[color=violet]should i drop4da1st time at da chem bros conce
Posted 08 February 2005 - 10:39 PM
sneakerbeater Escribi�:
it certainly a touchy subject!!!
i dont think anyone who drinks or smokes can look down at people who pop pills or like a toke.
I agree. There all bad for you health and morally wrong to a certain excent, so none is far worse than the other. So yes no one can look down on others when there doing something as bad.
Posted 08 February 2005 - 11:58 PM
TheFlamingDead_ Escribi�:
Why are drugs supposedly bad again?
Well lets see all the mind bending chemicals are bad but they could be good, in my case. I would say that drugs have changed my life.
It all depends upon person to person. For some people anything that alters reality and keeps them from not getting in touch with the real world is a thumbs down.
you know what as i write this reply i realize that i know very little about this subject. there is still a lot of knowledge that i have to attain in order to educate someone about this issue. So until then i will leave you on your own in this lonely lonely world.
Posted 09 February 2005 - 1:02 AM
i reckon e's are good and bad. the thing is the main problem is not that your gonna die from them, more that through sustained use you can do yourself some head damage. the thing is, when your in that place it can take a long time to realise that somethings actually wrong, so its a tricky situation......, what came first, the chicken or the egg??
as my mate spo said 'some people can a a lot of drugs for a long time. some people can do a lot of drugs for a short time. it helps if u can work out which one of those you are!! :) - never a truer word spoken.
but, like everything moderation is the key!! i think thats peoples main falling down point.....
oh, and this whole 'needing to do drugs' thnig annoys me a bit - i didnt need to do drugs i WANTED to do them - - - theres a definite difference. sure i could have gone clubbing and not got wrecked - i did back then and i still do now - but at the time i wanted to do them because they were fun. i think thats also true of pretty much all the people i know who do recreational drugs.
Posted 09 February 2005 - 4:49 AM
My feeling is kids, like Flaming Dead (if I may use you as an example) really don't have much business doing drugs at such a young age. I say this not to be all matronly and bitchy, but mainly because at that age, your central nervous system is still maturing, you're still growing, and parts of your brain are still devloping. And there's the issues of self control, moderation, and pressure from peers. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and if you fuck around you are inclined to do yourself more harm than good.
Me personally - Aside from sneaking a few drops from my parents' liquor cabinet, and the long "walks" I'd take with my dog or friends to go "watch the meteor showers" - I didn't do anything else til I was an adult, on my own, paying my own way, and responsible for my own life.
I have never had a bad experience with drugs, either. Every experience has been a positive one. I know that's rare, and I know I'm lucky in that regard - but I've also never abused drugs, I never saw the need to. I'm not a habitual user (unless you want to count cigarettes) Anyway. Always good to have that little angel on your shoulder whispering "moderation is the key."
Posted 09 February 2005 - 8:30 AM
i started pilling when i was about 14 and it never got out of hand... i guess its all based on the maturity of the person taking the pills.
the only reason i want to drop nowadays is to make an already amazing feeling (i.e chems concert) even better.
Posted 09 February 2005 - 11:25 AM
hmmm - i dont think u can say that alcohol is more harmfull than ecstasy. its so subjective and the effects differ from person to person so i dont think u can ever say 'e is better or worse than.... (insert chocie here) - it just doesnt work like that.
however, saying that you prefer the intoxicated effects of people on e to people on alcohol - well, you def got me there ;) id much rather be hugged than punched!!
Posted 09 February 2005 - 11:56 AM
Posted 09 February 2005 - 12:41 PM
I think the whole "let's not talk about that" phenomenon is a mistake, because whenever you are to do drugs, you need as much information as you can ("just say know : know your body, know your mind, know your dose, know your substance")
I mean, obviously is is not a good thing giving drugs a good publicity, but maybe the mainstream media should provide information on the topic to people who would not gather this information off the internet by themselves.
IMO, it is possible to keep usage safe as long as you have the knowledge.
Posted 09 February 2005 - 1:07 PM
At the end of last year a heard the stats. on people going to the hosiptal thinking their drinks had been spiked had rised by 300%, but the acutal about of real cases had bearly changed, this is a perfect example of how the govement have scared everybody.
Posted 10 February 2005 - 1:46 AM
Posted 10 February 2005 - 4:26 AM
You can describe what it does in clinical terms. Your body temperature may rise, your heart may speed up (or slow down, depending on the drug) you may feel tingly, dizzy, light headed, thirsty, panicked. It depends.
You can descibe what happens to you emotionally - like what chemicalfan said about ecstasy. Like he said, it is very much a social drug and you are overcome with incredible feelings of empathy. Also, you may hear things in music that you never noticed before, human touch feels different, smells can be more intense - all because all your senses are heightened. I was very much a late bloomer compared to a lot of people here as far as drugs go. I heard people explain to me what ecstasy was like, they told me how it made them feel, they told me what I needed to do to make sure I was hydrated. They told me all these different things, but I never really understood until I actually tried it for myself. As every human being is different, so are the individual experiences with mind and body altering substances. And still, these experiences vary from person to person depending on what drug it is that you're on. Furthermore, the experience largely depends on the social environment is.
