I eagerly await the latest trip blog, Darkstar!

General Bullshit Chat
#6063 ATB
Posted 20 March 2008 - 12:48 PM
Hi people!
How's it going?
Just thought I'd say hi... I'm an Aussie bloke and a mad Chemical Brothers fan :)
saw them in Sydney a few fridays ago.. and I wish I was back there now... sigh..
Hopefully (fingers crossed) they'll play at Glastonbury again this year but I doubt it..
Anywhoo.. just thought I'd introduce myself
Take it easy!
Posted 20 March 2008 - 11:20 PM
hahah, marsh, nice one. And true enough.
Well, I just gave in and finally bought a pass to go tanning. The snow is starting to melt and the sun will soon be out all the time and, largely due to my extreme sleep deprivation, I look slightly more white than Kleenex. Once summer hits I'll be rollerblading my 10-13 miles/day and catching lots of sun but I want to get a headstart. As it stands I look something less than completely healthy, especially after a few drinks. So I've got my first appointment on Sunday. Not sure whether I should be shaking my head or saying 'yay' but I'll try and get some before and after pics up.
I got a nice tan last year the natural way but it took well into the summer to achieve it without burning. Want a headstart this time for sure.
#6066 whirly
Posted 22 March 2008 - 6:58 PM
My grandpa on my dad's side died yesterday, so I get to go to a funeral tomorrow. Yes, it's on Easter Sunday so the whole affair should be... interesting. Will post more about that later (so far the ridiculousness that is family has provided some good laughs). One thing about Jewish funerals is there's no putzing around - you die, then by Jewish law you've got be be buried within 48 hours. So yay Easter Sunday.
Right now we're getting ready to go shop for suitable funeral attire. stash gets to be a pall bearer, so he's got to look snazzy!
I'm not trying to be a downer or anything, because although it was a rough week I am OK with what's happened. He was 95 and he knew it was time to go.
Would it be shallow to say I'd much rather be spending my day tomorrow recovering from Turnmills? :lol:
Posted 24 March 2008 - 10:14 AM
Tanning?! Are you sure this is the path you want to go down 'Darkie'. Maybe it's the forum life crossing over into your real life, like me for instance; I now lay on rocks whilst listening to Iggy Pop. A nice tanned lady is nice, but then so is a porcelain skinned Gillian Anderson <3 Women think they know what men want; they don't. Men want a woman who is secure in herself to be who she is without masking it up with silicone and Max Factor.

#6069 mattwinstanley
Posted 24 March 2008 - 7:05 PM
if you're goin to the olympia gig in august pls join my group on face book, im looking for people who are going to go as equally nuts as me right at the front!! :D
can anyone tell me, who may have a slightly better memory than me, do tom and ed usually do as much touring as this? god forbid they are doing what is my worst nightmare and packing in :| jus seems a bit weird, touring for what seems like about 2 years now, and then finishing with their largest set to date in a venue in their home town which hasnt been used in over 10 years?! probably just paranoid :|
#6070 whirly
Posted 25 March 2008 - 1:52 AM
(but yeah matt, no doubt you're not the only one who's had that thought)
Posted 25 March 2008 - 10:13 PM
What do you mean? Theyve had bigger tours than this. Fuck! They havent even gone to Canada in 6 years (well im out of there now).
I think they will keep going. Im just judging that by the interviews of them that i've seen. They say things like "it's our passion to keep making music". I figure at worst, they'll take a little "hiatus" and then come back. But thats only a possibility. Chemical 7 - 2009!

#6072 whirly
Posted 25 March 2008 - 11:06 PM
I think people are just throwing the thought around, prochem - it seems that between every album since Surrender, there's always talk of "is this their last album? are they gonna throw in the towel?"
It's wasted time to speculate on something like this, just because we don't know and we're not meant to know til the boys make it known. You know?
Even with the absence of Canada on their schedule, The Chems have been touring the heck out of We Are The Night. With the Olympia gig and the summer festivals, that'll mean the Chems have technically been touring for a year solid though with breaks inbetween. I wouldn't mind if they called time and took a break for a while - esp. with Tom being a daddy n'all.
#6074 whirly
Posted 26 March 2008 - 10:52 PM
I had such a strange dream last night that was chemically related.
For some reason out of the blue, the Chems were coming to Chicago to do a show and by some miracle, stash and I ventured there. So excited!! Our plan was to meet up with Bosco at some point, then all of us were going to have drinks with Ed at some jazz bar in downtown Chicago. I don"t know why or how this all got planned, but you know how the subconscious goes and everything makes perfect sense when you are dreaming. So anyway, we get off the plane, hop a train and we are immediately lost once in Chicago. This always *always* fucking happens when I have a dream that involves a Chemical Brothers gig. It is really, really annoying, and I am annoyed in my dream. We get accosted by some random homeless woman with an incredibly large nose, make peace with her and she takes us to the jazz bar where we were going to meet up. It was quite swank and the music was awesome - there was an elevator in bar that took you to the upper level that had a nice view, the decor was all art deco, and the place was dimly lit, very film noir and ultra cool. We meet up with Bosco and the 3 of usproceed to get ripped. We phone Ed who never showed (he incidently was lost trying to find the place) and we end saying "fuck it" and up made our exit. We journied onward and took the L train through the city for no apparent reason looking for a skyscraper we could go to the top of and view the city (because from what I remember, Chicago has this amazing skyline).
So the 3 of us are on the rooftop of a building looking out at the gorgeous skyline, marvelling at the Sears tower and stash"s cell phone rings. It"s Ed, and he is wondering where we were and why we didn"t come to the show.
I was fucking pissed!! :lol:
Then I woke up.
Posted 27 March 2008 - 12:19 AM
man I am so chemical-deprived. they need to come to canada. it's far too expensive and time consuming for me to get anywhere else. :(
Posted 27 March 2008 - 4:00 AM
@ glako, Hence my sig blow on more then one angle. I'm still wondering how a developing nation like chile can get more shows then us in canuck-ville!! oh well. Good for those fans down in South america. At least you guys throw some great parties. no hard feelings
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 27 March 2008 - 4:46 AM
haha yeah :(
but still they really need to come here. I haven't seen em since April-something 2002.
#6080 VorpalStorm
Posted 06 April 2008 - 10:00 AM
Eh, well, it might be general bullshit, but it's bullshit and it's on my end so you all get to hear about it.
I fried my laptop with coffee. It will be missed and I punch my self in the face for doing such a thing to such a great machine. (I get... rather attached to my computers.) Also why I've been on here less. Commotion at the Vorpal stead. -_-