General Bullshit Chat
Posted 10 October 2006 - 4:36 AM
Last Thursday when the store was being auctioned off (to liquidators and investment groups) I hopped by the store and it was just miserable to be there, everyone working there was sullen and nervous but desperately clinging to the sinking ship. I just wanted to shake my old manager who kept saying "my fingers are crossed" and scream at him, "Man, come on! You know it's over and you're wasting time crossing fingers - but you're a good guy, you will find something better!"
I'll need to stop by a couple more times so I can catch up, trade phone numbers and emails - that sort of thing. Plans on my old store's last day for an all out ex employee drink fest are in the works.
It's odd. I am relieved in some way but sad in other ways - I like records stores, I like walking into a shop and buying my music/books/magazines. I miss my old job but probably not as much as I should. I was doner than done when I left. Stores like that are a dying breed around these parts and with good reason - Tower and other music chains that died before it were generally poorly managed and grossly negligent of the changing tide in the industry. I worked off and on for that company for a long time and have developed a lot of long term friendships - and a marriage, even - as a result of working there. But at the same time, Tower Records was sort of like Terry Schiavo - basically kept alive by a feeding tube. This is basically corporate mercy killing, but it's justified in many ways.
Mixed feelings of weirdness.
Posted 10 October 2006 - 4:49 AM
I was gutted to lose a comparable chain up here two years back. Really gutted. Stopped buying music for a long time after that.
Posted 10 October 2006 - 5:20 AM
Now my local choices are Target, Wal-Mart (I would rather give myself an enema than shop there) and Best Buy. Oh, and the crusty ol' Sound Spectrum in Laguna Beach that I haven't been to in years because they just don't have what I want or what I'm looking for.
Thank god for Amoeba, but that's a long haul. There's some hidden gems in north O.C., and there's a great shop heading toward San Diego. But nowadays time is not disposable the way it once was.
Maybe just maybe this will encourage small business minded music lovers to open up more indie, neighborhood. Amoeba is proof positive that if the price is right people will pay money for the hard copy. But the problem around here is that rent is so high it would be so hard for a business like that to survive.
And with Tower closing, there goes Ticket Master walk-up service. Good riddance Ticket Bastard, but at the same time now when I want a ticket I will be forced to buy them online. I don't like that at all. Tickets are golden, when I pay for them I want them there in my hot little hands.
I'm babbling. :P
Posted 10 October 2006 - 5:54 AM
There are a couple decent used/new record places around, but it's mostly HMV/Best Buy/FutureShop. It's pretty rare that I buy anything anymore. Mixmag's covermount is too often the only thing on my receipt.
Posted 10 October 2006 - 5:58 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
I don't get nearly as music music now as I did when I worked at Tower. I am still not used to buying on the internet and maybe I'm kind of old fashioned that way. But really, I haven't done much shopping at Tower. It's just too damn expensive. $18.99 for an album is more than people are willing to spend when they can buy it less somewhere else. And pick and choose which songs they want off itunes. Consumers got smarter and they don't need to take that kind of fiscal abuse in the check out line.
Now my local choices are Target, Wal-Mart (I would rather give myself an enema than shop there) and Best Buy. Oh, and the crusty ol' Sound Spectrum in Laguna Beach that I haven't been to in years because they just don't have what I want or what I'm looking for.
Thank god for Amoeba, but that's a long haul. There's some hidden gems in north O.C., and there's a great shop heading toward San Diego. But nowadays time is not disposable the way it once was.
Maybe just maybe this will encourage small business minded music lovers to open up more indie, neighborhood. Amoeba is proof positive that if the price is right people will pay money for the hard copy. But the problem around here is that rent is so high it would be so hard for a business like that to survive.
And with Tower closing, there goes Ticket Master walk-up service. Good riddance Ticket Bastard, but at the same time now when I want a ticket I will be forced to buy them online. I don't like that at all. Tickets are golden, when I pay for them I want them there in my hot little hands.
