^haha, you fool. @128K! I couldn't handle that, it would make me throw my discman to the ground and stomp on it.
I just get the standard army issue cut, then it grows long and curly, which looks good apparently.
I'm looking for the answer whether to get one or not, but there is no answer. The use of Apple products in England is very small, I only know one guy with an iPod, and he's a French junkie. He says the battery life is poor and he told me to shop around first for alternate players.

Posted 22 May 2004 - 12:24 AM
iguanapunk Escribi�:
^haha, you fool. @128K! I couldn't handle that, it would make me throw my discman to the ground and stomp on it.
Ok, let's not turn this into another mp3 quality argument. Anyway, with the space you've got to play with, you could encode at 320 and it wouldn't matter much.
That said, I could notice the crap quality in 56K, so in my ears, decent quality is somewhere around 128K, 96K is do-able.
That's the advantage of having crap speakers I guess.....
Posted 25 May 2004 - 5:22 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
GLAKO-FAHN Escribi�:
I prefer "There are two people fucking on the back of my shirt...... Just kidding, Believe In Jesus!!"
Also, my hair styles are free -- and on occasion I'm paid to change my hair ($1000 to get rid of orange dye, $2000 to get rid of dreadlocks 8))
bumper stickers and t's that make me smile: "Jesus Is Coming, Look Busy!"
Silly question here GLAKO, but I am intrigued... how come you get paid to change your hair, are you some sort of hair model or something?
I wish someone would pay me to change my hair. At the rate I'm going (dying my locks monthly but that's to get rid of the gray) I could be retired by now! ;)
Hehehe.... my grandparents pay me when they don't like my hair 8)
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 26 May 2004 - 11:59 PM
I've had an iPod for a while and it suites me fine. I'm also a film student, we use macs all of the time and a portable hard drive is something we need. It's easier than lugging around those large Lacia drives, AND I can plug in my headphones and listen to music.
'Course this may not be the case with other people who aren't in the same field of work that I am.
'Course this may not be the case with other people who aren't in the same field of work that I am.