General Bullshit Chat
Posted 27 November 2006 - 9:07 PM
threats of physical violence are def way out of line.
and sending pm's to wage a vendetta is the act of a complete coward.
i think i agree with chemfan though - an edit/delete and explanation would somehow be 'better' i think. less cause for complaint. dunno what you think?
Posted 27 November 2006 - 9:09 PM
surface2air Escribi�:
iguanapunk Escribi�:
Slipvin Escribi�:
How nice of you (yeah, you) to delete my comment... :?
Someone deleted one of your posts? 8O
yes i did because he is threatening and abusing the moderators
You moron.
I explained that my actions were questionable, but that it was fun nonetheless. I also said that I thought that Whirly is/was a good mod, and very patient, and nice, but that she behaved quite erratic towards my thread (which I did not expect), and that she wasn't lying when she said what she said, because I got a fucking PM about it too! But luckily a few people got my back because they thought it was a good prank. And we sorted things out through PM too, so it's no biggie anymore.
And... I also said that Stash should stop harassing me with his idiotic PM's about me being a stupid faggot and him STILL HAVING MY IP ADDRESS (hint hint) and that I should just fuck off. So I told him to get over it and get a fucking life.
Now you explain to me, you dumb fuck, what's so abusive and threatening about that!?! Damn you, you really pissed me off!! }:-@
Posted 27 November 2006 - 9:34 PM
surface2air Escribi�:
yeah was pissed off with so didn't expain my action at that time. in future if a post needs to be deleted a full explanantion will be given
so here is some nice quotes from slipvin to the mod
You know , ive always thought you were a dick , surface2air
Moderating based on emotion? Who gave Irish the mod password? Don't do anything like that again. You have no right at all, all you need to do is delete bot spam. Nothing more.

Posted 27 November 2006 - 11:15 PM
I did my share. I translated Slipvins PM for the Mods wich was written in Dutch , i gave my opinion , and from now on i'm not gonna do anything else than enjoy the board again as Jeanie and delete spam as Surface2air.
People where is the love !!
Posted 27 November 2006 - 11:42 PM
This is crazy.
It is just as in bad form to publically question a mod and tell them what they should or should not do as it is bad form to publically threaten a member like I did - when in hindsight the right thing to do was to keep it at a pm level and work out some sort of truce. No, a mod should not act on emotion and that is one of the reasons why I bowed out - but at the same time a mod should act in the best interests of the forum. Whether we like it or not, this place does have some rules and there should be a little bit of etiquette - and mods should play by the rules too and I believe irish fan would only act in the best interests of the forum. We do not know what has really transpired via pm nor should the mods have to divulge pm info to us publically in order to justify why they do what they do.
Have a lil' faith in each other. How about some kind of truce? Maybe a group hug, maybe work something out via pm... Now as a bystander I'm up for it, are you?
Ed was on here this morning before I left for work. How fucking embarassing on all fronts. No wonder he kept at the nice, serene Chemical Sets forum.
It is really sad because this is a great place and a lot of great things have come from it and as a result it's brought me closer to the tunes. Really I do feel this way and hope others do, too. I look forward to seeing what else this forum has to offer - like good conversation about tunes and more buzzed ramblings and more discourse about which album's better. There are bigger fish to fry and we are constantly spammed without everyone turning on each other. A new album's gonna be out and this place will be trolled like it was when Push The Button was released.
OK I'm done.
#4552 toomuchstash
Posted 27 November 2006 - 11:47 PM
Slipvin Escribi�:
surface2air Escribi�:
iguanapunk Escribi�:
Slipvin Escribi�:
How nice of you (yeah, you) to delete my comment... :?
Someone deleted one of your posts? 8O
yes i did because he is threatening and abusing the moderators
You moron.
I explained that my actions were questionable, but that it was fun nonetheless. I also said that I thought that Whirly is/was a good mod, and very patient, and nice, but that she behaved quite erratic towards my thread (which I did not expect), and that she wasn't lying when she said what she said, because I got a fucking PM about it too! But luckily a few people got my back because they thought it was a good prank. And we sorted things out through PM too, so it's no biggie anymore.
And... I also said that Stash should stop harassing me with his idiotic PM's about me being a stupid faggot and him STILL HAVING MY IP ADDRESS (hint hint) and that I should just fuck off. So I told him to get over it and get a fucking life.
Now you explain to me, you dumb fuck, what's so abusive and threatening about that!?! Damn you, you really pissed me off!! }:-@

Posted 28 November 2006 - 12:04 AM
surface2air Escribi�:
yeah was pissed off with so didn't expain my action at that time. in future if a post needs to be deleted a full explanantion will be given
so here is some nice quotes from slipvin to the mod
You know , ive always thought you were a dick , surface2air
Quoting from personal PM's is not, I repeat, not done.
But I forgive you. Now show me some love in the 'Love' topic.
#4557 toomuchstash
Posted 28 November 2006 - 2:01 AM
Slipvin Escribi�:
surface2air Escribi�:
yeah was pissed off with so didn't expain my action at that time. in future if a post needs to be deleted a full explanantion will be given
so here is some nice quotes from slipvin to the mod
You know , ive always thought you were a dick , surface2air
Quoting from personal PM's is not, I repeat, not done.
But I forgive you. Now show me some love in the 'Love' topic.
Dude, where the fuck did you go to interweb school?
You're a fucking moron if you think that having your IP means anything. Every website you go to tracks your IP. You getting freaked out about it just shows how much you suck at the interdent. What, don't you have a firewall?
You should be a lot more worried about the various dwarf fisting porn sites you go to than worrying about the people here.
Posted 28 November 2006 - 5:59 AM
We have such a small little community here and I would hate for it to be torn apart over what seems to me, at least, trivial bullshit.
The community has always seemed to do a good job of self-moderating and if someone was out of line, everyone else would let them know.
With the bots coming, we need someone (or someones) to clean house. Everybody needs to chill though and be patient if some spam is on the board.
Personally, I don't think we need anyone editing or censoring real members' posts unless it's SO over the top that I can't actually think of an example right now. Hopefully everyone will take a step back and chill.
Cheers all.
#4559 toomuchstash
Posted 28 November 2006 - 7:01 AM
If it hadn't been him, if it had been some random troll, would anyone have cared?
If it had been up to me, I wouldn't have even warned him, his shit woulda just started disappearing.