Posted 08 February 2007 - 5:21 AM
I don't have all my music uploaded onto my computer. I do have a lot of stuff on the comp though - some here, some on the external hard drive. I have been procrastinating uploading every musical thing onto my comp - I just don't find the appeal of uploading anything from my cd collection onto my comp unless I'm burning a copy or want to put it on my ipod (which I have been using a lot more now since I've started walking).
I have some vinyl but not as much as I used to - maybe about 25 pieces or so. I'm trying to finagle some vinyl from my brother (some U2 rarities from long ago) but he either won't part with it or has sold it and doesn't have the heart to tell me. haha.
I have close to about 600 cd's. I don't know the exact number, I haven't done a head count but everything's in alpha-chrono order except for the classical. I would have a lot more cd's, but alas during the living-below-the-poverty-line days of my marriage it was either starve or sell music so we could buy groceries.
When I moved last, I went through my storage and tossed a bunch of cassettes that were so worn I wouldn't dare play them. But there were some I couldn't part with, so I saved them.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle