Hm I disagree with you garethm, this year's tour sounds like there is more "live action" and less completely automated things. But that's just my impression

BBC Electric Proms (October)
#162 garethm
Posted 26 October 2007 - 7:51 PM
Ben_j - I was talking more about last night in particular, which was billed as being a special one-off and where, in reality, the only thing which differentiated it from any other set this summer, really, were two ill-advised and poorly-scheduled live performances, and a performance in a venue which wasn't really suitable for a stadium/festival scale electronic act.
#163 makeskidskill
Posted 26 October 2007 - 7:55 PM
Posted 26 October 2007 - 7:58 PM
I cant compare different tours since I've only seen one (WATN). But what did you expect? They said they were going to bring live collaborators for this show and that's what you got (pretty lucky if you ask me.) Im not sure if you wanted to hear some older classics, or see other collaborators (Ashcroft, Gallagher, Kele, etc.) But jeeze, lets not get selfish.
Also, im not sure where you would rather see the songs placed in the set. They got the 1st set pretty much nailed from the opening loop of "no path to follow" to insane blaring of "chemical beats".
And lastly, Why sell the Brixton ticket? Thats where more "suprises" happen...
Posted 26 October 2007 - 8:01 PM
Ok another thing, doesn't the outro of the boxer sounds a little like this here???:
Posted 26 October 2007 - 8:08 PM
^^^^^Csar. BWAHAHAHA!!!!!
BLACKHOLE!!!!!!!!!! I remember that song you made! That was my favorite part!
Posted 26 October 2007 - 8:14 PM
its funny cause I was gonna bring it up last night. But I got caught in the middle of doing something and forgot to post about it...:P
well done Csar!
Posted 26 October 2007 - 8:34 PM
#177 whirly
Posted 27 October 2007 - 12:17 AM
garethm, for what it is worth, thank you for presenting your perspective on the gig. It's hard to get a scope for what happened there at KOKO so lots of us are just going by youtube stuff and streaming broadcasts/mp3's. I guess... I guess you win some, you lose some - and not every single show you see will be the most brilliant thing you've ever seen in your life. That I can understand. If you want to take a step back and give the Chems a break, then I'm sure your Brixton ticket would be in goods hands to any number of people right here on this board. :) That said, it does make me a little sad you were disappointed with the show, solely for the fact you got a chance to see something that so many of us would have given a limb for.
From where I'm standing, I'm with Bosco on this.
Oh, and Hi Ed!!
Posted 27 October 2007 - 12:27 AM
Hey ed was back on.....EHHHH!!!!!!! Nice one last night mate. You saw how blitzed we were like on here.
The visuals for WDIB realy reminded me of playing the game Elektroplankton on my DS last year. All bubbly. Was Flantnosegeorge playing it too much as well?
I think no matter what the rest of the set was like we'll still remeber these collabs as monumental history for tom and ed and us the fans.
Now I'm onto watching the Soil and "PIMP" Sessions video from last night. So much energy! Tom, Ed, get Sacho in one of your tracks one day......just have him screaming otu random stuff.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel