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Logic and intuition, West and East, and the Galvanization

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#1 hereandnow   User is offline

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Posted 01 November 2006 - 5:57 PM

"Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,

Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat."

(Rudyard Kipling: The Ballad of East and West)

Hi again. This is a theory that attempts to explain the nature of the prophesied apocalypse and why the global stage may now be ready for it. The word "apocalypse" is usually associated with catastrophies because of the mental and physical upheaval that it entails but the original Greek word "apokalypsis" literally means "the lifting of the veil", i.e. uncovering what is hidden. It's a process that is enriching but can also be challenging.

Here's the theory.

There seem to be two fundamental approaches, or perspectives, to man's perception and creation of reality, and they are reflected in the functions of the two hemispheres of the human brain. Both approaches, in the right balance, are necessary for harmonious life, whereas preferring one approach to the other leads to suffering.

The first approach focuses on differences, individuality and details. It is the analytical/logical approach (analysis = breaking up into parts, logic = rules concerning these parts and their relationships), which has its center in the left brain hemisphere and manifests as individualism in social life - freedom and independence of the individual. (Some psychologists have suggested that the sense of one's individual self is located in the left hemisphere too.) It appears as if that aspect of consciousness referred to variously as individuality, soul, mind, jiva, tonal etc. works through the left hemisphere. This approach enables one to perceive and create structures, step by step (also by means of language), and to use individual free will. When used in excess though, it leads to being lost in details ("not seeing the forest for the trees"), losing the connection between oneself and others, lack of compassion, aggressiveness and neglect of the needy. This approach has been cultivated especially in the West, where it resulted in science, technology, democracy, and capitalism.

The second approach focuses on similarities, unity and the whole. It is the holistic/intuitive approach (holism = focus on the whole, intuition = immediate grasp), which has its center in the right brain hemisphere and manifests as collectivism in social life - the individual is subjected to the collective. It appears as if that aspect of consciousness variously referred to as universal consciousness, the collective unconscious, spirit, tao, brahman, nagual etc. works through the right hemisphere. This approach enables one to see the wider context and connections and underlying unity of all things, immediately (intuitively), and thus creates harmony and coherence among differences, a compact whole. When used in excess though, it leads to lack of differentiation ("not seeing the trees"), loss of initiative, passivity, suppression of individual differences in political and ideological totalitarianism. This approach has been cultivated especially in the East, where it resulted in mysticism, religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism which emphasize the Oneness of all things, holistic medicine, yoga, and communist or socialist regimes.

The analytic perspective has also been linked with masculinity and the intuitive with femininity. To say the least, psychological research indicates that women's communication tends to focus on what binds them together while men tend to emphasize their individual differences.

In the age of globalization these two perspectives interact and mix on a mass scale (which is unfortunately sometimes accompanied by fear and violence). And so in the West we can see the influence of Eastern religions (for example in the New Age movement), growing socialist agenda, and growing liberalism that attempts to harmonize or ignore differences for the sake of unity and solidarity ("political correctness"). And in the East we can see the spread of technology, market economy and democracy. The two "brain hemispheres" of mankind are interacting like never before, and thinking becomes augmented and better integrated on the individual level too.

The key to happiness is the right balance between the analytical/logical perspective and the holistic/intuitive perspective. It means seeing both the detail and the whole, the individual and the collective, the microcosm in a macrovision. Such balance results in harmonious activity, while imbalance results in disharmonious activity (when analysis dominates) or in passivity (when holism dominates).

And the integration of these two perspectives may be critical for dealing successfully with the prophesied apocalypse - the "outpouring of God's spirit", the coming of Christ, the Planetary Awakening. Why? Because if God's perspective encompasses the whole universe, we may experience His coming, the eschatological cataclysm, as a sudden expansion of our awareness, acquiring visionary/prophetic abilities, and this Macrovision will need to be integrated into our everyday microcosm, in a harmonious, constructive way. The integration of the two perspectives actually seems to be the basis of individuation, a process described by the famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. During individuation one intuitively encounters "the unconscious" - in dreams, visions, art etc. - and makes sense of it by logical analysis, thus integrating it into his/her conscious awareness and reaching psychological maturity. The unconscious means things that an individual once experienced but pushed out of his mind (e.g. unresolved personal traumas), as well as things that he never knew but to which all humans have access (the so-called collective unconscious). However, individuation also has its pitfalls; when the person is swamped by the unconscious material and fails to integrate it, the result can be neurosis or psychosis (nervous problems, delusions, hallucinations ? see here).

The integration of highly developed left brain and right brain thinking during globalization seems to make an appropriate setting for a successful absorption by many individuals of a flood of unconscious material (the apocalypse), and this integration of thinking might also be that which triggers the flood, similarly like a prolonged stimulation can trigger an orgasm or a nervous breakdown. From the neurological perspective this flood would appear as a stimulation of the brain without any apparent stimulant (we know that electric or magnetic stimulation of the brain or stimulation with psychoactive drugs can induce altered states of consciousness, religious or mystical experiences). Perhaps an additional stimulus that might help trigger the flood might come in the form of cosmic radiation, for example from a strong explosion in the sun that would bring about a geomagnetic storm.

