A major world wide power outage tommorow night. Specifically at 9pm. Its because of this stupid "turn your lights off for an hour" thing. Yea, so what happens when all these millions of people go back to turn their power back on? A major overload on the grid which will cause complete electrical failure from too much of an overload.
The math has been done too. It has been calculated that the amount over power needed at one time will completeley over load all the grids.
Average use for family of 4: 450kwh/month.
1 month = 730.484398 hours
= 1.62329866222222222222222222222222 kwh/h
ans x (estimated amount of people participating) 4,500,000
=7304843.98 kwh/h
The grids cant handle this much power. Sure, there are thousands of grids around the world, but it still works out to be a major overload on the system. Eh, theres a website somewhere that figured it all out better than I did.
Bah! People are ignorant. They just wanna do this so they feel like they`re "saving the earth!".
Well, better prepare my generator...