General Bullshit Chat
Posted 27 October 2006 - 7:48 PM
Yay ! Holidays !
I'm hesitating to go clubbing tonight, as I'm really tired, but there is Tacteel (from the label Institubes) live, and it's his first live in Paris ! and it's only 5€ ! But I'm supa-dupa tired, and tomorrow I'm seeing Coldcut and Bonobo, so I don't know what to do...
I'm hesitating to go clubbing tonight, as I'm really tired, but there is Tacteel (from the label Institubes) live, and it's his first live in Paris ! and it's only 5€ ! But I'm supa-dupa tired, and tomorrow I'm seeing Coldcut and Bonobo, so I don't know what to do...
#4363 toomuchstash
Posted 27 October 2006 - 7:53 PM
I went to bed at like 7:30 last night, instead of my usual 12:30 or 1am... woke up at 3:30, wide awake, so I had a couple of bonghits to go back to sleep. Woke up 3 hours later, as tired as if I'd gone to bed at 1.
Well, now I know, there's no point in going to bed early.
Well, now I know, there's no point in going to bed early.
#4366 toomuchstash
Posted 27 October 2006 - 9:27 PM
chemicalfan Escribi�:
Dude, isn't it a bit of a mission to get up, fill your bong, load it, and then hit it, just to get back to sleep at 3:30am? Bit of a waste of gear, too! Can't enjoy it asleep....
Dude, the main reason I smoke is so I can sleep. I don't smoke, I don't sleep. It sucks.
Posted 27 October 2006 - 9:40 PM
chemicalfan Escribi�:
Don't you think it might be amusing to try not smoking? You can't stay awake forever, it's impossible. See how long you can go! Sleep deprivation can be good trippy fun!!
Yeah, but then you have to go to work.... Ugh.
Sleep dep is kinda fun though. Last weekend I got 8 hours over 3 days. Got less than that over 4 days at Folk Festival. Nothing like stimulants (drinks, pills, good music, etc.) to keep you going.
#4369 toomuchstash
Posted 27 October 2006 - 11:43 PM
chemicalfan Escribi�:
Don't you think it might be amusing to try not smoking? You can't stay awake forever, it's impossible. See how long you can go! Sleep deprivation can be good trippy fun!!
didn't I ever tell you that I used to be a tweaker? I went for 2 years spending about 72 hours out of every week wide awake.
Posted 31 October 2006 - 11:10 PM
Tired, tired, tired. Didn't sleep well last night, so I decided to sleep in a bit today, skip school and study for tomorrow's Clinical Pharmacy exam. Fell asleep on the couch a little while ago and now I need to get up and keep on studying like a mofo.
Tonight's one of the biggest parties of the year, and I had planned to get my studying out of the way and go, but I need to say no and keep at the books. Of course, the elusive mushrooms have been secured, but my will must be strong and my discipline iron. Back to learning about burns and insect bites. At least I have Halloween candy.
Tonight's one of the biggest parties of the year, and I had planned to get my studying out of the way and go, but I need to say no and keep at the books. Of course, the elusive mushrooms have been secured, but my will must be strong and my discipline iron. Back to learning about burns and insect bites. At least I have Halloween candy.
Posted 01 November 2006 - 6:08 AM
I had the day from hell with customers who are well on their way to the mental ward by way of the Bi-Polar Express. Must've smoked down an entire pack of cigs to keep me from going postal. Sometimes I am flat out tired of being nice to strangers who walk all over me and forget to wipe the dog crap off their shoes first. The bright spot was a beautiful email from a grateful customer who sang a bunch of praises about me and my boss to the CEO and chairman. Score 1 for whirly. I'm up for a raise soon.
Got in a stupid spat with stash as I was walking out to my car on the way home. Get home, get sick child into his Darth Vader costume, then we all go to my friend's little kiddie neighborhood Halloween party, then attempt trick-or-treating. It seemed like everyone was on strike this year. What's up with that? After walking a half hour and only hitting up like, 4 houses because the streets were dark and desolate, it was time to head back. My son's impending pneumonia is hardly worth the barely noticeable loot. But lo and behold in his bag, a $5 bill! Someone must've been so thrilled to actually have a trick-or-treater they decided to hand out cash. Score 1 for whirly spawn!
Take a nice relaxing bath and come to the board and read about psychadelic melodies that are soon on their way. And for some reason, picturing Ed eating jerky chicken puts a smile on my face.
I'm ready for tomorrow.
Got in a stupid spat with stash as I was walking out to my car on the way home. Get home, get sick child into his Darth Vader costume, then we all go to my friend's little kiddie neighborhood Halloween party, then attempt trick-or-treating. It seemed like everyone was on strike this year. What's up with that? After walking a half hour and only hitting up like, 4 houses because the streets were dark and desolate, it was time to head back. My son's impending pneumonia is hardly worth the barely noticeable loot. But lo and behold in his bag, a $5 bill! Someone must've been so thrilled to actually have a trick-or-treater they decided to hand out cash. Score 1 for whirly spawn!
Take a nice relaxing bath and come to the board and read about psychadelic melodies that are soon on their way. And for some reason, picturing Ed eating jerky chicken puts a smile on my face.
I'm ready for tomorrow.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 01 November 2006 - 11:30 PM
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
walked out of my lab today because i don't have the patience for it !!!
its been a sad sad day going home to hug my teady bear and sleep.
Please feel better dude, judging by your posts it seems like life is dragging you down today.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 02 November 2006 - 2:29 AM
Life is never easy. It aint easy for me either today. I am leaving beautiful oz today and i'm going back home - and i prob won't travel dor a long time. The thought of that is....horrible.
But i had a great 4 years and all the memories i have brings a big smile to my face !!
Life is never easy. It aint easy for me either today. I am leaving beautiful oz today and i'm going back home - and i prob won't travel dor a long time. The thought of that is....horrible.
But i had a great 4 years and all the memories i have brings a big smile to my face !!