eddychemical, on 30 May 2012 - 5:49 PM, said:
hope everyone is well
Speculated and Likely Chemical 8 Tunes:
Latest version, no. 3:
(Version 2: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=UlTxYI7HbKY )
(Cocorico footage of Version 2: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=bTZ0PyYKrg8 )
(Version 1: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=AU6yNyVV7-E )
The pumping intro to nearly all of the Chems most recent DJ sets. The first part feels so much like a DJ tool, and so downright cheesy I don't know whether they've got the Chemical Balls to put it on an official album (but knowing the Chems they'll probably do it).
The song has been evolving since it first dropped. Version 1 is close to Version 2, but Version 2 has an adjusted structure and an added "body rock" vocal sample. Version 2 replaced the original around Dec 2012 at the Warehouse Project. Version 3 dropped around August 2014 @ Gallipoli and departed radically from the other versions, adding more Chemical sounds and an acid line as well as a very different structure, while ditching a few melodies and the intense breakdown the previous versions sported.
I think I'm the only one, but I hear the percussion from A Modern Midnight Conversation in the first part of the song. Also Maboul (or someone) has rightfully pointed out that the middle section sounds like it may have come from The Chems supposed dubstep sessions.
Above is the first footage of Superflash, shot at a DJ set in 2009. Champiness originally thought it was Horsepower, then it got forgotten for a while. It resurfaced in the 2011 live sets combined with the Acid Children Cherub Choir, and was finally released, officially, on the live album/film Don't Think:
There's two versions of this track that we know of then, the one on the Don't Think and the studio version they've been dropping constantly in their DJ Sets. Superflash is almost certainly going to be on Chemical 8, but you never know - maybe they meant for it only to be a live track?
(song starts at around 22 seconds in)
So much hype for Superflash yet none for this, and I am convinced the godliness of this track comes close to K+D+B. Just a mad psychedelic washing machine of harmonic shooting stars dropping with utterly satisfying timing, a cosmic space-storm kaledioscope of banging pumping fornicating Chemical synth lines. I think I'm channeling Simeon from Vibrations here, but you get the point. This is a great new track and there hasn't been near enough hype for it.
"Pumisher's Erection Song"

(aka Need Your Soul, for mature folks)
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=SifeatVM0fQ (HD footage from on stage, starts 2:30-3:00 minutes in)
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=lI_FMB-K4Gk (3:38)
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=t8mmUq3tefY (bad quality, more footage of ending)
1: We still haven't found an ID for it.
2: It features a spoken countdown/countup with a voice that sounds exactly like the voice used in the NYE Version of Midnight Madness (see the second video listed above).
3: There are some brilliant Chemical esque moments in this.
If this is a new Chemical Brothers song it's unlike anything they've done yet. I'm starting to think it might be an edit of another song specifically for DJing, similar to their edit of Shadowbreaker (Boyz Noize Remix 1).
Odds and Ends That They Might Surprise Us With:
"Here Come The Drums"
Interview from the Come With Us era said:
Rowlands: When you have a track called "Here Come the Drums" it has to have the greatest drums you have ever heard. We knew in our hearts that they weren't. But we are coming back to that at some stage.
Yes I'm bringing this up again, and I have a valid reason to. Only a year and a half ago, Tom tweeted this:
"Going through records found this one..."

It's an old test pressing of "Take High" (which is likely b-side H.I.A. in some form) and "Here Come Drums". So, maybe they're having another go at it? Last year, Mippio reported that Mchebne was convinced they played HCTD at Fire, which is flimsy evidence, sure, but it's something. It's hard to make speculation about what could be "Here Come The Drums" because we have no idea how it would sound, except that it would be very... drummy.
This could be it. The funky guitar/acid riffs and massive chord progressions are very reminiscent of other shelved CWU-era tracks, like Silver Drizzle or The Duke. The percussion is there, albeit distorted due to the camera's limitations. Give it a listen:
Version 3 of C.H.E.M.I.C.A.L. sounds timbrally similar to this, especially in the acid lines.
"Problem/Question (Animal Track)"
Live version from Dec 2005 shows:
Updated version from 2006 Dj set:
Snippet of studio version from Fake Blood Minimix (heard at 4:45):
No new news for this track. Maybe they resolved the bassline problems. We all hope so. Personally, I think the song would certainly fit the style of the tracks above.
They've made mention of wanting to collaborate with Noel Gallagher again, and I admit I wouldn't mind hearing him on a new Chems song, not at all.
Tom is currently working with New Order on their new album in his usual role as producer, so we may hear some more Tom/Chems inclined sounds from their end, and hopefully a remix in the line of the Love Frequency remix.
Hope this helps a bit. If anyone has better quality/longer footage of any of the above tracks, please post them and I'll add them to the list.
updated Aug 20