suggestions for new colaboration
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Posted 26 May 2003 - 10:25 PM
un buen pelotazo seria:
Boom !!!
quienes son los reyes de las pistas de baile?
who are the kings on the dancefloor??
- los chemical porsupuesto
chemical of course.
y quien es el rey del baile?
and who is the king of dance?
- el mismisimo Michael Jackson !!
....Michael Jackson !!!!!!!!
la ultima remezcla de come with us de H-Foundation le hubiera quedado de muerte...o Base 6
the last remix of come with us of H-Foundation is a good version for michael, and Base 6 too.
cante, solo baile y el video.
singing, dancing and video
seria una de los temas/colaboraciones mas impresionantes del panorama musical de los ultimos tiempos.
it would be the best colaboration in the music of last time.
Boom !!!
quienes son los reyes de las pistas de baile?
who are the kings on the dancefloor??
- los chemical porsupuesto
chemical of course.
y quien es el rey del baile?
and who is the king of dance?
- el mismisimo Michael Jackson !!
....Michael Jackson !!!!!!!!
la ultima remezcla de come with us de H-Foundation le hubiera quedado de muerte...o Base 6
the last remix of come with us of H-Foundation is a good version for michael, and Base 6 too.
cante, solo baile y el video.
singing, dancing and video
seria una de los temas/colaboraciones mas impresionantes del panorama musical de los ultimos tiempos.
it would be the best colaboration in the music of last time.
Posted 27 May 2003 - 10:45 AM
I'm not going to criticise Mornning lemon for being a Michael Jackson fan-that's his/her choice. But I really hope the H-Foundation remix doesn't go on there.
Please can somebody define the word 'rare', because some people on here don't seem to know what a rare track is :? .
Please can somebody define the word 'rare', because some people on here don't seem to know what a rare track is :? .
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