What the fuck is the interdent?
Do It Again review
#62 makeskidskill
Posted 15 June 2007 - 11:23 PM
If I have to explain what the Wide World Interweb is to you, you really shouldn't be here.
but I'm feeling generous, so I'll explain it for you:
The World Wipe Net is a series of magical computer tubes that is used to deliver goods (nude pictures of your mom) and services (handjobs given by your mom) all over the world to fat, pasty men in basements.
It's also used to deliver retards (you) to this forum.
This is often referred to by the technocrati as 'Web 2.0'
#66 GelatinGhost
Posted 16 June 2007 - 2:29 AM
The Interdent: http://www.interdent.com/
Denying the existence of the interdent... people these days.