I have just listened to The Sunshine Underground.
Is there any precise definition of "masterpiece" ? Anyway, this one is a good example.

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 13 October 2009 - 7:33 AM
I plan to have a funeral New Orleans style. The music will be by the vengaboys - vengabus, with the guy from the six flags commercial being the drum major.
After the ceremony, there will be complimentary double stuff Oreos and 2% milk served.
Posted 14 October 2009 - 4:29 AM
boom boom boom boom, i want to go boom boom. Lets spend the night together. Together in my room. ;)
#7167 inchemwetrust
Posted 14 October 2009 - 5:19 AM
Funny shit there! Ha!
No chems music will be played at my burial but T an E can come and pay the respects.
It was raining on and off today and for some people that sucks. Bad weather usually results in bad traffic conditions and a crappy day, but my day went the opposite. I got a check (FREE MONEY)from one of my old jobs because of a recent court settlement that resulted from unpaid overtime and meal violations. Score! Took the free cash and went to Amoeba. Got some records, but before I checked out, I saw an Electro/House clearance section and checked it out quickly. And out of sheer luck, I got EBW 10 and 14th Century Sky for $3.99 each! Double Score!
And lastly, Lady Miss Kier shot me an email (more info on this later) and told me i'm absolutely the sweetest person and loves me. Triple Score!
I never have days like this! I guess the Gods gave me favor today I suppose.
Posted 14 October 2009 - 7:17 AM
3, is the magic number.
I'm do for one of those days, I hope...
14th century sky is awesome find. Jittem, It's an EP under their original band name the Dust Brothers http://www.discogs.com/release/8939
One question inchemwetrust, did you find it under Dust Brothers or Chemical Brothers?
Posted 14 October 2009 - 8:30 PM
@inchem, you get a thumb up from ryno for not only finding 14th century sky and a EBW, but having a good day amongst the dreariness in the world around you. YAH!!!!
Ah the joys of finding (semi) rare chems gems in the back bin of record shops. I am still nostalgic of that time last summer where I found 14th Century Sky at the Shibuya Disc Union in Tokyo. I also came out with My Mercury Mouth, EBW7, Setting Sun, and Rez/Cowgirl (Underworld). I feel like I should be sitting in a big arm chair across from a fire place while sipping a glass of scotch while listening to said records and saying 'spot on' or ' those were the days'.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#7173 inchemwetrust
Posted 16 October 2009 - 12:39 AM
Same here Ryno!
The feeling that you get when you find that special jem through all that rubble makes it even more worth it after all that searching. I usaully get tempted by those offers on Ebay, which in some cases are relatively high. But if you have the patience and the will, you might just find it right under your nose. Sometimes it pays to wait.
Nah Bosco! The bin wasn't organized at all. No A-Z! Just alot of records next to each other.
The digging still continue.
Posted 16 October 2009 - 10:54 PM
Ah, Bosco, I hope I'll see you at Cochella. We'll spread the love. WOOHOO!
@inchemwetrust--glad that the fates have been smiling on you. :D What a magnificent find, and such serendipitous luck!
As for me, I've been sick the last few days. Tuesday at the end of work I had a fever, and unfortunately, listening to cowbell only made the headache I had get a lot worse. (http://www.instantrimshot.com)
My quasi-girlfriend Alexis and I got a little bit more back together, making her my not-so-quasi-girlfriend. We won't be officially together until I move to Portland after, hopefully, getting accepted to law school there.
I get my LSAT scores back on Monday. My birthday is on Sunday. A party is tomorrow. And I just bought a white lab coat which I promptly dropped off at an alterations place to get "DR. AWESOME" embroidered on the front pocket. I'm going to be handing out shrooms on Halloween with crazy-spiked hair and a stethoscope. ;-)
God bless you all, and have a great weekend.
#7175 Jittem
Posted 17 October 2009 - 12:38 AM
except for the sickness pooter, it sounds like things are really good atm. I mean getting your scores, having your birthday, going to a party and topping it off with shrooms shows your in for a good few days.
Speaking of alien lifeforms (women), i went on a date last night =) It all went well, except at the end we shared a massive doobie and the girl i was with pretty much greened out. I thought i'd ruined it :P. But thankfully we've arranged to meet up again on monday.
All forumers, i hope you have an enjoyable fun filled weekend.
Peace and Love
#7180 SettingJonson
Posted 19 October 2009 - 4:43 PM
The best b-side in my humble opinion is The Diamond Sky on Let forever be 12. No need's a classic, just a bit of a twat to mix with as the start and end are of a radically different style to the main part of it. Also for some reason my 7" gets all bt stuck when going on or off my decks...