General Bullshit Chat
Posted 15 January 2007 - 2:14 PM
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
The roads are skating rinks, I pulled two 180s tonight without trying to, nearly hitting a truck on one occasion. If that's not incentive to be a sober driver, I don't know what is.
The crazy thing is last week we set record highs for January, reaching +6 on the one day. Ridiculous weather. So unpredictable.
YAH!!! CAR PARK HOCKEY!! that's alwys fun....if not terrible on insurance.
Yes....winter in the praries.....is a world in it's own....
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 15 January 2007 - 2:16 PM
surface2air Escribi�:
-i wont be online as much anymore because ive got no wireless in my apaprtement
what's that supposed to mean? :P
hope your time living there does you good
Posted 15 January 2007 - 3:27 PM
I'm sure you'll make the most of your time there like you always do when travelling to far off places. This is a great opportunity and you're awesome for taking a chance no matter how scarey it may seem.
Posted 15 January 2007 - 11:49 PM
We'll try to keep the forums going and post something funny from time to time just so you can say:
"waaauww, hahahahahahaha ow fuck man, that is so funny I'm laughing so hard at internet cafe as I post this!"
Love and hugs!
Posted 19 January 2007 - 3:46 AM
SO happy. Cant wait til I get my liscense and start driving, gonna be great!
Posted 19 January 2007 - 4:14 AM
I went skating and then out for a couple pints with friends last night and then afterwards I just wasn't quite feeling right. So I went for a drive in the country and just looked out at the stars and did a lot of thinking. Didn't resolve anything, but it was therapeutic nonetheless. Interesting times these days.
Posted 19 January 2007 - 4:48 AM
Some of me and stash's best fuckwit adventures involved getting in the car and driving where the road would take us. We had a car that got good mileage! Of course the then-legal over the counter ephedrine helped for those all night road trips. ;) We ended up in Vegas a few times, or our in Joshua Tree, or up in Big Bear mountain. Wherever. 11 years ago we were bored one Friday night. Our roommate Todd, stash's sister Veronika and this homeless Canadian dude Michael (who was living on our roof at the time - long story) were sitting in our livingroom trying to come up with something to do that we'd all enjoy. We were broke, but if we pooled our money we'd have enough for gas, smokes and shared appetizers and coffee somewhere. We decided to write down where we wanted to drive on a piece of paper and I'd do the lucky draw. The choices were driving up to the mountains, driving to the desert, driving to Tijuana and Todd's lameass choice of driving to Bakersfield for whatever reason. Well, Todd's idea was tossed - but the other choices were tempting. So we all squeezed into the car, drove out to the desert, back over the mountains, down through San Diego and to the Mexican border in time to catch a cab watch the smoggy brown sunrise from a dingy Denny's on Avenue De La Revolutione. X-D I was so wired I wouldn't stop yapping. Not exactly what was planned but it was good times and sometimes these things are better unplanned - walking across the border dead tired with a mangy dread locked Canadian with prescription bottles filled with ritalin was quite an adventure!
Posted 20 January 2007 - 2:32 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
Yeah, driving's great Foxy. When you drive for pleasure it can be the ultimate freedom (driving to work on the other hand is like being teathered to your car!)
Some of me and stash's best fuckwit adventures involved getting in the car and driving where the road would take us. We had a car that got good mileage! Of course the then-legal over the counter ephedrine helped for those all night road trips. ;) We ended up in Vegas a few times, or our in Joshua Tree, or up in Big Bear mountain. Wherever. 11 years ago we were bored one Friday night. Our roommate Todd, stash's sister Veronika and this homeless Canadian dude Michael (who was living on our roof at the time - long story) were sitting in our livingroom trying to come up with something to do that we'd all enjoy. We were broke, but if we pooled our money we'd have enough for gas, smokes and shared appetizers and coffee somewhere. We decided to write down where we wanted to drive on a piece of paper and I'd do the lucky draw. The choices were driving up to the mountains, driving to the desert, driving to Tijuana and Todd's lameass choice of driving to Bakersfield for whatever reason. Well, Todd's idea was tossed - but the other choices were tempting. So we all squeezed into the car, drove out to the desert, back over the mountains, down through San Diego and to the Mexican border in time to catch a cab watch the smoggy brown sunrise from a dingy Denny's on Avenue De La Revolutione. X-D I was so wired I wouldn't stop yapping. Not exactly what was planned but it was good times and sometimes these things are better unplanned - walking across the border dead tired with a mangy dread locked Canadian with prescription bottles filled with ritalin was quite an adventure!
I love nightime car adventures! When my old convertible was still running, I use to do some really weird trips to some really weird places.
Posted 20 January 2007 - 7:27 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
Have a safe flight and a fantastic time in Oz, Jeanie beanie.
We'll try to keep the forums going and post something funny from time to time just so you can say:
"waaauww, hahahahahahaha ow fuck man, that is so funny I'm laughing so hard at internet cafe as I post this!"
Love and hugs!
HAHA! Something funny just happend. I read this post and i made a laughing kind off noise and i have a smile on my face. So there's this dude sitting opposite of me who has been trying to get my attention and now he thinks i smiled at him! Haha XD
Anyway dollfaces , je suis a la Oz. Or something.
Weather here is WICKED - its warm but not TOO warm.
Have been recovering form MASSIVE jetlag mainly , and doing homework for my new job - Working in Touch Galleries where i will sell sketches made by Nelson Mandela - he made those sketches about his 18 years on Robben Island - the money made form it goes to MaAfrika Tikkun wich is his charity. It's a proper job and a huge oppertunity for me - i have 3 awesome collegue's anbd the gallerie is in the Rocks - a cool location.
My job is mainly PR - Administration and helping the clients that my collegues cant help cause there too busy. Changes are i might not sell a painting at all - the prices go from 10.000 to 34.000 Aus Dollar and even the other guys that work there sometimes donet sell anything for a month or 2 even. Our main focus is also not to sell , but to inpsire people. So i have to know all the sketches by heart AND i'm gonnalearn a LOT about how to approach the clients. Really cool oppurtunity for me - as this is a paid job ( I have too pay rent too!) but i'm also doing something good for charity AND it will help me for future jobs! So i also have to get a job on the side- but i'm taking my time for that , i dont want to work in a cafe or something u know.
So thats Oz! I have to admit and i hate to say it that i missed the board :-// so many new posts to read!
Anyway i'm thinking of everybody and Whirly and Stash and Mips - Cant wait for July !
Posted 20 January 2007 - 9:12 AM
Glad to hear your new job is challenging and exciting. Working in that kind of environment is so great, but it can be a little intimidating too. High end art attracts a high end crowd, a more serious clientele than the average store selling poster prints that match the drapes if you know what I mean. But from the sound of it, the edge your gallery has is to be inspiring on different levels, not just aesthetically. And Nelson Mandela is a legend, there is a lot to learn and doors can open up. I think you'll be great at this and you're seizing the opportunity - I wouldn't expect anything less from ya!
Big love from here in California! Can't wait til July!