
General Bullshit Chat
Posted 30 October 2009 - 11:36 PM
Well well....
I just got done with the math and looks like my former employer left me with over four months pay.
Not bad...
No job, but I'm looking for one and I think I'll even come out on top if I can get some temp work in before the money runs out. Maybe I can just skate on by until law school... There's hope yet!!!! YEAH!
#7203 Jittem
Posted 31 October 2009 - 8:06 AM
Dingaling for pooter! optamistic as usual :P
@inchem - props on the forward thinking with work hahaha. Also, as a result of befriending myagi, he sent me some up coming tracks he plans to release. lemme tell you, they are PHAT.
@Skey - yay for the nba season. just watched Denver vs Utah and Denver vs Portland. Denver is playing quite well. got a lakers game recorded for next week :D
#7204 inchemwetrust
Posted 31 October 2009 - 8:22 PM
Enjoy your weekends people!
We miss you T and E!
That is all!
Love is all!
#7209 inchemwetrust
Posted 09 November 2009 - 7:12 AM
Just coming by for a quick hello! I'm ready for friday as well Jittem!
Very busy at work. I already see the holiday rush taking effect. My internets been down days ago, so I just got on right now. Nothing new really happening on my part besides looking away at the crapload of holiday commercials on TV.
..I'm also looking forward to 'Black Friday' btw!
Posted 10 November 2009 - 9:11 PM
Marketers have started their engines for the christmas rush. It is getting sad when I started seeing christmas supplies in some stores this year in the first week of October.
Though it is making me dream of new chems songs dancing in my head.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#7211 whirly
Posted 10 November 2009 - 11:48 PM
Not sure how it is in the Great White North but here in the states it's not unusual for some stores to look like The Nightmare Before Thanksgiving Before Christmas. This is a phenomenon prevalent with drug stores. Around Halloween the spooky decorations are dabbled with the Thanksgiving decorations, and there's a small Christmas rack (which grows as the months and weeks near the holidays... and don't forget the slightly out of place and out of the way end-cap displaying a disheveled flash of blue and white for Hanukkah).
I went to Target last night and they already have their Christmas stuff up. Next will be the Christmas music piped in everywhere and I may as well just bolt my door and not go anywhere because I really don't like Christmas music all that much due to working retail for so long.
I'm feeling a bit irritated today. I'm not really sure why...
Posted 11 November 2009 - 7:06 AM
I can understand the early Christmas stuff, as it makes or breaks several small businesses. But on the other hand, it gets under my skin when the big retail stores press it.
And as bad and cheesy the Christmas music/movies/tv specials are, they hold a very warm, nostalgic feeling in my heart. I'm one of the lucky ones where my parents/family went out of the way to make Christmas special for my siblings and I when we were younger. Which still continue to this day, for the younger generation in my large family. It's horrible for anyone in my family to act adult around the holidays.
As I get older, I discovered how badly Christmas gets exploited. I should really hate it, but I have too many good memories to even dismiss some of the awful stuff that is out there.
Seriously, you could make the worst movie ever, and if you put the words Christmas in the title, I guarantee you'll make millions.
#7213 whirly
Posted 12 November 2009 - 3:47 AM
Oddly enough, I don't mind the Christmas movies. I really like It's A Wonderful Life - it's a beautiful film and it's even a bit surreal which I like. I admit I was always a bit envious of these family portrayals because (even though it's a scripted movie) the families in the film 'get it'.
It's just the constant Christmas music I was subjected to for so long spoiled it unfortunately. The horrible pop renditions and the A Mariah Carey Christmas type stuff. Working at Tower we sometimes got a choice on which Christmas music was played - there was some good stuff out there (Medieval Christmas music is quite beautiful) and there's the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack which just rocks. Even the Charlie Brown Christmas conjures up some happy childhood memories. But most of what I hear in stores are bad renditions of caroling classics. And after working years in retail and listening to the endless reels of Christmas music day in and day out kind of leaves me feeling meh in that regard.
I hate to be all bah humbug when it comes to Christmas music since the holidays are an enjoyable time of year (at least they should be). Despite the exploitation and wal-mart tramplings, bad Christmas pop renditions and fussing around wondering whether to say Christmas or Holidays lest you offend someone who celebrates Kwanzaa. That doesn't bother me so much anymore because the holidays have always been exploited and I can't change that, and I choose not to let it affect my life all that much. I may feel differently a week or 2 before Christmas - but for now... I just want time with my friends and family. That's the good stuff. I didn't start to thoroughly enjoy the holidays til later on - after I was married. Plus the holidays with stash's family is always an adventure. :lol:
#7214 satur8
Posted 12 November 2009 - 1:30 PM
Whirly - Christmas music and the holiday season were pretty much ruined for me as well for years thanks to an extended stint in retail management. The whole scene will suck the life right out of a person. Fortunately, in the 10 years since leaving the glamorous life of retail I have finally taken back Christmas. I still don't care for most of the music, but I do have a small group of favorites that I haven't tired of. There are very few Christams albums I can listen to as a whole, but Danny Elfman's Nightmare Before Christmas & Vince Guaraldi's Charlie Brown Christmas are two I certainly dig.
