Oh I love that old new intro so much.

Ed climbs the ladder!
#22 MattHeaven
Posted 23 October 2007 - 5:32 AM
Does anyone have full coverage of the fuji rock festival? It seems like I always find clips of live performance but not one big take so I can see all the transitions etc. I'm sure lots of peeps run into this, but it looks like sneakbeats vid was taken professionally, so there's gotta be a full copy of it somewhere floatin around.
Posted 23 October 2007 - 8:05 PM
^matt, the profesional vids at fuji rock are done by space shower TV over in japan. They typically don't broadcast the whole performance, only a few clips. I've seen the 'do it again' clip floating around on youtube done by them and they always ave stellar work. I'm still trying to find a recording or video of their fuji 04 set. I was there and I know I'm in some of the footage. also, want to relive some of that night i my mind. I've found clips from 04 of sets by Jamie cullum and Asian Kung fu geration (both sets I was at and both were amazing) but never the whole thing.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#26 whirly
Posted 23 October 2007 - 10:54 PM
Thandeka wrote:
Whirly im very jealous of you seeing U2 multiple times. That must've been one crazy year! I haven't seen them once yet and I love their music almost as much as I love the chems music.
I highly recommend anyone see U2 live at least once. Even if you're not a fan. I saw them for the first time in 1985 and it was a life changing experience (plus I was young and impressionable!) There's just something anthemic about their shows, hearing 10 to 15,000 thundering voices of the audience all singing Pride In The Name Of Love. The last time I saw them in 2005 was great, I had incredible lucky seats but man, there was something about that show that made me feel ancient when left the building afterward. U2 had grown older and so had the audience (and me), haha. Still a great show.
The Chems did a DJ set before one of U2's gigs in NY, but it was sort of a charity event and tickets prices were so expensive. I would've give a limb to see it, I wonder how it went... should have asked Ed, doh!
Anyway - I like drawing parallels between favorite bands especially when it comes to live shows. The audience for U2 is different, but the same in a lot of ways. There's a mix of young and old, moreso at a U2 show as the fans are ageing parents now who have kids some of which are grown, that are into the band. At Chems shows I've seen there's a good mix of young and older adults which is cool. The response to the music is always good, at both shows. U2 have a more manic, fist pumping, stage rushing obsessive crowd though whereas the audience at a Chemical Brothers show just wants to get down and dance. Maybe it's just me but I love watching the crowd and how people around me respond when I'm at a show. Especially the Chemical Brothers, there's always something going on in the audience that makes the experience what it is. I think if I saw the Chemical Brothers multiple times my reviews would focus more on my observations of the crowd I'm surrounded by. I've seen some people pull some funny wide-eyed looks and do some interesting dance moves at a Chemical Brothers show. :lol:
#27 Thandeka
Posted 24 October 2007 - 6:07 PM
It's really cool that you click in with the crowd, i seem to end up in my own little world at a chems gig.
Your right about the age mix, U2 is a family favourite, so if i ever had the chance to go it would be with my parents and we'd be jumping around together! My parents have seen them a couple of times, but i always seem to have missed out. Such anthems, U2 is great to sing along to, along with some amazing Edge action and that certain sound they have that always lifts me up. Chems is more intense, I love the mix of different sounds, rhythms, and as Ed puts it; making music to get you high instead of taking drugs!
#28 whirly
Posted 24 October 2007 - 10:28 PM
hehe, don't get me wrong, I am definitely immersed in my own world during points at a Chems gig! It's just that the atmosphere the music creates lends itself to a very communal experience so it's hard for me to not notice the people around me. But yes, overall I prefer how the Chemical Brothers' music makes me feel at a live show as opposed to any other band I've seen - both intesntiy wise and emotionally, too (not in a Beatlemania freak-out-tear-spilling way, but something a bit deeper.) I know it sounds kind of hokey but every time I've seen the Chems it's been a sort of bonding experience with my husband. It's just... good stuff. :lol: