Wat style of musik do u want to hear on the chems next album
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Posted 22 December 2003 - 5:18 AM
I really don't know what style of music I want to hear on the next record, I'll leave that up to them. :) Personally I don't expect another Exit Planet Dust, Dig Your Own Hole, Surrender or Come With Us - they've already done that and if I want to hear something that sounds like those records I'd listen to those records. If I've learned anything in my Chemical journey, it's to expect the unexpected. What I would like, though, is to be pleasantly surprised. I can even live with a record that grows on me like Come With Us did. But ultimately I want to hear a record that will make me say "this is it!!"...
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 23 December 2003 - 8:47 AM
i think tom & ed are making a new album, and when the first promo or single become we all are going to hear a good fuckin�g great track, maybe something that we never expected..... i never have listen another song like the golden path, or elektrobank, or pioner skies al are so different but with a chemical brothers spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted 24 December 2003 - 12:11 AM
I hope it doesn't get plastered all over Kazaa about 6 months before the release date, like Come With Us did. In terms of style, I'm with whirlygirl, I don't reckon we'll have heard the style before. I reckon it will be more dance floor based (4x4, or a REAL simple break. On the other hand, it could be nu-skool breaks but I doubt it), but I'm not sure what else. I'd love them to keep a tech-edge to it, but if they plaster it in textures it'll still be sweet. As long as they don't go all filter house on us (Daft Punk - Discovery style) I don't mind. Btw, I like Daft Punk, don't get me wrong, but we don't need 2 in the world! The chems can stay the chems thanks all the same! :)
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