I'm babbling. :P
Its nice to see a notable corporation gets bit in the ass, however the bad part is the big bully (wal mart, target, and etc.) get stronger. I just cant wait till all this corporate non-sense implodes. Hence, my signature.
Hope you catch up will all your friendly friends/former co-workers before the shop closes, whirly.
I was on a small vacation up at a resort in Wisconsin for Columbus day weekend and I played an amazzzzzzing round of pinball today. I havent played a pinball game in maybe 10 years, but i came acroos the resorts "game room" and they had a monopoly themed pinball game. I was bored and thought what the hell I'll give it a whirl. I ended up tearing this game up. I won 3 free games(credits) and topping the list with the high score (14,000,000 points) for the game, which I then left with my initials "ASS" .... X-D.....I'm truly a Pinball Wizard 8)
Posted 10 October 2006 - 6:04 AM
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
Wisconsin Dells, Bosco? Or elsewhere in the Land of Dairy Products?
elsewhere. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Chicago's get away playground, for 40' toy boats
X-D Wisconsin Dells, i remember loving to go to that place. It's Vegas for kids.
Posted 10 October 2006 - 6:23 AM
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
Bosco Escribi�:
X-D Wisconsin Dells, i remember loving to go to that place. It's Vegas for kids.
Perfectly put. Tourist trap for the under 14 set. Fun times.
where else could you stay in a place like this, http://www.carousel-inn.com/ X-D
but seriously, the place has unbelievable waterparks and a great go-kart parks (which i got kicked out of for wreckless driving :P )
Posted 10 October 2006 - 3:47 PM
Bosco Escribi�:
whirlygirl Escribi�:
I don't get nearly as music music now as I did when I worked at Tower. I am still not used to buying on the internet and maybe I'm kind of old fashioned that way. But really, I haven't done much shopping at Tower. It's just too damn expensive. $18.99 for an album is more than people are willing to spend when they can buy it less somewhere else. And pick and choose which songs they want off itunes. Consumers got smarter and they don't need to take that kind of fiscal abuse in the check out line.
Now my local choices are Target, Wal-Mart (I would rather give myself an enema than shop there) and Best Buy. Oh, and the crusty ol' Sound Spectrum in Laguna Beach that I haven't been to in years because they just don't have what I want or what I'm looking for.
Thank god for Amoeba, but that's a long haul. There's some hidden gems in north O.C., and there's a great shop heading toward San Diego. But nowadays time is not disposable the way it once was.
Maybe just maybe this will encourage small business minded music lovers to open up more indie, neighborhood. Amoeba is proof positive that if the price is right people will pay money for the hard copy. But the problem around here is that rent is so high it would be so hard for a business like that to survive.
And with Tower closing, there goes Ticket Master walk-up service. Good riddance Ticket Bastard, but at the same time now when I want a ticket I will be forced to buy them online. I don't like that at all. Tickets are golden, when I pay for them I want them there in my hot little hands.
I'm babbling. :P
Its nice to see a notable corporation gets bit in the ass, however the bad part is the big bully (wal mart, target, and etc.) get stronger. I just cant wait till all this corporate non-sense implodes. Hence, my signature.
Hope you catch up will all your friendly friends/former co-workers before the shop closes, whirly.
I was on a small vacation up at a resort in Wisconsin for Columbus day weekend and I played an amazzzzzzing round of pinball today. I havent played a pinball game in maybe 10 years, but i came acroos the resorts "game room" and they had a monopoly themed pinball game. I was bored and thought what the hell I'll give it a whirl. I ended up tearing this game up. I won 3 free games(credits) and topping the list with the high score (14,000,000 points) for the game, which I then left with my initials "ASS" .... X-D.....I'm truly a Pinball Wizard 8)
When corps get bit in the ass it's mainly because they got what's coming to them. Tower became mega years ago and was fueled by greed which caused them to expand beyond their means and dump millions into megastores while ignoring the changes happening in the industry. And writing off the internet as some "passing phase" and taking away each store's autonomy. Totally irresponsible and negligent on a corporate level. Corp greed is usually followed by corp failure somewhere down the line.