It is irresponsible to say that there are no risks. This goes for everything including overeating, drink, smokes, drugs, over the counter meds, prescription meds - all of it. There are risks with any substance you put in your body. People need to be more forthcoming with all the facts - ups, downs, risks, positives, negatives... and furthermore, what makes people want to try drugs in the first place, and why some people spin out of control and why some people can maintain and use drugs recreationally or very sparingly once in a blue moon.
There is no clear answer to what being on drugs is like. And that is why you are told that if you take a pill you'll die. That's why I was told, when I was your age, that if I took acid I'd be jumping out of a window because I thought I could fly. Complete bullshit. Myths and urban legends are created to fill that not-having-any-answers void.
Posted 10 February 2005 - 9:12 AM
You might want to check out http://www.erowid.org for the best and widely known source of drugs (in the widest meaning of the word) related information, including personal experiences, medical facts, prices, chemistry, pictures, cultivation/synthesis, art, culture, spirituality, whatever.
I'm not advertising in anyway but it is widely agreed to be THE site. I owe it a lot as far as knowledge (hence safety) goes.
Posted 10 February 2005 - 1:27 PM
TryptaJunk Escribi�:
Whirly got a point here. no matter ho wa hard you try do describe the experience, one cannot really undestand it before one tries.
You might want to check out http://www.erowid.org for the best and widely known source of drugs (in the widest meaning of the word) related information, including personal experiences, medical facts, prices, chemistry, pictures, cultivation/synthesis, art, culture, spirituality, whatever.
I'm not advertising in anyway but it is widely agreed to be THE site. I owe it a lot as far as knowledge (hence safety) goes.
Amen to that, Erowid is the one!
I've probably wasted about a month solid in my life time (spread out, obviously) looking at that website.
#58 toomuchstash
Posted 10 February 2005 - 8:38 PM
In the spirit of complete and utter irresponsiblity, I reprint it here:
Guide to Scoring E (North American Edition)
You may never need this. You may have no interest in this. Regardless, knowledge is power, and you never know if you'll ever need to know how to get E.
step by step guide.
First, you go to www.pillreports.com and look at your area of the world. They list many, many different kinds of MDMA pills, and even rate them on an easy to understand 1-10 scale. You're not looking to see which pills are good, only which ones are particularly bad. Look for any rated under a 4, and look for any that have warnings about being adulterated. They're simple to remember, having names like 'Blue Stars' or 'Green dolphins', the color being the color of the pill and the name being the logo stamped thereon. You can also look at pictures of some of the pills, to get an idea what E is supposed to look like.
Now go to www.ravelinks.com and find an event in your area. Go there. You will not usually have to go inside. Get there early, and walk around the parking lot. If no one in the parking lot offers you MDMA (they'll walk past rather quickly, and say things like, 'x, doses, pills' etc... under their breath, and you'll have to signal them to get their attention, since they'll already be past you by the time you realize what they were doing). If you don't see anyone in the parking lot engaging in this behavior, go stand in line to get in. THere should be a rather long line. People will walk back and forth down the length of the line doing the same thing, offering drugs. If someone walks by and says 'chronic' or 'k' or 'acid', stop them anyway, and ask them if they know someone who has any e. Even if they don't, they will know someone.
This phrasing is very, very important. 'you know anyone who has any e?' It's important because you are NOT asking them if they have any e, and you're not actually asking them for e. it's legally ambiguous, and makes them feel comfortable and more likely to do business with you.
The very worst case scenario is that you'll have to go inside the actual rave. If you do, check out near the bathrooms and the smoking/chill out area. If no one approaches you by this point, you may have to approache some people. Look for groups of 4 or more kids, wearing glowy things and sucking pacifiers, suckers, etc... Look for the sheen of sweat and the hugely dialated pupils, as well as the leaning on things, walls, poles, each other. Ask them the exact same question: 'you know anyone who has any e?'
For some reason, people on E love to help other people feel as good as they feel, and they'll devote quite a bit of their own time finding a dealer for you. I can't say how many times this method has worked for me, but at least a half dozen.
Ok, now, let's assume you've found the person with the e. Ask them what kind it is. This lets them know that you're not some pathetic newbie that they can rip off. As long as the kind they say isn't one of the really bad kinds from the pillreports site, you buy it. Never, ever pay more than $20 a pill, and never expect to get a bulk discount. You also shouldn't try to buy more than 4 at a time from any one person, since that makes them panicky and suspiscious.
Be prepared to walk away from the spot you first made contact, possibly somewhere dark. Do not give them money until you have the pillz in your hand. Real dealers know this, and won't even try to get your cash until you have your stash. Be prepared to have them slip you the pills surriptiously, sometimes inside a pack of smokes, a pack of gum, a box of candy, etc. Palm them the bills to pay for it (counted out before you even got to the rave) with a high five or handshaking gesture.
That's it.
Now go get high.