Is Get Yourself High on the Singles DVD and just hidden somewhere?
I was very surprised to not find it on the DVD, and was hoping that someone may have found it as an Easter Egg on the DVD.
Let me know if it's on there.

Get yourself High on DVD?
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Posted 02 June 2004 - 5:31 PM
Aw, sorry - it's not on the DVD unfortunately. I don't think there are any easter eggs either. I've gone looking for extra tidbits and have come up empty handed.
I'm not sure why it's not on there but my guess is that the video wasn't completed at the time all the Chemical stuff was compiled for the dvd.
I'm not sure why it's not on there but my guess is that the video wasn't completed at the time all the Chemical stuff was compiled for the dvd.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
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