What does Galvanize mean anyway?
Posted 25 January 2005 - 6:06 PM
gal�va�nize ( P ) Pronunciation Key (glv-nz)
tr.v. gal�va�nized, gal�va�niz�ing, gal�va�niz�es
To stimulate or shock with an electric current.
To arouse to awareness or action; spur: ?Issues that once galvanized the electorate fade into irrelevance? (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).
To coat (iron or steel) with rust-resistant zinc.
tr.v. gal�va�nized, gal�va�niz�ing, gal�va�niz�es
To stimulate or shock with an electric current.
To arouse to awareness or action; spur: ?Issues that once galvanized the electorate fade into irrelevance? (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.).
To coat (iron or steel) with rust-resistant zinc.
Posted 25 January 2005 - 6:19 PM
chick187 Escribi�:
ever heard of a pill called chill out. It's what you need to fucking do. knob head }:-@
no such thing....