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Posted 25 November 2003 - 2:38 AM
Thor_Saytyr Escribi�:
I thought they lost lots of their audience with surrender (well, not me :D )
A few of their older more vocal fans, the old guards of Exit and Dig that I encountered shortly after Surrender came out, were really unhappy - they warmed up to only a couple of tracks but not the whole record. I don't think the Chems "lost" those fans forever, but they were not as enthused fans as before and a bit disappointed with Surrender onward. Some complaints I remember were "where did the bass go?" "Asleep From Day is boring" "Dream On is boring" and that the overall the record sounded over produced, too commercial blah blah - lacking the raw energy that their previous records had... among other things. I guess you lose some and win some.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
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