Sunshine Underground
Posted 25 April 2003 - 1:16 AM
I've got a MiniDisc player which cost me about $400 US and it was definitly well worth it. Mine has a Min input so it's the ideal sampler when your on the road or away from home. Then you can easily export through USB. It was a little pricy but well worth it. I strongly suggest it to anyone who cares about their music quality.
Posted 13 August 2003 - 4:45 AM
I've been looking at minidisk player just for the perpose of recording atmospheric sounds/noises. I would really love to be able to go downtown some time and just record everything I hear. I think I can get one that does what I'm looking to do for about $300 :( . I'm also looking at professional Headphones $150 max. Also I was thinking about upgrading my computer possibly. $700+ maybe I don't know.
So here's my dellema
Buy the minidisk - I can capture ambient noises that I would use in music produciton.
Buy headphones - Right now I have a really nice set of speakers, but when I go off to college, I wont. I would also use these in music production/live stuff.
Upgrade the computer - Purely luxiourly. Mainly because Half Life 2 is coming out and I'd like to play it with some nice graphics.
So what do yall think I should do.
So here's my dellema
Buy the minidisk - I can capture ambient noises that I would use in music produciton.
Buy headphones - Right now I have a really nice set of speakers, but when I go off to college, I wont. I would also use these in music production/live stuff.
Upgrade the computer - Purely luxiourly. Mainly because Half Life 2 is coming out and I'd like to play it with some nice graphics.
So what do yall think I should do.
Posted 13 August 2003 - 3:21 PM
I have Sony's MDR V600 headphones, which are quite nice... $130 U.S new, I think (I think in Canadian dollars ;)). Be sure to check ebay though... (Here)
If you want my honest advice on a new computer, get a Mac. However, your budget seems a bit shy for one...
If you want my honest advice on a new computer, get a Mac. However, your budget seems a bit shy for one...
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 14 August 2003 - 7:21 AM
All the Mac people go on and on that mac's are so much better. I've never be not do something on a pc, and I really don't see what the huge fuss is about. All those people on the mac commercials talk about how god awefull it is to try and do anything on a pc, and It's really not that hard.
So mac people, Make your case to me why I should get a mac/ why mac's are so better.
Pro's : Logic 6, ???(insert your pro here)
Con's : No games, pricier software, Less range of software, (add your con here)
So mac people, Make your case to me why I should get a mac/ why mac's are so better.
Pro's : Logic 6, ???(insert your pro here)
Con's : No games, pricier software, Less range of software, (add your con here)
Posted 16 August 2003 - 8:03 PM
ElectronicBattleWarrior Escribi�:
Con's : No games, pricier software, Less range of software, (add your con here)
I really have no time to address Pro's/Con's, maybe tomorrow, but the cons you listed were ignorantly false...
(just for the record, I use Windows XP as well, but not as frequently)
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 16 August 2003 - 10:13 PM
There was someone from the old Chem Bros messageboard that wrote a whopper about the pros of using a Mac. It was a really good, informative post that cleared up a lot of the Mac v. PC misconceptions. Maybe he'll come back and share his knowledge again.
I don't understand the PC v. Mac wars. Really, it's a personal choice, the fate of the world isn't hinged on some people choosing a Mac over a PC, but the way I've seen people go at it, you'd think the world ended yesterday. Overall there are things you can do with much more ease with a Mac than you can with a PC. And vice versa. I have people in my family who work in the artistic field, and they use Macs at the office because those particular machines accomodate those needs more effeciently than a PC would. I've worked with both Macs and PC's, and it boils down to what you want to do with your computer, and what you want your computer to do for you. I have a PC and I like it, but would love a Mac to do more creative things like art and music.
I don't understand the PC v. Mac wars. Really, it's a personal choice, the fate of the world isn't hinged on some people choosing a Mac over a PC, but the way I've seen people go at it, you'd think the world ended yesterday. Overall there are things you can do with much more ease with a Mac than you can with a PC. And vice versa. I have people in my family who work in the artistic field, and they use Macs at the office because those particular machines accomodate those needs more effeciently than a PC would. I've worked with both Macs and PC's, and it boils down to what you want to do with your computer, and what you want your computer to do for you. I have a PC and I like it, but would love a Mac to do more creative things like art and music.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 18 August 2003 - 5:29 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
1 Really, it's a personal choice, the fate of the world isn't hinged on some people choosing a Mac over a PC, but the way I've seen people go at it, you'd think the world ended yesterday. Overall there are things you can do with much more ease with a Mac than you can with a PC. And vice versa. ..and.. 2 I have a PC and I like it, but would love a Mac to do more creative things like art and music.
1 I don't mean to sound like a biased flamer (or something like that) because I'm not backing up my points in-depth right now (I'm tired), but its only a matter of personal choice until you get into the Mac OS. I know Windows and Mac both very well (though I know Mac better than Windows) and the Mac is a much smoother experience. Far fewer annoyances. For instance, the Mac I am using right now has NEVER crashed. Not once. Not when running Photoshop, Logic, and EI Universe simultaneously (I like to "multitask" ;)). I understand most people don't need to run Photoshop, Logic, and EI Universe at the same time. It seems that here would be a good place to say that anything I've wanted to do on a computer, I can do on my Mac. And - in almost every case - easier and more enjoyably than on Windows. I must say, XP has improved a bunch though. I suggest a Mac if you can afford it (though its only $799 U.S for cheapest low-end desktop).
2 Yes, the Mac is the superior platform for Aural/Visual Arts, but as I pointed out in the previous paragraph, I find it also more enjoyable (yet no more capable) for simple tasks such as internet, text editing, etc. Its mainly the integration and availability of all those basic apps out of the box thats really great... (something that MS is starting to include in Windows, but is not doing a very good job with, due mostly to lack of control).
Finder, Safari, iTunes, iChat, iMovie, iDVD, Mail, Preview, System Preferences work excellently together and come free with OS X. (check www.apple.com for info on each app)
Then theres upradeability.... Macs are built with more expensive parts (almost always) than Windows PCs, and will hence last longer. Next, software upgrading. Apple provides apps for most levels, for instance: iMovie - good for a regular user, but when more features are needed, buy Final Cut Express, then when power and expansiveness and a complete featureset is needed, buy Final Cut Pro. I'm really not seeing this from MS - you have to go looking for yourself. Except for their Mac Software Department... ;)
I'm too tired to continue or to say anything worthy of Chems Forumness.
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 17 September 2003 - 3:55 PM
I started this thread on THE SUNSHINE UNDERGROUND.
This was a place where fans of the song could come together and express their love for this song, but you people have changed the topic.
I am here to set it back to its orginal path.
Come with me and leave those who wonder off onto other subjects behind
This was a place where fans of the song could come together and express their love for this song, but you people have changed the topic.
I am here to set it back to its orginal path.
Come with me and leave those who wonder off onto other subjects behind