apostle EscribiοΏ½:
sneakerbeater EscribiοΏ½:
i wonder where the chems will spin in NYC now centro-fly has gone??
I am guessing the new Crobar in NYC. Or maybe Arc, where Danny Teneglia spins. Centro-Fly had a pretty cool staff working there, I'm pissed it is gone, even if it was a little crap-hole of a place.
i thought arc had gone/going as well!!!
i have been to crobar, it is a very plush club. didn't they spend $8 million making that venue?? it certain looks an awesome place. crobar seem to get all the big dj's there, but i don't see it as a chemical brothers venue. the main room is just to large warehouse style. you need that low celling vibe!!
i love the clubs in new york, they really know how to build sound system over there!! i cant wait to go back again.