Posted 07 December 2005 - 11:19 AM
I think....
The reason is......little kids like to grab youre hair - and if you have long hair that can be bloody painfull. So the man cut it in order to prevent having his little kiddo's using his hair as a swing.
Mystery solved }:-)
And the REAL reaosn behind it is ( To feed Slipvin's obsession with Tom's Hair ) That Tom felt a distance with Ed. Tom was always the eye catcher with his long hair and colord specs. Ed never said it to Tom but deep down inside it hurted him....He is just as important as Tom !! Tom noticed that that Ed was getting a bit down...but he just couldn't figure out why. Until Tom and Ed where in the studio , and Ed said to Tom " Tom , i was working last night , i couldn't sleep , u have to hear this man " And ed played for Tom the sample from " It Doesn't Matter ". That's when Tom started thinking....What doesn't matter ?!
So , when they had a few beers later that evening , Ed finally bursted out in tears and told Tom what was on his mind. " You always get all the attention man !! People always see you first !! Girls dig you more than me because of you're hair !!! I ...Can't...take it....ANYMOREEEE!!! "
Tom was shocked , but not suprised. Ed always tried to grow his hair , but than it came at a difficult lenght and he would cut it again. He recently went to specsavers , but got back dissapointed cause his eyes where still good...."Allright" , says Tom ," Allright.....Because you are my best mate , and because i love you as a brother , i will cut my hair "
Things have never been the same after. Ed spread his wings. On stage he has the currage to go in front and wave at the people. He is in his best musical period.
This , people , is the REAL reason.
Heartbreaking innit :'( :'( :'(