My other corporate vice would be Target - I think it's a girl thing, I know of few men that actually enjoy that place. I dig Target for many things but it's not a place where I buy my music. DVD's on the other hand, sometimes I can't pass it up. I've gotten some great DVD's for $8.99.
Wal-Mart on the other hand, I refuse to shop there on principle. They are an evil empire and they treat their employees like complete and utter shit. And it always looks like a bomb went off in there.
I love pinball. I played a few rounds at this place called Dave & Busters a couple of months ago. I'd play it all day if I could.
Posted 10 October 2006 - 4:29 PM
i have been movin house and have no intenet - i am now in a cafe gettin my chemical fix.
a few things have happened:
1) i have a new house - its pretty cool
2) i did some mud at the weekend - it was pretty cool and a welcome hop back on the saddle :P
3) i now have an ear infection - boo! :(
anyway hopefully be online properly and spamming soon :P
Posted 10 October 2006 - 5:17 PM
irish fan Escribi�:
had to buy my first proper suit. 45 years of office life here i come
haha unlucky chap! Hugo Boss suit? I'd love to wear a suit, I just hate the work that comes with it :P I want that pink suit the Fox wears on that Foxy Bingo advert. 8)

Posted 10 October 2006 - 5:34 PM
mippio Escribi�:
aiight everyone
i have been movin house and have no intenet - i am now in a cafe gettin my chemical fix.
a few things have happened:
1) i have a new house - its pretty cool
2) i did some mud at the weekend - it was pretty cool and a welcome hop back on the saddle :P
3) i now have an ear infection - boo! :(
anyway hopefully be online properly and spamming soon :P
you're ownig a house by yourself??? 8O 8O 8O
hope you're getting better with your ears! btw did managed to make that remix?
#4295 toomuchstash
Posted 10 October 2006 - 5:41 PM
mippio Escribi�:
aiight everyone
i have been movin house and have no intenet - i am now in a cafe gettin my chemical fix.
a few things have happened:
1) i have a new house - its pretty cool
2) i did some mud at the weekend - it was pretty cool and a welcome hop back on the saddle :P
3) i now have an ear infection - boo! :(
anyway hopefully be online properly and spamming soon :P
mmmm, mud

Posted 10 October 2006 - 11:27 PM
In other news, I'm corresponding with Doubleclick, who has been and is still collaborating with Amon Tobin. He gave me cool infos about Amon's new album, and told me that they are working on a hip hop project called TwoFingers.
Posted 11 October 2006 - 12:46 AM
mippio Escribi�:
aiight everyone
i have been movin house and have no intenet - i am now in a cafe gettin my chemical fix.
a few things have happened:
1) i have a new house - its pretty cool
2) i did some mud at the weekend - it was pretty cool and a welcome hop back on the saddle :P
3) i now have an ear infection - boo! :(
anyway hopefully be online properly and spamming soon :P
Cheers boss! Glad you enjoyed your weekend nice and proper, like. Teehee!
I'm looking forward to Halloween rave... yay.
Posted 11 October 2006 - 4:49 AM
Glad to see the moving went well - how are you housemates ?! Did u manage to get all youre stuff ( And that's a lot people ) into youre new room ?! Haha , back on tha mud , save some for me for NYE yeah !?! Haha! Legend :D
Soooo i wont dig up my Aussie Topic
Aussie is awesome , work is shit , but i'm gonna stay until nov 2 , the original date i am supposed to fly back , cause there is too much stuff i still wanna do........!!! We already did awesome stuff like rockclimbing in the blue mountains and going to cool places and i went to Jervis Bay whitest sand in the world !! Saw Koala bears now my favorite animals - soooooooooooo cutiepatootie! Awwww !!!
Yeah so Oz is awesome. Love Bondi absoluletly love it. Love the ozzie's too man!