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#1 dolphin   User is offline

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Posted 09 November 2006 - 12:43 PM

Does anyone know if the chemical brothers are in spain this wekend as im in Barcelona and i heard an advert for them DJ ing in this area but dont know where or when..can someone help

#2 irishfan

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Posted 09 November 2006 - 1:25 PM

there playing the mh indoor festival halfway between madrid and barcalona

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Posted 09 November 2006 - 1:49 PM

Can't blame them - it's a bit bloody cold in England at the moment!

#4 Den_B   User is offline

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Posted 09 November 2006 - 3:08 PM

are there any livestreams to this festival? maybe i or someone else could record it :-?
23/11/07 <3 - 29/06/07 <3 - ..I will never forget you guys, you know who you are..

#5 irishfan

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Posted 09 November 2006 - 3:53 PM

yes the offical website has a radio stream of the gig .

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 6:30 AM

I dunno if these have been posted before. I know the audio is poor, but the track featured in the first vid sounds very, very interesting! Mint drums!

#7 chemicalreaction   User is offline

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 6:58 AM

Consumer Escribi�:

I dunno if these have been posted before. I know the audio is poor, but the track featured in the first vid sounds very, very interesting! Mint drums!

I hate having 56 K!!!

#8 mX.   User is offline

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 7:36 AM

Consumer Escribi�:

I dunno if these have been posted before. I know the audio is poor, but the track featured in the first vid sounds very, very interesting! Mint drums!

8O The first one sounds BRUTAL!!

#9 ACIDCHILDREN   User is offline

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 12:11 PM

Anyone got a recording of the set at the weekend?

#10 Den_B   User is offline

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 4:00 PM

maaaaaan that really sounds AWESOME!!! that first one 8O kinda big beat?
23/11/07 <3 - 29/06/07 <3 - ..I will never forget you guys, you know who you are..

#11 Den_B   User is offline

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 4:04 PM this one sounds kinda same with that first one here above. You know these bleeps from music response that's what it sounds like
23/11/07 <3 - 29/06/07 <3 - ..I will never forget you guys, you know who you are..

#12 Csar   User is offline

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 4:51 PM

chemicalreaction Escribi�:

I hate having 56 K!!!

You express exactly what i've felt!
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#13 mX.   User is offline

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 6:04 PM



Tom Rowlands y Ed Simons no son unos hermanos cualquiera. Son los hermanos m�s hermanos de todos los hermanos. Son los Hermanos Qu�micos, la pareja m�s influyente y conocida del panorama dance de los �ltimos diez a�os. A ellos les debemos en gran parte que la m�sica electr�nica se convirtiera en un fen�meno masivo y alcanzara el status de otros g�neros tan respetados como el pop o el rock. Con un manojo de �lbumes para el recuerdo bajo el brazo y una trayectoria impecable, los Chemical pinchar�n en M2 en uno de los momentos m�s dulces de su madurez, demostrando que cuando hay calidad poco importan las dichosas etiquetas. Dos de los m�s grandes, por mucho que los puristas les echen maldiciones, sometidos al cuestionario de Florida135. �Segundos fuera!

Mucha gente dice que los Chemical Brothers de ahora no son los Chemical Brothers de sus comienzos. �Os duele que muchos os acusen de ser un grupo “comercial”?

Tom: Bueno, es la historia de siempre, un tema que ya tenemos m�s que asumido y que llevamos escuchando desde hace tiempo. Lo cierto es que nunca nos ha preocupado la distinci�n entre los que es underground y lo que es comercial. S�lo nos interesa la buena m�sica, y nos da igual si proviene de un artista al que nadie conoce o de Michael Jackson.

Ed: Es muy sencillo, nosotros comenzamos con la idea de llegar a cuanta m�s gente mejor, eso est� claro, y seguimos pensando as�. Tuvimos la suerte de llegar al gran p�blico y entrar en las listas, y no tenemos que justificarnos ante nadie. Cuantos m�s oyentes escuchen a The Chemical Brothers mucho mejor.

Llev�is ya m�s de diez a�os en la brecha, editando discos con grandes �xitos y llenando estadios… �No est�is cansados ya de todo esto?

Ed: ���En absoluto!!! Si algo tengo por seguro es que nunca me cansar� de todo esto. Ahora estamos m�s contentos e ilusionados que nunca, de hecho creo que nunca hab�amos estado tan bien mentalmente. Estamos orgullosos de haber hecho lo que hemos querido siempre sin rendirle cuentas a nadie y seguir en este juego. S�, hace m�s de diez a�os que estamos en esto, pero seguimos teniendo el mismo nervio y las ganas de sacar discos de antes. Y mientras podamos hacerlo, ten por seguro que as� ser�.

