^^yeah, google "chk chk chk"

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 26 July 2007 - 6:19 AM
Check out Vegoose 2007:
thats a pretty sweet lineup right there.
Posted 26 July 2007 - 6:30 AM
nice lineup. btw has anybody seen the packaging for the limited edition of the new UNKLE album. Me and my coworker think it's hillarious. It's basically in a air tight meat wrapper with UNKLE WAR STROIES written on the front. Hungry for sounds anyone?
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#5707 whirly
Posted 02 August 2007 - 2:18 AM
Posted 02 August 2007 - 7:46 AM
Wow that is really....bad :| How can a bridge just collapse , u know. I might have driven over that bridge actually. Imagine if youre driving ladieda and suddenly thr bridhe collapses!
On a more happy note - that wisdowm teeth that has been bothering me for the lat 2 months is finally out , along with the bottom one of that side. I have to go to the hospital yesterday. They dont totally put you under but they give you the injections in youre mouth.
The actually surgery ( the upper one they could just pull out but the lower one didnt came trough yet so they had to cut ) was nooooo problem.In fact it was kinda funny cause i couldnt talk as half my face was numb. They put stitches in my mouth.
Than i went home , and the anasthesia stuff started to not work anymore , and i was in soooooooooo much pain , so now i'm high on painkillers.
I took the day off today cause i'm a receptionist now but i talk kinda funny :lol:
I'm not around the forums that much these days , so i'm sending my hugs to all!
#5712 TJtheDJ007
Posted 10 August 2007 - 10:40 PM
omg i didnt even notice that we talked about the bridge collapse on here. i live up here real close to that bridge, my sister takes (took) that bridge to her dorm. and that exact night my girlfriend was going to the Twins baseball game and when i found out that that bridge collapsed i bout shit my pants, but then i found out she was okay. ive been on that bridge many times, and my dad just saw it today, you can like see twisted metal and stuff.
Posted 11 August 2007 - 12:19 AM
I've driven over that bridge a fair few times too. Creepy to see it collapsed.
Good to see you around chemfan!! How's life?
Glad the wisdom teeth weren't too bad, Jeanie!
This thread crashes my other computer. The forum in general gives it strains, this thread kills it. Thankfully my good computer is working again.
Posted 11 August 2007 - 1:06 AM
yeah, Chemfan has been missing in action for awhile too!
This new forum has really screwed things up.
And where is MX now? I havent seen him on for a while.
#5717 whirly
Posted 12 August 2007 - 3:10 AM
Hmm. I hope the sky stays clear like it has been. Big meteor shower this weekend, thinking about heading down to the ocean soon and I don't want to miss it on account of clouds and haze.
I know the perfect album to listen to while viewing the heavens as they come crashing through Earth's atmosphere... ;)
Posted 13 August 2007 - 3:34 PM
Ahh its so cold at the moment. I love my converses but they don't help in keeping my feet warm :(
So hows everyone been? I haven't been around much lately but its nice to see a couple of more US dates have been announced. I'm just waiting for the BDO line up and hoping since everyone from that line up is apparently staying at my hotel...