Posted 20 August 2010 - 12:53 PM
i think it has that typical club mix layer above it. not that bad, but it would be better if there would only be a kickdrum intro and outro (and nothing more). or for the outro: only the vocals which could be mixed very well into the next track. this outro is a bit to overcrowded for a decent club version. as a club dj (what a descreption), i have to say, most of the chemical tracks are a real challenge to mix (except for the EBW's of course).
from further i only did swoon, escape velocity, horse power and dissolve from time to time. the itunes bonus tracks are really cool to mix. i love pourqoui and don't think, and so do the audience. the problem with escape velocity (140bpm) is, that it is to fast for my mixing (125 - 130). dissolve has an intro which is not that suitable for mixing in between (works good for dj set outros).
i hope the brothers will do more tracks like pourqoui (it is a perfect EBW light and i love it so much).
good chem DJ tracks for me are: (except from the EBW's and remixes):
don't think
do it again
let forever be
morning lemon
golden path
got glint?
star guitar
get yourself high
all rights reversed (fight the trabs) LOVE!!!!!!