@inchemwetrust - I think They're useful!

General Bullshit Chat
#7102 inchemwetrust
Posted 26 September 2009 - 1:16 AM
Thankx! Just giving you guys the 'heads up'!
Random thought:
I went to the supermarket minutes ago and i'm always surprised by the long lines at the registers, but there was hardly no one at the self-check out! I don't know why some people are scared of technology these days, but if these people can sync their freakin Itunes to their computer, then they can learn to 'check-out' for their own groceries and get the hell out of there in a sec.
That lady is still in line and i'm already out to the parking lot hehe!
#7104 whirly
Posted 26 September 2009 - 3:31 AM
Oh my god, satur8, love the analogy! I cannot imagine the plethora of inane questions and situations you must have to deal with sometimes given your line of work! I know for me personally, my computer has to be on fire or I have to be ready to jump from a 14th story window before I will call about a computer issue (and even on the rare occasion I do, I still can't help but feel like a complete knob.)
As for Self Check Out. We have a self check out market here called Fresh & Easy and we shop there regularly since that place and Trader Joes are so much more affordable, fresher and the quality of goods is so much better than the massive food bank grocery stores around here. Anywho The Self Check out is easy and streamlined there and it's great. Love it. But that's Fresh & Easy. Every other self help check out I've used is nothing but a problem always getting stuck with the machine telling me "please place item in the bag... please place item in the bag... please wait for an assistant" and I just want to scream because I've placed my freakin female sanitary products and freakin 1lb cases of of chocolate in the freakin bag already and now every man within earshot is looking at the crazy woman huffin and puffin, buying female stuff to go with her copious amounts of chocolate while having a hormonal episode because self check out is being a dick... so yeah. meh. Sometimes it's just better to go to the nice understanding girl at the register and have her ring me up instead.
#7105 Skey
Posted 26 September 2009 - 4:57 AM
Ah... I just wanna say something about myself.
Our English speech contest have been already over.
Oh my gosh! Although I have stood and given a speech in front of thousands of students one year ago, but WHY I felt extremely NERVOUS on this occasion? There were only a few teachers in front of me... TAT
#7109 inchemwetrust
Posted 27 September 2009 - 8:54 AM
I too Whirls, also went through the 'place item in the bag... please wait for an assistant' initiation, but I think I got it down after the third try.
I love the Chicken Tenders with Panko Bread Crumbs. It's been out for a while at TJ's but all it needs now is some ranch on it.
Hola Ironkito!
What is your question?
#7116 Skey
Posted 30 September 2009 - 2:03 PM
Phew! We'll have eight days to relax(well, maybe not,just because of a lot of homework, you know China is famous for lots of homework for students... Who know :( especially in small cities...), but because of H1N1 I can not go anywhere... What a shame...
Posted 30 September 2009 - 10:20 PM
As in you got H1N1 or everyone in your town has H1N1?
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#7118 graysquire1969
Posted 01 October 2009 - 9:41 AM
Underworld - fantastic. The anticipation of waiting years to see them, and I wasn't disappointed. Kicked off with Mmm Skyscraper, and then a 2hr+ set including Dark Train, Rez/Cowgirl, King of Snake, Two Months Off, Pearls Girl, Born Slippy, and finished up with a blinding Moaner.
Loaded some photos at http://tiny.cc/Yf9Wr
#7120 inchemwetrust
Posted 01 October 2009 - 4:54 PM
Good pics btw Gray! Rez/Cowgirl = Insane Energy
No H1N1 around here, but might see an upward trend during the winter time where people usually get sick alot.
Speaking of getting sick, one of my bosses left a voice mail on my cell this morning for me to come in to work today on my day off. Apparently someone called in sick but I have a personal obligation to meet today. Also, I have by the 11th to register for school (a five letter word for mentally trapped) but my brain is not the same sponge as it use to be.
I'm going back to bed. Peace out!