Speaking og NBX, I love getting into debates with people that say it is not a Christmas story but rather a Halloween tale. Despite Jack's good intentions and the focus on the wonderment of Christmas, some will still argue the point. My response usually is short but sweet. Does the scary skeleton guy and his hideous monster minions stalk and kill all of the remaining characters, or does Santa save the day? Hmm? Christmas movie.
Posted 12 November 2009 - 10:19 PM
Something's up with Jack, Something's up with Jack...
#7216 inchemwetrust
Posted 13 November 2009 - 2:31 AM
'Wal-mart tramplings'!
I can't believe Christmas is coming down to that! Geez!
I'm a sucker for the Christmas nostalgia, so Vince Guaraldi's Trio has already been played once so far. But I always have fond memories of the Rudolph/It's a Wonderful Life TV specials that come on. I remember being a kid just going thru the holiday motions such as trying to sneak a peek at my presents by tearing a little bit of wrapping paper on the corner of the box or helping the family with the holiday cooking by mashing the potatoes with Nat King Cole in the background singing 'The Christmas Song'. But it took me a little longer than most people to realize that when you get older during the holidays, all that matters is your friends and family. I'm more on the giving end than on the the receiving end of the Christmas logistics.
Working during the holidays is another thing. Every passing day makes you wish you rather be at home. Longer hours, longer overtime, and longer mental overkill. But I do try not get in the Xmas hoopla at work, I just like to take it day by day while I'm being more lenient toward my employees. :) And while I move further down the days of December, the mood gets more exciting.
#7217 whirly
Posted 13 November 2009 - 5:15 AM
I think Nightmare Before Christmas can work for being both a Halloween and Christmas movie - but I do like your response satur8, for the sake of argument it does make sense.
Having Christmas in the title gives it a holiday film edge, but the movie was released in theaters around Halloween time. To me it's the perfect collision of 2 holidays that tend to be most people's favorites. Arguments aside it's just a fantastic film that's a holiday film but can be enjoyed from Halloween through New Year's. I love it. The film was a labor of love and it shows.
Just a little side note here f you go to Disneyland from Halloween thru Christmas, the Haunted Mansion is all done up Nightmare Before Christmas-y and it's so great and so cleverly done. It almost makes me wish I still had season passes to Disney. Almost.
inchem you were such a wily child tearing open the corners of your Christmas presents n'all! :lol:
#7218 satur8
Posted 13 November 2009 - 1:33 PM
You know, I used words like "debate" and "argue" in my post when I probably should not have. It's really just a fun movie and those may be strong words for such a silly topic.
Yes whirly, the the film indeed is a product of the love that went into it. I wish more movies, specifically those geared towards children, took the same approach.
The NBX Haunted Mansion sounds cool. I've only been to Disney twice, and both times were long before the movie was released.
@ inchem - good post.
#7219 Jittem
Posted 13 November 2009 - 9:37 PM
ok completely non christmas related.
Myagi was last night...so its time to share.
I actually went and picked up myagi from the airport and hung out with him for a bit before the gig. He played at Mercury Bar (max capacity of like 115). It was pretty cool, as the majority of the crowd were people that i knew.
It seemed like the night was going to go off. But then like 15 mins into Myagi's set some douchebags started fighting out the front of the bar. This led to an influx of cops and an ambulance. It really pissed me off because it pretty much killed the vibe on the dancefloor and not many people got up and danced to myagi. Infact, the only people dancing were my friends (about 10-15 off us at any given time). I'm not saying it was a bad thing, as i was surrounded by all my friends listening to some phat breaks. It was just dissapointing to see that the night didnt really go crazy with everyone dancing.
As for the actual set. Myagi was amazing. Recently he's been working on alot of new material, so he had quite a solid and fresh lineup of tracks. Particular favourites of mine were his remixes of Head Like a Hole and Halcyon by Orbital. However he also pulled out classics such as In between.
I got to sleep at roughly 4am. But dad came into my room at 5:45 and woke me up (he thought i wasn't home). So now im brutally tired.
anyway i better start doing shit, ive gotta drop myagi back off at the airport lol.
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend everyone.
#7220 inchemwetrust
Posted 15 November 2009 - 6:49 AM
Funny you say that about Disneyland Whirls. I was there around 2 or 3 weeks ago with my family and I heard about the Haunted Mansion makeover. We left the park very early last time (The Old Timers got tired quickly) so I didn't get a whole day over there. I wouldn't mind going back one more time since Tomorrowland was skipped.
C'mon..don't tell me you never tried to sneak at your presents! Everybody does it!
Gracias por el cumplido!
Hope you got your sleep back. That sucks that all your effort to get Myagi was kind of ruined by those dumbf#$%s. Hope today goes better for you mate!