Ok !
I'm now home, clean of any alcohol, not absolutely awake, but I'll do a bigger review.
First, before the show I met McMarsh, Ben (surface_to_air on the forum) and Antoine (Bouh), it was really nice to see all of them ! We went to the first rows.
The intro began ant the excitement was growing. Although, we barely could hear the sound, so we went back a bit until the sound was clearer (but still not perfect).
Snow : They only played a few minutes of it. They started a bit late, and had to finish early, I think that's why they shortened it. But from what I heard, it sounded great, perfect to open the album.
Escape Velocity : That one was rocking ! good response from the crowd. I'm not a big fan of the visuals that came with it though. And at that point I was a bit disapointed by the screen and the visuals. But I'll get back to that later.
Another World : Unlike most people here, this one didn't catch my attention more than the rest of the album. It was great, but not as much as what I expected.
Dissolve : I loved that one ! Really loved. It's got an awesome retro psychedelic feel. At that point, I turned to my friend to tell him that the screen looked much bigger from the front rows, and now it just looked like a regular screen. 10 seconds later, Dissolve exploded and they turned on the rest of the screen (the two bits on the sides). Now it looked impressive !
Horse Power : That's the kind of track that only the brothers can do. Like a huge slap in the face, and the visuals were really awesome
Swoon : sneaker was right, Swoon is amazing on the live !
K+D+B : just like Dissolve, I loved it, same kind of track, same feeling. I can't wait to hear it on the album. Didn't really get the visuals though. They were just birds.
Wonders of the Deep : that track is as perfect for a closing track as Snow is perfect for openning. The visuals are perfect, completely match, the music is brilliant.
Then they went off stage, leaving us alone with the MS-10 and They came back for the oldies part :
Hey Boy Hey Girl : it's always a pleasure to hear that one on a big soundsystem. Big reaction of the crowd, naturally. It sounded better than on the videos I saw
Under The Influence/It Doesnt Matter : way too short ! 2 - 3mn maximum

And I didn't hear the Future Retro 777 riff they used on the last tour.
Out of Control : Good as usual, but I think I heard it too much
Setting Sun : then again, they only played it for 2mn max. It was mixed with Out of Control and the way they did it was perfect. Still disapointed it was not longer
Saturate : The transition was a bit odd, but Saturate eventualy came in. Oh the joy to see those visuals on a gigantic screen like this ! The crowd really went off !
Believe : The energy of the live version is still here
Elektrobank Outro + Acid Children vocal : then again, odd brutal transition from Believe to Elektrobank. Just the intro leading to Chemical Beats
Chemical Beats : Blasting ! But the smoke machines were not cool. One time was ok, but every 30s or so, we took 8 smoke jets in a row, at the moment when the explosion was on screen (you know, when there's the loud kick), it had two effects :
- it covered the music
- it covered the screen
Not cool. But it was good anyway !
And then it was over. A good part of the crowd stayed for an encore, and we shouted, clapped our hands and begged for more than 10 minutes. But nothing. Stupid curfew...
All in all, one of the best gigs of my life. Further is going to be a great album, but I hope the next gigs will have Further tracks mixed with older tracks (and why not, with different tracks than the previous tours). The wait till October is gonna be long.