Posted 30 August 2003 - 9:24 PM
I think it's amazing some of you considerer yourself chems fans even though you automatically are turned off by this song just because wayne c is on it. It's completely ridicules. I really disliked noel but I still enjoy the tracks for their good; and the golden path is really good in my opinion. I don't see why everyone has to be so against the chems doing something a little different since one of the greatest things about them is they don't repeat and do carbon-copies of DYOH. They always move on to new groundbreaking stuff and creativity that has no formula.
This has come to the point where I've lost total interest in this forum. It's worse than some shithead saying he's Tom, Ed, and Daft Punk. Not only is the quality of this board still being distorted by excessive irrelevance and redundant topics, but now people don't even like stuff the chems are putting out. I don't see how some of you have been fans for years.
I for one am trying not to make my leave mellow dramatic, but this has been the only forum I've ever posted on and even given time to look at. That should be an indication to how much I enjoy the chemical brothers, therefore you can see why I really don't care to hear all the supposed "biggest chems fans" give their wedges of negative criticism whenever they have put stuff out from Surrender to now. I'm guessing there are thousands for people into the chems who don't bother with this board but enjoy it as much and more than people here. I don't think you have to be in this forum to be a die-hard fan. I'm sure a lot of them don't bother with this forum.
I hope Tom and Ed remembers that we're all out of this forum loving the new songs while 80% of this forum throws shit at them. I hope they never looked at this board, it's only going to be more repress their desire to make new music and try new ideas. And last, I hope they don't get the impression that the few hundred people on this board represent the thoughts/ideas of thousands of the other chemical brothers fans out there. It certainly isn't mine and I'm not going to bother defending it when there's no purpose.
This has come to the point where I've lost total interest in this forum. It's worse than some shithead saying he's Tom, Ed, and Daft Punk. Not only is the quality of this board still being distorted by excessive irrelevance and redundant topics, but now people don't even like stuff the chems are putting out. I don't see how some of you have been fans for years.
I for one am trying not to make my leave mellow dramatic, but this has been the only forum I've ever posted on and even given time to look at. That should be an indication to how much I enjoy the chemical brothers, therefore you can see why I really don't care to hear all the supposed "biggest chems fans" give their wedges of negative criticism whenever they have put stuff out from Surrender to now. I'm guessing there are thousands for people into the chems who don't bother with this board but enjoy it as much and more than people here. I don't think you have to be in this forum to be a die-hard fan. I'm sure a lot of them don't bother with this forum.
I hope Tom and Ed remembers that we're all out of this forum loving the new songs while 80% of this forum throws shit at them. I hope they never looked at this board, it's only going to be more repress their desire to make new music and try new ideas. And last, I hope they don't get the impression that the few hundred people on this board represent the thoughts/ideas of thousands of the other chemical brothers fans out there. It certainly isn't mine and I'm not going to bother defending it when there's no purpose.