- Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers: WE LOVE CHEMICAL BOY 89 - - Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers
Yes i agree with whirly...he is just a fan like us who has lots of questions...that's all...leave him alone and if you don't want to answer his questions than don't but don't be hatin and talk about killin him.jeez..where's the love*sings*
Ahh shut up you know you secretly hate him :P LMFAO !! just joking .. no harm done .. ( or mabey we have left a mental scare on him now ... ohh dear..)
"The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there"- Leslie Poles Hartley
Yes we should be more loving to each other since there aren't many chemical brothers in the world. Our Community is small but should be strong and supportive. ;-) ....just a thought