Exit Festival (Good Footage Available!)
Posted 15 July 2010 - 12:46 PM
Wow, thanks Champ, its great to 'relive' that gig in a way.
I hate it how dead the crowd looks in videos when actually it was mental. I was quite near the front, there were some British dudes sniffing coke right in front of me, one pickpocketer tried to take my wallet and there was this guy who was not too happy about me jumping around him. At Block Rocking Beats i entered a mosh pit, got 2-3 elbows to my head and got the hell out of there.
The visuals are truly epic, didn't have too much time to stare at them and plus everyone else was way taller than me. (f*ck youuu, tall people!)
Popped my Prodigy cherry on my 18-th birthday, popped my Chemical cherry on my 19-th birthday, who knows who'll i get to see on my 20-th one. (prays for Daft Punk or Justice or Chemical Brothers one more time)
I hate it how dead the crowd looks in videos when actually it was mental. I was quite near the front, there were some British dudes sniffing coke right in front of me, one pickpocketer tried to take my wallet and there was this guy who was not too happy about me jumping around him. At Block Rocking Beats i entered a mosh pit, got 2-3 elbows to my head and got the hell out of there.
The visuals are truly epic, didn't have too much time to stare at them and plus everyone else was way taller than me. (f*ck youuu, tall people!)
Popped my Prodigy cherry on my 18-th birthday, popped my Chemical cherry on my 19-th birthday, who knows who'll i get to see on my 20-th one. (prays for Daft Punk or Justice or Chemical Brothers one more time)
You're never too retarded to RAVE!!!
Posted 21 July 2010 - 5:10 PM
Posted 21 July 2010 - 8:28 PM
Joslyn, on 21 July 2010 - 09:40 PM, said:
Does this mean the mixed the older tracks with the further ones or is Further still played front to back and the older tracks function as a part 2.
New setlist, they mix older with Further, i expect much changes on next gigs and excellent transitions!
You're never too retarded to RAVE!!!
Posted 22 July 2010 - 11:02 AM
Kitten killer !

Posted 22 July 2010 - 1:46 PM
K3N5T3R, on 22 July 2010 - 01:10 AM, said:
Nice. They used some sound effects from Hold Tight London and if fits nicely with K+D+B.........Compliments it even more
Come out from the cold and into the setting sun. It's where it all began for me (not in Afrika), like it was out of control. Then after that life was sweet. So dream on into the pioneer skies of the fourteenth century and rise from the sunshine underground.
Posted 23 July 2010 - 3:09 PM
I haven't seen the vids but that's not cool the crowd looks bad. Thankfully we have people here who have done enough dancing for everyone *looks to igorchete and kosek* 
Was thinking... The Chems have a youtube channel. You can get there by clicking on the youtube icon at the bottom of the home page of this site. Anyone know how to upload vids to their channel or is this an administrative thing? (cuz if it is an admin issue I'm going to see if it can be taken to the next level). The Chems youtube channel is looking rather picked over and dated and could use some swanky new footage, methinks.

Was thinking... The Chems have a youtube channel. You can get there by clicking on the youtube icon at the bottom of the home page of this site. Anyone know how to upload vids to their channel or is this an administrative thing? (cuz if it is an admin issue I'm going to see if it can be taken to the next level). The Chems youtube channel is looking rather picked over and dated and could use some swanky new footage, methinks.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle