. Sorry Bosco. Maybe another time?"
Dude, that really sucks. :( I hope you have fun with your family though...
Plus, there "is" one more date to be announced according to Errol on myspace... you never know... it just my work out for you...
#99 whirly
Posted 16 August 2007 - 5:37 AM
prochem - how long are you going to be in Germany and if you're going to be in Europe over New Year's... maybe the Chems will play another NYE DJ set at Turnmills in London, and maybe just maybe you can hop on over to see them?
Darkstar - it is a bummer... but I know where you're coming from. If by some small miracle the Chems end up doing Coachella, you have to come out here if you can.
(sorry for being such a presence in this Chicago thread - the mother in me wants to rally the troops)
Posted 16 August 2007 - 5:54 AM
Speaking of Coachella, I think with the history of their musical backround (6 albums) They are totally capable for a full, main stage, headlinning spot at Coachella.
And even if they dont play Coachella next year. I more than recommend attending this festival. I know I will be.
w00t 100 posts!