Very good, it was very funny! (though I suppose I'm one of the few who actually liked about half of the Beetroots first album)
I have shared your vid on facebook :)

This is what unemployment will do to you:
#22 Jittem
Posted 21 March 2010 - 1:22 AM
@sirBadge - I took a bunch of friends along with me to see your gig in canberra last night. It went fucking off. except the technical difficulties which was a bit of a bummer. I really liked your visuals, you had the same robots the chemies use at one point right?
Technical difficulties aside, i would have to say the gig last night topped the previous uni vibes parties. You guys really seem to be honing your style. In particular i like the breaks that you guys pull out with tweeks bleeps and massive basses overlayed ontop. and ofcourse "that dubstep track" went off :P. I liked how you went on a tangent for a few minutes and then dropped it back in. What was the song towards the end that had what sounded like an acoustic guitar in it? it was sweet!
Anyway as a result of your gig all my friends that went have become devout fans. Thanks for bringing good music to such a morbid city! :P
Posted 21 March 2010 - 2:07 AM
thank so much for spreading the word. I'm so glad to hear you and your friends enjoyed our set. yeah, someone kicked out the power a ways through, but it was still one of the most enjoyable shows we have played. silly silly party.
i'm not too sure about the acoustic guitar song... i'm thinking maybe it was "deux/The Prayer remix" which is on our 2007 album you can buy it here:
a little dated, but... i dunno. worth it if you have a spare $10
#24 Jittem
Posted 21 March 2010 - 2:21 AM
so it was a remix of bloc party? because i remember hearing a voice that sounded like the singer from bloc party.
and btw did i hear part of your salmon dance remix?
lol my friends and i just bailed as soon as you guys finished. The party had hectics from skyfire slowly seeping into the party.