Tom: Tenemos la suerte de poder hacer lo que nos da la gana: �acaso conoces a alguien que se canse de hacer lo que le da la gana? Creo que somos muy afortunados y seguiremos aprovechando el momento, mientras dure esta fortuna.

Cuando os met�is en el estudio, �pens�is en toda la gente que os sigue a la hora de componer o s�lo os interesa complaceros a vosotros mismos primero y que luego decida el p�blico?

Tom: Es algo que nos sale de dentro, instintivo, por as� decirlo. La verdad es que siempre tienes que complacerte a ti mismo el primero. No es nuestra intenci�n faltarle al respeto a los fans, ni mucho menos, pero si te metes en el estudio pensando en la f�rmula que le gusta al p�blico, sin prestar atenci�n a tus nuevas ideas o tus instintos en ese momento, puedes pagarlo muy caro.

Ed: S�, de todos modos, tenemos la suerte de ser DJs y de tener un contacto directo con el p�blico. Muchas veces, lo que hacemos es planchar un nuevo tema y pincharlo in situ, para ver con nuestros propios ojos la reacci�n de la gente. No es que sea un dato definitivo ni mucho menos, de todos modos nos ayuda a ver qu� canciones tienen m�s potencial.

Entonces os diremos que “Push the button”, vuestro �lbum m�s reciente, tiene toda la pinta de ser el disco en el que hab�is tratado de complaceros a vosotros mismos con m�s claridad.

Tom: Estoy completamente de acuerdo. Creo que con “Push the button” hicimos realmente lo que nos dios la gana, sin pensar en las posibles consecuencias ni nada. Tan solo quer�amos que nos gustase y as� fue. Para m� es uno de los mejores �lbumes que nunca hemos hecho, a pesar de que parte de la prensa nos criticara. Hicimos un disco para nosotros mismos, sin tener en cuenta el impacto comercial o aceptaci�n que pudiera tener.

Ed: Estoy de acuerdo, hasta la fecha “Push the button” es el LP con menos concesiones que hemos grabado: es un disco que hicimos para nosotros.

Siempre hab�is destacado por buscar un sonido electr�nico que tenga alma, que llegue a la gente. Muchos dicen que uno de los problemas de la m�sica electr�nica es que resulta demasiado fr�a y que por eso nunca ha llegado a tener el status del pop en t�rminos de aceptaci�n masiva. �Cre�is que vosotros hab�is conseguido sortear esa barrera?

Ed: S�, la m�sica electr�nica siempre tendr� que vivir con esa acusaci�n de frialdad sobre su cabeza. La buena m�sica electr�nica es aquella que resulta excitante desde el punto de vista t�cnico y posee sonidos nuevos y frescos. Pero no s�lo es eso. La buena electr�nica tiene que transmitir emociones, tiene que poseer alma.

Tom: Lo cierto es que hacer m�sica electr�nica es en muchos sentidos algo muy f�cil. Es f�cil aprender los conceptos b�sicos de los programas de ordenador y hacer m�sica que puede dar el pego a o�dos de la gente poco habituada a estos sonidos. Por eso hay muchas cosas que suenan iguales: uno escucha algo que le gusta, se va a casa, lo graba y lo saca. El desaf�o, como ha dicho Ed, es buscar nuevos sonidos a trav�s de la electr�nica. Menos efectos facilones y m�s buena m�sica (risas).

Est� claro, vosotros siempre hab�is buscado el equilibrio perfecto entre tecnolog�a y emoci�n…

Ed: Es nuestra esencia, sin duda. Es como algo que ya damos por asumido, que tanto Tom como yo llevamos dentro y ejecutamos de forma instintiva. Queremos que nuestra m�sica suponga un reto tanto para nosotros como para el que la escucha…

Tom: Eso es esencial para nosotros. Queremos que la gente sienta que estamos expresando algo, no nos interesa fabricar una serie de efectos, ponerles un bombo y ya est�. Y tampoco nos gusta hacerlo simple, quiero decir, mundano, del mont�n…

Ed: As� es. No le tenemos miedo a la tecnolog�a y a los efectos, m�s bien todo lo contrario, pero no deber�an ser el fin sino los medios…

