So? How the hell was the NYC show?!?!?!

No sleep till brooklyn
#6 missc
Posted 22 September 2007 - 6:31 PM
last night was INSANE. the brothers really kicked it up a few notches with the visuals and the set was fantastic - a solid 2 hours. By far the best show i've seen yet and I'm on my 8th year of shows.
I had ear plugs (fresh pair donated by a nice security guard who was outside) and my ears were still ringing when I stumbled home.
Can't wait for tonight - but home the rain ends.
Posted 22 September 2007 - 6:51 PM
it was fantastic. a dream come true for me, a long time fan. That screen system they have set up is so cool the way it overlays some of the light system. Loved the paint balls, monkeys, big cats, the BOTS, not the clown so much '-), oh and the butterflies. Burst Generator early on was a nice catalyst to get the energy flowing. I wish I had kept a log of songs and stuff but I was really just enjoying it in the moment, taking it all in. A little bit of tinnitus this morning but well worth it. Haha, thank you so much chemical brothers.
I'd love to get out to the West Coast to see them again this week if airline tickets were a little cheaper...i might anyway..