The Golden Path a big dissapointment for me..wat do u think?
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Posted 29 December 2003 - 12:17 PM
The first time I heard this track I was at work and thought it was a bit so-so. The second time was the next day and I thought it wasn't too bad, quite interesting. Anyway, it's new Chems, give it a go. I bought the single that weekend.
The next week I was at a friends place and got into a real downer about a past relationship issue, the details of which I won't bore you all with, the point is I felt pretty low. So I left.
I started walking the one and a half k's home with the single on my headphones. I listened to the extended vocal mix......
Ever had one of those musical experiences where you're totally straight but you feel so overcome with emotion you feel like...... well there's no description that could do it justice. I'm totally straight and something in that track touched me. Like a force of some kind. By the last moments, the vocals ascended "You are forgiven" and I just cried. I know it might sound a bit soft but it wasn't like that, it was beauty, purity. After it was over all the shit I was worried about was exorcised. I felt great!!!
I only play this track now for special moments, I never want to overdo it. It always gives me this special feeling. I understand why some of you can't get into it, but in a way I think that's a shame. If you could see what I saw..........
Well, thanks for reading. Cheers.
The next week I was at a friends place and got into a real downer about a past relationship issue, the details of which I won't bore you all with, the point is I felt pretty low. So I left.
I started walking the one and a half k's home with the single on my headphones. I listened to the extended vocal mix......
Ever had one of those musical experiences where you're totally straight but you feel so overcome with emotion you feel like...... well there's no description that could do it justice. I'm totally straight and something in that track touched me. Like a force of some kind. By the last moments, the vocals ascended "You are forgiven" and I just cried. I know it might sound a bit soft but it wasn't like that, it was beauty, purity. After it was over all the shit I was worried about was exorcised. I felt great!!!
I only play this track now for special moments, I never want to overdo it. It always gives me this special feeling. I understand why some of you can't get into it, but in a way I think that's a shame. If you could see what I saw..........
Well, thanks for reading. Cheers.
Posted 29 December 2003 - 5:06 PM
That's a really cool bit you shared, jemlyn. I know what you mean entirely. Describes the unexpected power of a song and the solace we can find in it during a time when we might (without even realizing it) need it most. As they say across the pond... cheers!
That's a really cool bit you shared, jemlyn. I know what you mean entirely. Describes the unexpected power of a song and the solace we can find in it during a time when we might (without even realizing it) need it most. As they say across the pond... cheers!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
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