General Bullshit Chat
Posted 29 November 2005 - 11:47 AM
#2102 toomuchstash
Posted 29 November 2005 - 5:25 PM
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
Really wish I'd thought of ditching school to go get an Xbox 360 when they came out. I could fund a trip to Montreal in January with the eBay resell profits. Shit. Why are people paying upwards of $1000 for something they can get for a third of that in a few weeks if they are patient? Absolute idiocy. But I feel even stupider for not capitalizing. Or having the liquidity to do so if I'd been thinking.
Summary: Darwinism is a fact. Humanity is doomed. My wallet is still empty.
The boyfriend of our receptionist here at work bought 2 360s, he dropped $900 a piece for them, thinking he could get $1,500 on ebay, but the price on ebay's dropped to $600, so he's shit outta luck.
Posted 29 November 2005 - 5:35 PM
}:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-) }:-)
Posted 29 November 2005 - 10:16 PM
mippio Escribi�:
just heard from the PC shop - looks like they cant recover from the SATA drive as magic partition 'changed the geometry of my partitions' - boo 0 BUT they miught be able to recover from my old IDE drive, as i havent written anything onto it,or changed the partition - fingers crossed!! :P
I should start making backups of my work pics and music and appz and... It's only that i'm to lazy and can't afford 100's of DVD's to burn it down. The best thing would be to have a RAID with two SATA disc's so you can recover everything if one of them crashes...
Posted 30 November 2005 - 5:30 PM
Mips love , i know what u need. The ladt word is.....Orange.
And get you're stuff back man. That actually hurted me to read that. i know hhow it feels and that was just 20 g , not even stuff i made myself and i had half backed up !!!! :o
Posted 30 November 2005 - 7:03 PM
Foxboy Escribi�:
is it not better cold anyway ?
red wine is suppost to be served at room temperature, white whine should be chilled
caught a mouse in my garage today, it was a bloody mess }:-)
Posted 30 November 2005 - 10:15 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
Mc Chebne you naugthy boy. Trying to get Mips back on the drugs ey ?!?!
Mips love , i know what u need. The ladt word is.....Orange.
And get you're stuff back man. That actually hurted me to read that. i know hhow it feels and that was just 20 g , not even stuff i made myself and i had half backed up !!!! :o
Err, you what?
Posted 30 November 2005 - 10:16 PM
illness now gone, i just have a straggly beard and pasty eyes to show for my troubles haha
now ive got a spanky new pc (hopefully!) with one of them pci express graphics card thingies i need some uber geeky games to play - i was well into command & conquer generals - recommendations in a simillar vein please!!
Posted 30 November 2005 - 11:12 PM
Bosco Escribi�:
Foxboy Escribi�:
is it not better cold anyway ?
red wine is suppost to be served at room temperature, white whine should be chilled
As my wine-snob friend Kevin would say, white wine is for children and small animals. (I disagree, but that's me.)
Posted 01 December 2005 - 1:39 AM
mippio Escribi�:
good news - pc man says my data is recovering and he should have both my hard discs ready for me by tomorrow morning 8) still not counting my chickens though, ill believe it when i see it but its looking good.
illness now gone, i just have a straggly beard and pasty eyes to show for my troubles haha
now ive got a spanky new pc (hopefully!) with one of them pci express graphics card thingies i need some uber geeky games to play - i was well into command & conquer generals - recommendations in a simillar vein please!!
What kind of Card are you gettin.. If you want to try it out yeh.. Like punk said, Splinter cell or F.E.A.R. But you should also try, Doom3 try and run it on ultra high :) Its amazing.. I loved it when i got my new pc :D