De un tiempo a esta parte, del movimiento big beat del que os declararon principales instigadores, muy pocos grupos han sobrevivido. De hecho de toda la camada de Lionrock, Propellerheads, The Wiseguys, etc�tera, solo qued�is vosotros, Fatboy Slim y pocos m�s…

Ed: S�, bueno, el tema es que nosotros ya est�bamos antes de que la gente se inventara esa etiqueta. La verdad es que tampoco nos ha preocupado en exceso que la gente catalogara nuestra m�sica de una forma u otra. Lo cierto, de todos modos, es que lo del big beat fue una etiqueta que a nosotros al menos nos parec�a bastante limitadora en el sentido de que en todos nuestros �lbumes puedes encontrar temas tranquilos, et�reos, melod�as calmadas y bonitas, m�s bien todo lo contrario de lo que por entonces postulaba el big beat. Tambi�n hubo gente que nos catalog� como trip hop y en Estados Unidos por ejemplo, sencillamente �ramos electr�nica…

Tom: S�, de todos modos, me alegro de que los d�as del big beat hayan pasado, porque ahora no tendr�a ning�n sentido seguir con la etiqueta. No me malinterpretes, me lo pas� en grande en esa �poca, �sabes? Los discos de Fatboy Slim eran la hostia, hab�a buenos clubs… No s�, fue divertido, pero ya pas�.

Hab�is hecho cientos de remixes, pero hay una pregunta que seguramente muchos se habr�an formulado. �Hab�is hecho alguna remezcla de forma desinteresada, simplemente porque os gustaba el tema?

Ed: Bueno, somos unos peseteros, as� que la respuesta es no (risas). No, la verdad es que hemos hecho eso, pero para nosotros mismos y generalmente con canciones totalmente desconocidas. Lo que hacemos a menudo es coger un tema que nos gusta y alargarlo o transformarlo para nuestra propia satisfacci�n. Es algo as� como hacer un bootleg, pero s�lo para nosotros.

Tom: La verdad es que es realmente divertido. Recuerdo un tema de funk llamado “Strange Galaxy” que duraba dos minutos y lo convertimos en un temazo �pico de casi 13 minutos de duraci�n. La verdad es que as� nos divertimos m�s. Es muy f�cil coger lo �ltimo de Britney Spears, por ejemplo, y mezclarlo con otra cosa, no s�… Prefiero coger trozos o canciones desconocidas y adaptarlas a nuestro mundo.

Ya sois unos veteranos, que no viejales, ojo. Por eso nos preguntamos, �c�mo os sent�s en este momento, en la era de la llamada generaci�n iPod? �Hay sitio todav�a para vosotros en el panorama actual?

Tom: Hay sitio para todos, sin duda, adem�s tampoco nos sentimos fuera de juego ni mucho menos. Basta con que veas la gente que nos sigue a nuestras sesiones para comprender que seguimos fuertes en las calles.

Ed: Por alguna raz�n, todo este boom del iPod nos ha superado un poco en el sentido de que como estamos en el estudio todo el d�a, es all� donde escuchamos toda la m�sica que queremos, por tanto no necesitamos llevarla enlatada en ese magn�fico aparatito. Adem�s, nos da pereza descargarnos la canciones, la verdad (risas).

�Qu� podemos esperar de vuestra visita a M2?

Tom: Pod�is esperar una sesi�n sin restricciones, l�mites ni autoimposiciones… La gente que va a nuestros sets sabe perfectamente que nos gusta pinchar de todo, que no le tenemos miedo a las etiquetas, y que s�lo nos importa la m�sica. Acid, house, techno, rap, pop… Todo puede pasar (risas).

Ed: No, en serio, la gente que nos conoce sabe de sobra c�mo es una sesi�n de The Chemical Brothers y sabe que va a pasarlo lo mejor posible, a dejarse llevar por la m�sica, es muy f�cil y a la vez muy dif�cil… pero es la �nica forma en que sabemos pinchar.

#14 Den_B   User is offline

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 8:01 PM

i want to learn spanish :'(
23/11/07 <3 - 29/06/07 <3 - ..I will never forget you guys, you know who you are..

#15 whirlygirl   User is offline

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Posted 17 November 2006 - 3:23 AM

Thanks for these links... would've been a great gig to be at.

Ah, all you New Year's people are in for a good one!!
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#16 Darkstarexodus   User is offline

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Posted 17 November 2006 - 3:31 AM

Den_B Escribi�:

i want to learn spanish :'(

Put in into Babelfish (at Altavista): there are some pretty damn funny translations that had me in stitches.