The transcendent (i.e. non-material) interconnection of all things that is emphasized in Eastern religions and philosophies might be the mechanism via which the overflow of unconscious material would quickly spread from individual to individual. In New Age there exists the idea of "critical mass", which means that when a certain number of people "awaken", the awakening will suddenly spread to the rest of mankind. Carl Jung believed that mankind is transcendentally connected via the collective unconscious and that the collective unconscious can sometimes bring about synchronistic events (meaningful coincidences). The idea of transcendent connection of spatially separated objects also appears in modern physics (e.g. in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, which says that correlations between physical properties of particles can be immediately established - regardless of the distance between these particles).

The process of Jungian individuation also seems similar to the kundalini phenomenon (actually, Jung himself drew parallels between the two). Kundalini is supposed to be an energy that brings about spiritual enlightenment. The word "kundalini" comes from Eastern philosophies and is now used as an equivalent for spiritual crisis/emergency in some schools of psychology. Websites have cropped up that write about the kundalini syndrome - psychological and physiological symptoms and complications of kundalini awakening (see for example here, here, here, here). The symptoms are varied from individual to individual, e.g. shivering, a sense of energy rising through the body, headaches, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, confusion, psychosis, but also experiences of bliss, compassion, deep peace and altered states of consciousness.

Now here's a few eschatological (apocalyptic) passages in the bible that seem similar to individuation/kundalini:

"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy." (Acts 2:17-18 )

"[Jesus said:] I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth." (John 16:12-13)

Christ's arrival would be the arrival of the Macrovision, like a lightning from the east (=perspective of the Whole) to the west (=limited perspective of the details in our everyday lives):

"For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man (=Christ)." (Matthew 24:27)

In order to integrate this Macrovision into our everyday microcosm the balance between the analytic left brain and the holistic right brain may be necessary. Christ's coming will be like the flood in the days of Noah, and the ark will be like a catamaran with the left and right brain hemispheres as its hulls.

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." (Matthew 24:37-39)

Those who deal with this successfully will experience heaven on earth. But many may also experience mental and nervous problems (when they have trouble processing the overflow of unconscious material), possibly coupled with extraordinary abilities, and among them could be whom the bible calls "false Christs" and "false prophets".

"For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now - and never to be equaled again." (Matthew 24:21)

"For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)

"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible." (Matthew 24:24)

A possible biblical indication that we may be deceived when we lean too much either to the left brain logic or to the right brain intuition appears in this passage:

"So if anyone tells you, 'There he (Christ) is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it." (Matthew 24:26)

The outward perspective is oriented to the material world; it uses analysis and logic; it drives Western materialism. On the other hand, with the inward perspective one withdraws from the world, seeking unity with God; it's a yearning for holism and it uses intuition; it drives Eastern mysticism.

Confused prophets will try to steer people into materialism or away from the material world, but not into a harmonious balance. They will stroke your ego or will encourage you to throw away your ego.

And again, that biblical passage is followed by: "For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." (Matthew 24:27) Which could also mean that salvation requires both the inward AND outward perspective (east and west).

The idea of a Savior and of a collective spiritual transformation exists in other religions too (see here), and many contemporary New Age channelings claim that this event (often referred to as ascension or awakening) is impending or under way, see e.g. here:

Regardless of whether one accepts this change or attempts to back away from it, this event will be of greater power than any the earth has ever seen. More energy will be released in a very few moments than is typically released upon the surface of the earth in many years. This energy will take the form of heightened perception and deepened emotional connection, rejoining the individual and God.

It is a WAVE that approaches and cometh with assuredness and that WAVE has got writ large upon it the word, INSANITY.


And finally, it seems that urgent indications of the eschatological event can also be found in pop music...

Natalie Imbruglia: That Day

Moby: Lift Me Up

The Chemical Brothers: Galvanize

Depeche Mode: Enjoy the Silence

(Pink Floyd's The Division Bell front cover)

#2 toomuchstash

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Posted 01 November 2006 - 6:23 PM

I hate it when christians start taking too much acid.

#3 chemicalreaction   User is offline

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Posted 01 November 2006 - 7:05 PM

X-D ^^^

dicovering psychology for the first thinks!!

anyways i agree with whatever junk you just copy pasted there homeboy.

#4 hereandnow   User is offline

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Posted 03 November 2006 - 8:26 AM


So hopefully now you understand what the Galvanization is and how it may be related to the Believe and Boxer singles/videos and to the PTB front cover.

Hold tight, close your eyes and get ready for the big jump. :)

love is all

#5 Slipvin   User is offline

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Posted 03 November 2006 - 7:02 PM

Too much text.

#6 toomuchstash

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Posted 03 November 2006 - 7:06 PM

#7 JacksRevenge   User is offline

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 9:04 AM

i knew it all along. ed n tom are satan's spawns. they'll release this last 40 track album, play their last tour in blue turbans n that's the end of the world soon.
<The C, the H, the E, the M, the I, the C, the A, the L, the brothers! THE BROTHERS!>

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