Posted 05 January 2007 - 5:13 PM
Woohoow this is weird.
Okay so i never knew about this Racing the Tide track.
I put in Surrender in my computer as i wanted to give it a spin while reading this topic - and my WMP says " Racing The Tide " . Weird - i never heard that title before and suddenly its even on my WMP. And Under the Influence is called "Influenced".
So anyway i am listening to the song Surrender now - offcourse i knew it by heart but i like to listen to the song i talk about - and i think it's actually one of the best songs of the album. I think the name Surrender fits really well. Its kind off like Whirly described - this song is the moment between being partying all night and going to bed.
I think it really is the perfect transition between HBHG madness and Dream on. This cd is SUCH a concept album for me. Not even a concept album - but this cd is a party night / a random persons night out / not nescesarily MY night out altho the highs and lows described are something i wrote down from my own perspective .
First it starts with 3 massive party songs - u know those early stages in the night where you have energy and you dance and dance and dance! Than , as you get more drunk or wasted or high or whatever you are , you get a bit sleezy. Thats where Orange Wedge comes in. You start to check out the boys or girls at the party and you make some eye contact / some of us might even go for some action. While youre chatting with a cute boy or snogging a hot girl , suddenly you hear let forever be , and you run off with an excuse `Sorry but this tuuuuuune! � and you leave youre catch of the evening standing there while you sing along with youre mates ` HOW DOES IT FEEL LIKE TO LET FOREVER BE! � and you dance !! Than as it all gets a bit too much and you loose energy its time too calm down a bit and get comfy with youre mates and maybe have a good conversation. Thats where the Sunshine Underground and Asleep from Day come in. That warm , fuzzy tingly feeling of being with youre mates , being all as one , and you might decide to drop one more or have some more wodka�s or , for the sober people amongst us , have a rest so u can dance the last hours away. At this stage you feel so comfortable with youre mates , and even with people you never met before , and everything makes sense.
But than suddenly..............!!! You hear Wop wop wop wop WOP! ( Glint! ) And you think �Ah yeah!� and you pull up youre mates from the couch , you all head to the dancefloor to give yourself that last energy , that last rush , and as HBHG comes in you are on top of the world again , and you dance and everything is rock and roll WHOOHOO! All youre mates and all the other people at the party scream `HERE WE GO!` and your body is so tired but youre mind still wants to go! Than comes Surrender ....... This song is the drive home with the sun coming up. This song is Orbitals "Belfast" in Human Traffic. This song is the comedown kicking in soon but still afterglowing from that wicked party , still rushing a little bit , but knowing that its all over and tomorrow you'll feel like shit. The song sounds as if it says "You've survived the night , you became one with everybody , now listen to me and calm down " . Thats really what it sounds like to me. ( So yes its kind off like Whirly described. )
And�s time to go to bed. To Dream On about that amazing night you had / and about hopefully many night that will follow.
This , my friends , is Surrender.