Or if you have a lot of time and patience, you can work out the gist of what the Spanish is:

"Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons aren't just regular brothers. They are brothers but brothers to top all brothers. They are the Chemical Brothers: one of the most influential acts in all of dance music for the past ten years." Or something like that. ;-) (Hope I'm not too drastically off. I don't know any Spanish at all.)

But I don't have nearly enough time or patience to do that for the whole interview.

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Posted 17 November 2006 - 3:46 AM

Thank you Babelfish - here is the translated (English mincing) version of the article mX posted:



Tom Rowlands and Ed Simons are not brothers anyone. More brothers of all the brothers are the brothers. They are the Chemical Brothers, the most influential pair and well-known of the panorama he dances of last the ten years. To them we must to them to a large extent that electronic music became a massive phenomenon and reached the status of other sorts so respected as the pop one or the rock. With a handful of albums for the memory under the arm and an impeccable trajectory, the Chemical will puncture in M2 in one of the sweetest moments of their maturity, demonstrating that when there is quality little they concern the happy labels. Two of greatest, no matter how much the purists throw curses to them, put under the questionnaire of Florida135. Seconds he was!

Much people say that the Chemical Brothers of now is not the Chemical Brothers of their beginnings. She hurts to you that many they accuse to you to be "a commercial" group?

Tom: Good, it is the history of always, a subject that already we have more assumed and than we took listening a long time ago. The certain thing is that the distinction has never worried to us between which is underground and what he is commercial. Only it interests good music, and it gives us equal if it comes from an artist whom nobody knows or from Michael Jackson.

Ed: He is very simple, we we began with the idea to arrive at whatever more better people, that is sure and we continued thus thinking. We had the luck to arrive at the great public and to enter the lists, and we do not have to justify to us before anybody. Whatever more listeners listen The Chemical Brothers far better.

You take already more than ten years in the breach, publishing discs with great successes and filling stages... You are not tired already of all this?

Ed: Absolutely! If something I have by insurance it is that I will never get tired of all this. Now we are more deluded contentments and than ever, in fact I believe that never we had so well mentally been. We are proud of to have done what we have always wanted without rendering accounts to him to anybody and to follow in this game. Yes, it does more than ten years that we are in this, but we continued having the same nerve and the desire to remove discs from before. And while we pruned to do it, they ten by insurance that thus will be.

Tom: We have the luck of being able to do what it gives the desire us: perhaps you know which gets tired to do what it gives the desire him? I believe that we are very lucky and we will continue taking advantage of the moment, while this fortune lasts.

When you put in the study, you think about all the people who follow to you at the time of composing or only she interests complaceros to you yourself first and that soon the public decides?

Tom: He is something that leaves to us inside, instinctive, so to speak. The truth is that you always have complacerte to same you first. Not is our intention to lack him to respect to fans, far from it, but if you put in the study thinking about the formula that it likes the public, without then paying attention to your new ideas or your instincts, you can pay it very expensive.

Ed: Yes, anyway, we have the luck of being DJs and to have a direct bonding with the public. Often, which we do is to iron a new subject and to puncture it in situ, to see with our own eyes the reaction of people. It is not that it is a definitive data far from it, anyway helps to see us what songs have more potential.

Then we will say you that "Push the button", your more recent album, has all the dot of being the disc in which you have dealed with complaceros to you yourself with more clarity.

Tom: I agree completely. I believe that with "Push the button" we really did what us God the desire, without thinking about the possible consequences nor nothing. So single we wanted thus that we liked and was. For me he is one of the best albums than ever we have done, although it leaves from the press criticized to us. We made a disc for we ourself, without considering the commercial impact or acceptance that could have.

Ed: I agree, to date "Push the button" is the LP with less concessions than we have recorded: it is a disc that we did for us.

Always there are outstanding to look for an electronic sound that it has soul, that arrives at people. Many say that one of the problems of the electronic music is that it is too much fries and that for that reason never has gotten to have the status of the pop one in terms of massive acceptance. Think that you have been able to draw for that barrier?

Ed: Yes, electronic music always will have to live with that accusation of coldness on its head. Good electronic music is that that is exciting from the technical point of view and has new and fresh sounds. But he is not only that. The good electronics must transmit emotions, must have soul.

Tom: The certain thing is that to make music electronic he is in many senses something very easy. It is easy to learn the basic concepts of the computer programs and to make music that can give I beat to ears of the people little accustomed these sounds. For that reason there are many things that sound equal: one listens to something that it likes, goes away to house, it records it and it removes it. The challenge, since there is this Ed, is to look for new sounds through the electronics. Less very easy effects and better music (laughter).

