the private psychedelic reel
the sunshine underground
#3 Sethful
Posted 16 August 2007 - 1:07 PM
I don't know what the purpose of this subject is...
but I will throw something down anyway.
One of my favorite things to do when I go to the bars is throw a five into the jukebox and put on some beats. now this isn't a really big deal by any means, but the bars typically play bad 80's hair music or the pop music (crap) of today.
So this is what I typically put on... or some variation of:
Sunshine underground
something by the Gorillaz
Song to the sirens
Daft Punk
Private Psychedelic reel
(and if it is a small bar where there are plenty of drunks)Smack My Bitch Up
.... Does anyone have any more suggestions?
Or what is on your jukebox playlist?
#4 mario
Posted 16 August 2007 - 5:20 PM
^^ hahaha I do the same... When I go to this really redneck bar all the play is country and rock... When I money on the jukebox I like to play some daft punk (around the world, robot rock or harder better..) chemical brothers..private sychedelic reel (cause it's long as shit and I get my moneys worth haha)it doesn't matter, it began in afrika...haha i also do it at pool halls where the majority are into hip-hop and that's all u hear in there... But It's even more funny watching them bob their heads to the chemical brothers. =)
#7 whirly
Posted 16 August 2007 - 10:39 PM
I'm lucky if I find a jukebox anywhere that has the Chemical Brothers in em.
We used to go to this one bar in Laguna called the Bamboo Room that had a semi decent jukebox. Haven't been there in a while. It's really gotten overly beligerent - some random slurring and drunken fuckwit got his face caved in by the bartender one of the times we went, and another time we met these 2 guys who were blowing so much smoke out their asses with their fake "coke deals" you'd swear there was a fire in the building. Anyway - it's not my scene at all. Oh - back to the jukebox. Yeah. One night a couple months ago we went to the Bamboo and it was actually pretty chill which was highly unusual, but something felt off with the atmosphere. We realized there was no music playing and the jukebox was out of commission. When we asked why, we were told the owner of the bar was caught dealing drugs so as punishment, the town authorities took away the music. Utter bullshit.
Anyhow. That was almost a completely useless post.
I'm bored.
#8 whirly
Posted 16 August 2007 - 10:47 PM
Speaking of jukeboxes, I was reading in one of my local rags a couple months ago about this one bar that has an ipod jukebox going on. You pick out 3 songs and make a playlist, give it to the bartender and he plug your playlist into the soundsystem.
Now that's hot. A lot more diverse than the confines of what's on a regular jukebox. I wish more places did that.
Posted 17 August 2007 - 1:45 AM
i put on the sunshine underground at a pub here in new brunswick. and right when it starts to get heavy i hear the volume get turned down low and then two seconds later it gets skipped. before this some emo chick I am hitting on at the time. gets a bitchy attitude and states. "who put this on?" im like " I DID" it didnt end well. i didnt get laid and that night i realized i will never ever fuck another emo chick again. it was a sad day so got some more scotch and bought some yay yo to settle my nerves.
#12 Sethful
Posted 17 August 2007 - 2:28 AM
damn... trying to get laid by an emo chick in the first place is bad news... I mean really, they'll either start crying for some random reason or they cut themselves (or you...).
I should probably give some references to that: <-- probably the most indicative
http://www.collegehu...m/video:1761083 <--- news report
http://www.collegehu...m/video:1768867 <--- the response to the news report, just as funny. <----- and this is the brief howto of being emo.
#14 mario
Posted 17 August 2007 - 4:43 AM
HAHAHA, Takesumtime... I was in NB on tuesday night at harvest moon and clydz... Me and my date OWNED clydz that night... IT WAS DEAD!! haha
ANYWAY, ABOUT THE JUKEBOX...I was refering to the high-tech ones that are hooked up to the internet and u can actually search songs on them... It's rare to find a regular jukebox with chemical brothers in it...!!
#17 irishfan
Posted 17 August 2007 - 12:09 PM
in pubs here you usually hear the obvious chems tunes like hbhg and galvanize and dia. was in this bar here and the jukebox downstairs had the charlatans greatest hits and b-sides cue me playing nine acre dust and chems remix of patrol constantly for a hour
#18 whirly
Posted 17 August 2007 - 2:58 PM
I remember when my husband and I went to London in 2000, and it seemed like if you threw a rock in the air you'd hit a shop or a pub that had the Chems playing. I remember we were walking off the beaten path on a quiet side street in Camden and we stopped to grabe a bite to eat. We walked out of the place when we were done, and past a pub where you could hear the twinkles of Sunshine Underground flowing outside to the walkway and we both looked at each other and said, "damn! we ate at the wrong establishment!!"
Lots of Chems played here and there in various shops we went to all around London. It was like walking around "home". Loved it!
Good times.
#20 whirly
Posted 17 August 2007 - 3:14 PM
hahahaha, did you browse around the shop til the Cd was done playing?
It was the same thing for us again when we went to London in 2005. Since Push The Button was just released, there were big promotional posters everywhere especially in the tube stations, and it seemed every HMV we walked past had a Chems song playing. It was like Chemical paradise. :lol: