Posted 27 May 2003 - 10:37 PM
I don't know about a live version of Sunshine Underground. I don't think the intermittent shocks of ground shaking bass would translate very well to disc.
And I know for a fact my car speakers couldn't handle it! ;)
And I know for a fact my car speakers couldn't handle it! ;)
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 27 May 2003 - 10:47 PM
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
Sunshine Underground vs. Star Guitar. Which one is better ???
I think Star Guitar easily stole the show I was at. Not that Sunshine Underground was bad or anything, it went very well live and was more powerful than I expected - and they played the whole song despite the time constraints, so I think the Brothers were trying to really showcase that tune - but for me personally I thought Star Guitar was a mind blowing highlight. Compared to the recorded version which I felt so-so about before the concert... Star Guitar live sounded fresh. It was though every aspect of the song were amplified in every which way from it's original recorded state, and the end result is something I've had a hard time putting into words. And when the vocals came in, it was like the song opened up in some weird and cool sonic exhaltation that the audience was fully in on. People around me were oo-ing and ah-ing at that moment so I know I'm not the only one that feels this way.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 29 May 2003 - 3:07 AM
Star_Guitar Escribi�:
Sunshine UNderground is good and so is Star Guitar. Both are good. No comparison could be made.that's totally true... I think that star guitar is the sunshine underground of come with us, star guitar along with sunshine underground both have this stunning sound and stand out on the album, for me both are the most uplifting/uncontrolably-dancing-to-it tracks. Sunshine Underground back when Surrender was young, was compared now and then to the Private Psychedelic Reel, and no I'm not comparing.. since I am almost positive the next post would be something like, "tppr is way better" or whatever. But TPPR is also one of those tracks that really get you moving, so since then there's been a tradition of having that one blissful/powerful track and I can't wait to hear what the next one will sound like.
Posted 29 May 2003 - 5:11 AM
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
SAME HERE Biff. For DYOH it was TPPR , for Surrender it was Sunshine Underground, For CWU The Test, for EPD ???I'd think the closest would be Life is Sweet, it says it all in the name, for most of it, its really uplifting.
Dream on and the test seem to share a parallel, for me they're usually the best unsung tracks, even though the test later on got attention with a video, every time I hear Dream on I have to play along with me guitar and the test with the piano, shows how moving the stuff is