It is sure you always have looked for the perfect balance between technology and emotion...

Ed: It is our essence, without a doubt. It is like that already we give by assumed, which as much Tom as I we took inside and we executed of instinctive form. We want that our music as much supposes a challenge for us as for whom listening...

Tom: That is essential for us. We want that people feel that we are expressing something, does not interest to us to make a series of effects, to put a big drum to them and she already is. And we either do not like to make it simple, I mean, worldly, of the pile... Ed: Thus it is. We are not scared to him to the technology and the effects, rather quite the opposite, but they would not have to be the aim but the means...

Of a time to this part, of the movement big beat of which they declared main instigadores to you, very few groups has survived. In fact of all the litter of Lionrock, Propellerheads, The Wiseguys, et cetera, single you, Fatboy Slim and few are left more...

Ed: , yes good, the subject is that we already were before people invented that label. The truth is that it has not worried to us either in excess that people catalogued our music of a form or another one. The certain thing, anyway, is that the one of big beat was a label that to us seemed to us quite limitor at least in the sense that in all our albums you can find subjects calm, et�reos, melod�as calmed and pretty, rather quite the opposite of which at that time beat postulated big. Also there was people who catalogued like trip hop to us and in the United States for example, simply we were electronic...

Tom: Yes, anyway, I am glad of which the days of big beat are past, because now it would not have any sense to follow with the label. You do not misinterpret to me, me I passed it in great at that time, you know? The discs of Fatboy Slim were the wafer, was good clubs... I do not know, was amused, but already it happened.

You have made hundreds of remixes, but there is a question that surely many would have been formulated. You have done some remezcla of disinterested form, simply because you liked the subject?

Ed: Good, we are peseteros, so the answer is not (laughter). No, the truth is that we have done that, but for we ourself and generally with songs totally unknown. What we often do it is to take a subject that we like and to extend it or to transform it for our own satisfaction. He is something as well as to do bootleg, but only for us.

Tom: The truth is that really it is amused. Memory a subject of funk call "Strange Galaxy" that lasted two minutes and we turned it temazo �pico of almost 13 minutes of duration. The truth is that therefore we amused more. It is very easy to take the latest of Britney Spears, for example, and to mix it with another thing, I do not know... I prefer to take to pieces or unknown songs and to adapt them to our world.

You are already veterans, who nonviejales, eye. For that reason we asked ourselves, how you feel at this moment, in the era of the call generation iPod? There is site still for you in the present panorama? Tom: There is site for all, without a doubt, in addition we did not feel either out of play far from it. It is enough whereupon you see the people who follow us our sessions to include/understand that we followed forts in the streets.

Ed: For some reason, all this boom of iPod has surpassed us a little in the sense that as we are in the study all the day, is there where we listened to all music that we want, therefore we did not need to take tinned it in that magnificent aparatito. In addition, it gives laziness us to unload the songs to us, the truth (laughter).

What we can hope of your visit to M2?

Tom: You can wait for a session without restrictions, limits nor autoimposiciones... The people who go to ours sets know perfectly that we like to puncture of everything, that we are not scared to him to the labels, and that to only concerns music us. Acid, house, techno, rap, pop... Everything can happen (laughter).

Ed: No, in serious, the people who know us know very well how it is a session of The Chemical Brothers and knows that she is going to pass it best the possible thing, to let itself take by music, is very easy and simultaneously very difficult... but it is the only form in which we know to puncture.
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#18 Darkstarexodus   User is offline

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Posted 17 November 2006 - 3:50 AM

Nice. My translation skills weren't too shabby considering I can't do more than order a beer in Spanish. (Although really, what more do you need to know?)

#19 Darkstarexodus   User is offline

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Posted 17 November 2006 - 3:53 AM

whirlygirl Escribi�:

The discs of Fatboy Slim were the wafer.

'The wafer'!!! I think this now replaces 'house' as my adjective of choice for things that are good.

"So, how was Borat?"

"Dude, it was SO the wafer!"


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 4:05 AM

Oh dear, that really did mince Tom and Ed's words now, didn't it? X-D

Ah well, they seem like they are in a really good point in their lives and perfectly comfortable with who they are... The general idea I get that makes me really happy for them is that they are happy where they are musically and very at ease with what they are doing - and proud, too. Taking the moment for what it is and enjoying the good fortune that comes their way.

It's very inspiring. :)
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